women suffurage

  • The birth of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

    The birth of Elizabeth Cady Stanton
    Elizabeth Cady Stanton is born, one of the founders of the National Woman Suffrage Association.
  • the birth of Susan B. Anthony

    the birth of Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony is born, one of the founders of the National Woman Suffrage Association.
  • the first National Female Anti-Slavery Society convention

    the first National Female Anti-Slavery Society convention
    81 delagates from 12 different states attend the first National Female Anti-Slavery Society in New York City.
  • first National Woman's Rights Convention is held

    first National Woman's Rights Convention is held
    In Worcester, Massachusetts, the first National Woman's Rights Convention is held.
  • The National Woman Suffrage Association

    The National Woman Suffrage Association
    The National Woman Suffrage Association is formed by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.
  • first women suffrage law

    first women suffrage law
    Wyoming passes the first women suffrage law.
  • women try to vote, but fail

    women try to vote, but fail
    Women who try to vote, like Susan B. Anothony, get arrested
  • school for women

    school for women
    New York allows women to go to school
  • voting on women's rights

    voting on women's rights
    For the first time, the senate vote on women's rights
  • International Women's Day

    International Women's Day
    for the first time, International Women's Day is celebrated.
  • women fight for their rights

    women fight for their rights
    in Washington D.C., about 5,000 women marched up fifth avenue, demaning the right to vote
  • Anthony Ammendment

    Anthony Ammendment
    House of Representitives passes the Anthony Ammendment, but Senate doesn't approve of it.
  • Anthony Ammendment tries to pass again

    Anthony Ammendment  tries to pass again
    once again, the House of Representatives pass the Anthony Amendment
  • The Suffrage Amendment

    The Suffrage Amendment
    The Suffrage Amendment passes the U.S. Senate.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    The ratification of the 19th amendment occured.