Jeffersonian Era, Jacksonian Era

  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    The election of 1800 was between Federalists, John Adams with running mate Pickney and Republicans Jefferson, with running mate Aarron Burr. Members of the electorial college could only vote for President, and each had 2 votes, the vote ended in a tie between Jefferson and Burr. The election went then to the House of Representatives, with the final vote of Alexander Hamilton, Jefferson won.
  • Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Decision

    Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court Decision
    The Supreme Court decision of Marbury v. Madison came about because Marbury had been appointed to Justice of the Peace by outgoing President Adams, but the orders of his appointment were not delivered by the Secretary of State. Marbury tried to get the Supreme Court to force James Madison, Secretary of State, to deliver the documents. The Supreme court denied his claim saying for the first time it was unconstitutional. This started the concept of judicial review.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Louisiana Purchase resulted in the U.S. gaining 828,800 sq. miles of land. The U.S. paid a total of 15 million dollars for the Lousiana Territory, buying it from France.To prevent losing the use of New Orleans, the major port, the U.S. was going to offer 10 million dollars just for New Orleans, but was surprised when France wanted 15 million for the whole territory.
  • Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean

    Lewis and Clark reach the Pacific Ocean
    This was the first overland expidition to the Pacific Ocean and back. The goal was to have U.S. sovereignty over the tribes that were along the Missouri River and set up a trade route and get it done before the British. Lewis and Clark produced the first accurate maps of the area. They were helped by Sakakawea, who helped in interpreting in four languages.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812, between the U.S. and the United Kindom. The treaty released all prisoners and gave back land and boats. The U.S. regained around 10,000,000 acres of land and gave areas of upper Canada back to the British.
  • Andrew Jackson Elected President 1st. term

    Andrew Jackson Elected President 1st. term
    Andrew Jackson was elected President to his first term in 1828, running against President John Quincy Adams. Jackson was said to be a champion of the common people and easily won the electorial votes and the popular votes. This election though was full of mudslinging and personal attacks of both candidates, by supporters. After elected, with the stress of things, his wife died of a heart attack before the inauguration.