New world explorations

By ohyeah
  • Sep 15, 1254

    Marco Polo's birth.

    Marco Polo's birth.
    wikipedia.comBorn September 15, 1254, in Venice Italy.
  • Jan 1, 1418

    First shool for sailors

    First shool for sailors
    enchantedlearning.comprince Henry started the first school for oceanic navigation along with an astronomical observatory at Sagres, Portugal. In this school, people were trained in nagivation, map-making, and science, in order to sail down the west of Africa.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Colombus

    Christopher Colombus
    Colombus sets sail from Palos, Spain on his searhof new land
  • Oct 11, 1492

    Colombus spots land

    Colombus spots land
    enchantedlearning.comColombus spotted the Caribbean islands off southeastern North America. They landed on an island they called Guanahani, but Columbus later renamed it San Salvador. They were met by the local Taino Indians, many of whom were captured by Columbus' men and later sold into slavery. Columbus thought he had made it to Asia, and called this area the Indies, and called its inhabitants Indians.
  • Mar 15, 1493

    Colombus returns

    Colombus returns
    enchantedlearning.comOn the return trip, the Santa Maria was wrecked and the captain of the Pinta sailed off on his own to try to beat Columbus back. Columbus returned to Spain in the Nina, arriving on March 15, 1493.
  • Sep 25, 1493

    Colombus' 2nd trip

    Colombus' 2nd trip
    enchantedlearning.comOn the second and larger expedition, Colombus sailed out with 17 ships and 1300 men in the search of gold and indians for slavery.Columbus established a base in Hispaniola and sailed around Hispaniola and along the length of southern Cuba. He spotted and named the island of Dominica on November 3, 1493.
  • May 30, 1498

    Colombus' 3rd and first trip to America

    Colombus' 3rd and first trip to America
    enchantedlearning.comOn a third expedition, Columbus sailed farther south, to Trinidad and Venezuela. Columbus was the first European since the Viking Leif Ericsson to set foot on the mainland of America.
  • May 9, 1502

    Colombus' last trip of his life

    Colombus' last trip of his life
    enchantedlearning.comOn his fourth and last expedition Columbus sailed to Mexico, Honduras and Panama (in Central America) and Santiago (Jamaica). Columbus is buried in eastern Hispaniola (now called the Dominican Republic).
  • Sep 1, 1519

    First to go around the globe

    First to go around the globe
    thinkquest.orgIn September of 1519 Ferninand Magellan set sail to go around the globe in five ships. They sailed around the Atlantic ocean and reached South America. He sailed thru river of the south American continent until he reacher the pacific ocean, which he named after its calm waters. After dying in a war agains natives of islands that they've visited, 3 of the 5 ships headed home. But only 1 made it back to Spain.
  • Jan 1, 1535

    Discovery of the St. Lawrence River

    Discovery of the St. Lawrence River
    thinkquest.comIn 1535, the king sent him out again. He sailed up the St. Lawrence River and recognized it for what it was. He continued on, establishing Mont Real (Mount Royal) which is now Montreal, Canada. They spent the winter at an Indian village near Quebec, where Cartier watched 25 of his men die of scurvy.