
The Wonderful Women In My Family

  • My Grandmother

    My Grandmother
    My grandmother is the most amazing woman I know. She was a great wife, mother, and grandmother. She always encouraged me to do my very best in school. She passed away in April 2000 from a battle with breast cancer.
  • My Mom

    My Mom
    My mom is my best friend. She is always there when I need her. She is the biggest influence in my life. I inspire to live a life the way she has.
  • My Aunt Nelda

    My Aunt Nelda
    My aunt is a very interesting woman. She is very wise and careful about decisions she makes.If something comes her way she goes throug it with a smile. I admire her carefulness and hope to obtain some abtributes that she has.
  • My Aunt Jackie

    My Aunt Jackie
    My aunt Jackie is the outspoken one in the family. She does not care what anyone thinks of her. She will tell you her opinion whether you agree or not. I love that about her.
  • My Aunt Benita

    My Aunt Benita
    My aunt Benita is my role model. She has always been the one I have been closest to. She is extremely smart and beautiful. She has shown me that you can pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and go to do great things. I hope to be just as great as she is.