Abraham Lincoln Timeline

  • Announcement

    Makes first-known published political announcement.
  • Election

    Wins election to first term in Illinois House of Representatives.
  • Slavery

    Makes first public declaration against slavery.
  • Congress

    Wins election to Congress as Whig Party representative.
  • US House of Representatives

    US House of Representatives
    Takes his seat n the U.S House of Representatives
  • Slavery

    Proposes amendment to abolish slavery in District of Columbia
  • Republican National Convention

    Republican National Convention
    Considered for vice president at first Republican National Convention.
  • U.S Senate

    U.S Senate
    Chosen as U.S Senate candidate by Illinois Republican Convention; gives "House Divided" speech
  • Cooper Union

    Cooper Union
    Gives famous Cooper Union speech in New York City
  • Presidential Nomination

    Presidential Nomination
    Receives Republican nomination for president with running mate Hannibal Hamlin.
  • Win

    Wins election as first Republican president in a four-way race.
  • Takes Office

    Takes Office
    Takes oath of office as sixteenth president of the United States.