Ch. 8

  • Barbary War

    Caused by Jefferson's response to piracy. European nations had paid tributes to pirates to protect merchants, and Jefferson found this intolerable. He dispatched a fleet of American ships to Barbary Coast to attempt to negotiate with the pirates, which was unsuccessful.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson purchases Louisiana Territory for $15 million and doubles the size of the US.
  • The Lewis and Clark Expedition

    The Lewis and Clark Expedition
    Jefferson sends two explorers, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, to explore the lands to the west following the Louisiana Purchase. They followed the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    John Marshall, the chief justice, beraded James Madison for withholding Marbury's commission, but concluded that the Supreme Court did not possess jurisdiction over such matters. This case served as an important precendent for judicial review of federal states.
  • Slave Trade Becomes Illegal

    Jefferson signed a bill banning the slave trade at the beginning of the following year. Southerners refused to cooperate.
  • Chesapeake Affair

    Chesapeake Affair
    A ship of the Royal Navy sailing off the coast of Virginia commanded an American warship to submit to a search for deserters. The captain of the American ship refused to cooperate, and the British opened fire.
  • Embargo Act

    An act stating that if Britain and France refused to respecst the rights of neutral carriers, then the US would keep its ships at home.
  • James Madison is Elected President

    James Madison is Elected President
    Madiosn defeats his Federalist opponent by a vote of 122 to 47 in the Election of 1808
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Authorized the resumption of trade between the US and all nations except Britain and France.
  • Macon's Bill #2

    Reestablished trade with both England and France, and stated that if either of these countries repelaed restrictions upon neutral shipping, the US government would halt all commerce with the other.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Due to the belief that British agents had commanded Tecumseh's forces to resist American western expansion, William Harrison and troops routed the Indian village of a large Shawnee village.
  • The Birth of War Hawks

    A group of militant representatives announce they would no longer tolerate national humiliation by the British, and pursuade Madison to go to war.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    After surrenduring to the beliefs of the War Hawks, President Madiosn sent an official decleration of war against Great Britain.
  • Election of 1812

    James Madiosn defeats De Witt Clinton (another Republican) 128 to 89 for his second presidential term
  • "Midnight" Appointments

    "Midnight" Appointments
    Following the Judiciary Act, President Adams appoints as many Federalists as possible to the Supreme Court.
  • Battle of Horshoe Bend

    Andrew Jackson and forces defeat the Creek Indians
  • Hartford Convention

    As the demise of the Federalist party became increasingly iminent, a group of New England Federalists opted to change the Constitution, as they were unsatisfied with the government under Republican James Madison.
  • Washington DC Burned

    Washington DC Burned
    After finding the country's capitol surprisingly poorly defended, British forces destroyed the city.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Formally ends the War of 1812
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Due to lack of communication, word of the Treaty of Ghent failed to reach the forces of Andrew Jackson, who destroys British forces in New Orleans