
  • My Birth

    I was a healthy baby. I weighted 6lbs 15oz and the hospital was at Sinai Hospital.
  • My First Steps

    My first words were Dadda and Mama.
  • Kindergarten

    I learned my primary colors, I learned my ABC's, I learned how to count and I learned my phone number.
  • Play Years

    I learned how to skate, move in time with music or a beat and increasingly aware of other people fee;ings.
  • School Years

    I knew how to express myself, understand what was being explained to me and I had better control of my emotions.
  • Middle School

    I was becoming a young lady, I was able to walk myself home from school and I was able to explain how I felt.
  • Graduation

    I was excited. I received many awards
  • Start of College

    A young woman that was prepared for the world, toook classes at a community college and worked in the school library.
  • Adulthood

    I have established a career, married and have three children.
  • Late Adulthood

    I'm volnuteering at a hospital for children, my memory is intact and I spend time with loved ones.
  • Epilogue

    Laid to rest peacefully at 113 years old.