
  • Period: to

    Interwar years

  • Prohibition of alcohol

    Prohibition of alcohol
    Who: Canadians
    What: the ban of brewing and trafficing alcohol.
    When: March, 1918
    Where: Originating in P.E.I and then in the following provinces and territories during WW1.
    Why: Many thought drinking alcohol was a sin in the eyes of God, some would also turn to alcohol as a way to forget the war, what happened and what they did.
    How: police would shut down breweries, and try to catch bootleggers and trafficers.
  • Spanish Influenza

    Spanish Influenza
    Who: soldiers, and people they returned home to.
    What: A deadly influenze(disease) that killed 20-40 million people.
    Where: Originally unknown deep within the trenches, and then begining in Quebec once soldiers came home, quickly spreading over the world.
    Why: This event is a major historic event because millions died, and there was no way to precent the outbreak.
    How: Because the trenches were so dirty and filthy, many of the soldiers had viruses, and diseases spread quickly.
  • Winnepeg General Strike

    Winnepeg General Strike
    Who: workers in Winnepeg who were tired of working 6 days a week for little pay.
    What: a major strike that involved many and changed history.
    When: May 1-June 25, 1919
    Where: Winnepeg
    Why: This strike is a major historic event, because it was a huge defining moment for workers and unions together.
    How: on May 1, 1919 Winnepeg workers declared that they were going on strike, and refused to work until some of their needs were accomadated.
  • Group of Seven

    Group of Seven
    Who: F. Charmicheal
    L. Harris
    A.Y. Jackson
    F. Johnson
    A. Lismer
    J.E.H Macdonald
    F.H Varley
    What: a group of seven painters who believed that Canada's true natural beauty should be shown in art work more then the modern things that were being shown at the time.
    Where: their first exhibit was at the Art Gallery of Toronto
    Why: this is a major historic event, because it changed art work, and the way we look at art today.
    How: in 1920 they were given a chance to show their talents at the AGOT.
  • The Discovery of Insulin

    The Discovery of Insulin
    Who: Frederick Banting and Charles Best.
    What: the discovery of insulin, a hormone that regulates fat and steroids.
    Where: Toronto, Ontario
    Why: This is an important historic event because insulin today has saved millions.
    How: Banting and Best used diabetic dogs to test blood sugar and ajust it accordingly.
  • Mackenzie King

    Mackenzie King
    Who: William Lyon Mackenzie King
    What: the tenth prime minister of Canada
    Where: Canada
    Why: the event is concidered a major historic event, because Mackenzie King changed many Canadian policies, including old age pensions, unemployment insurance, and family allowances
    How: he did this by listening to the public and making suitable compromises.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    Who: Canadian's refusing Chinese immigration to Canada.
    What: An act banning most forms of Chinese immigration.
    Where: Canada
    Why: This is a major historic event, because it prohibited Canada from expanding as a nation, and posed a problem between Canada and China.
  • Royal Canadian Air Force

    Royal Canadian Air Force
    Who: Canadian Airmen
    What: a military group for air defence.
    When: originating in 1924, yet only recognized as a soul military organization until 1936
    Where: Canada
    Why: this is a major historic event, because our RCAF is still around helping in health organizations and military back up today.
  • Persons Case

    Persons Case
    Who: Emily Murphy
    Henriette Muir Edwards
    Nellie McClung
    Louise McKinney
    Irene Parlby
    What: five alberta women legally fighting to be concidered people.
    Where: Alberta
    Why: this is a defining moment in history, because up until then women in canada were not concidered people and were not given equal rights.
    How: they managed to finally win their case by using the BNA act, and the reference to the word "persons"
  • Branch Plant Economy

    Branch Plant Economy
    Who: United States
    What: United States companies building factories in Canada
    When: 1929
    Where: Canada
    Why: this was a major historic event because it is still relevent to today. It changed the local idea, and encouraged other countries to get involved, and have their businesses sprout worldwide.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    Who: this major event effected everyone, it was the begining of the great depression.
    What: the wall street crash of 1929
    Where: New York City
    Why: this is a major historic event, because if it wasn't for this stock market crash, the ten years or so after that, the great depression, wouldn't have happened.
    How: because people were buying up stocks, not realizing that the product wasn't truly worth it. when people did finally realize it, everyone started trying to sell, but were unable to.
  • R.B. Bennett

    R.B. Bennett
    Who: R.B. Bennett
    What: Prime Minister of Canada
    When: August 7, 1930-October 23, 1935
    Where: Canada
    Why: This is a major historic event, because R.B. Bennet led Canada through the Great Depression, and created the Bank of Canada, the Canadian Wheat Board, and the Canadian Radio Broadcasting Commision.
    How: He was able to accomplish so much with his large ambitions and his great want to impress his beloved mother.
  • Statute of Westminster

    Statute of Westminster
    Who: British Colonies
    What: an act stating that there will be legislative equality for British colonies.
    When: December 11, 1931
    Where: Great Britain
    Why: This is an important moment in Canadian history, because with the passing of this act Canada was finally recognized as it's own colony.
    How: Great Britain decided that it no longer wanted to be in complete control of it's colonies, and created an act claiming that they were now bound by no laws but their own.
  • On To Ottawa Trek (1)

    On To Ottawa Trek (1)
    Who: young unemployed single men in work camps, who decided to go on strike because they felt 20 cents a day was unfit.
    What: the journey from Vancouver to Ottawa done mostly by riding the rods.
    When: 1935-39
    Where: Vancouver-Ottawa
    Why: this is a major historic event, because the trip captured the heart of many canadians, proving that things can be achieved if only fought for.
    How: the men congregated in Vancouver after deciding to go on strike, and fought for union wages.
  • On to Ottawa Trek (2)

    On to Ottawa Trek (2)
    After two months of being unsuccessful, the men decided to take their case to Ottawa. Leaving Vancouver on June 3rd, they rode the rails, dangerously, and finally arrived in Regina, only half way to Ottawa. They were stopped by the RCMP and finally on july 1st under police orders there was a riot to stop the strike.
  • S.S. St Louis (1)

    S.S. St Louis (1)
    Who: Jewish refugees who were trying to escape Germany,
    What: A ship that could cary up to 900 people comfortably.
    When: May 13, 1939
    Where: Hamburg, Germany.
    Why: This is a major historic event, because with the cooperation of the Cuban government many people would not have committed suicide, and attempted mutiny.
    How: This situation involving the S.S. St Louis happened when the Hamburg-American Line had not confirmed with the Cuban government the arrangements for when they landed in Cuba.
  • S.S. St Louis (2)

    S.S. St Louis (2)
    When the ship eventually landed in Cuba, and passengers were turned away, being told that the refugee laws prohibited them from coming into the coutry without set Visas, negotiations started. Once set negotiations were planned the S.S. St Louis was told that it could not be in port while negotiations were unway. The S.S. St. Louis then took a trip around Cuba, waiting to hear some good news. After a few days, they were running low on food and water supplies, and telegrammed back to shore.
  • S.S. St. Louis (3)

    S.S. St. Louis (3)
    Then discovering that they had missed the deadline for accomidations of refugees by approx. 48 hours, and were now being sent back to Europe to seek safety elsewhere.