A sound of thunder 513cc26f2bca9

A Sound Of Thunder

By CS360
  • Setting

    Time: 2055
    Place: Time Safari, Inc
  • Exposition

    In the Short story, "A Sound Of Thunder ", by Ray Bradbury, It is the year 2055 and he introduces his character,Eckels.The society in whicch the story is set is way advaned in the year 2055.In that society there is a building ,"TimeSafari,Inc".In that building, there is a "Time Safari",which allows its users to travel back in time.Eckel is shown visiting the building and hands in a check of ten thousand dollars to the "man behind the desk".He inroduces Travis, who is going to be his guide.
  • Exposition (continued)

    Exposition (continued)
    The Man Behind the desk tells him the rules and hands him over to Travis who gives Eckels his suit and gun. They get into the machine with Travis's assistant, Lesperance and two and two other hunters, Billings and Kramer. The machine roars with life and goes back in time to 65 billion years ago when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Travis shows the hunters a glistening path which was of anti gravity material. He tells them not to step off it as it could cause a major time disruption.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    After some talk about hunting,they move forward in search of the T-Rex.Then suddenly they spot it in the mist.The animal is described as an evil god who towered 30 feet above half of the trees,its legs described as thick ropes of muscle and the skin like the mail of a terrible warrior and etc.Then the mighty hunk of meat comes straight at the hunters and frightens Eckels which causes him to ome back.Travis tells him to go back to the machine.Eckels goes the the other way and accidently steps off
  • Climax

    The hunters finally kill the dinosaur and Eckels comes out quivering.Travis is really angry with Eckels and tells him to stay behind because he stepped off the path.Fortunately for Eckel, Lesperance stops Travis from doing that. Travis then tells Eckels to get the bullet out of the dinosaur. Eckels unwillingly goes up to the dinosaur and digs out the bullets and then falls down.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Finally Travis lets Eckels come back with them in the time machine, but he suspiciously glares at Eckels. He also threatens to take Eckels's life if he did something wrong when he stepped off the path.Then when they come back, Eckels feels that something is not right.
  • Resolution

    Eckels smells the air and and found out that there was chemicals in it. He senses something wrong and asks the clerk who won the election and it wasnt the same one who won before they used the time machine. Eckels cleans his boots when he finds out that he killed a butterfly and it was embedded in the mud that he stepped on. Travis raises his gun and Eckels pleads for his life. Travis aims at Eckels and fires, and it sounded like a sound of thunder.