
A 'Splended' Little War

  • Election of Presedent Mckinley

    Election of Presedent Mckinley
    In March 4,1897 President Mckinley was the 25th presedent of the United States and stayed president until he was assasinated in September 1901,After that, Theodore Roosevelt became the new president of the United States.
  • Public Letter

    Pulitzer-owned New York Journal publishes Spanish Minister Enrique Dupuy de Lóme's letter criticizing President McKinley.
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    On the night of February 15 1898 the USS Maine shatters from explosion near Cuba. Later, yellow journalism makes the event a 'little bit' false.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow journalism makes the explosion of the USS Maine sound like Cuba was responsible of the event,although Cuba really had nothing to do with it.
  • (Possible) War in the Pilippines

    In late february 1898 Assistant Secretary for the Navy Theodore Roosevelt had sent Commodore George Dewy to get ready for any military action in the Philippines.
  • Stronger Military

    U.S. Congress passes Fifty Million Bill to strengthen military.
  • Wanting A War

    U.S. Senator Redfield Proctor (R-Vt.) influences Congress and U.S. business community in favor of war with Spain.
  • US Declares War

    In April 11th,1898 the US declares war because Cuba was attempting to become independent again, as you can tell the US did not like this idea!
  • US joins The Battle!

    Theodore Roosevelt risinged his job as an assistant secretary of the navy and did this to fight in cuba too. Later US calvry volunteers known as the rough riders go enter the battle of San Juan Hill on July 1st,1898
  • Hawaii Time!

    U.S. Gains Hawaii!
  • The Spanish signs an armistice

    The Spanish signs an armistice or peace agreement so the war would end.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Allows Cuba to gain independence from Spain.