AP US History Timeline

  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus discovers the New World

    After unknowingly failing to find the short cut to Asia, Columbus successfully discovers the New World when he spots an island in the Bahamas.
  • Oct 12, 1517

    Protestant Reformation

    Nartin Luther nails the 95 thesis to the Catholic Curch door.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1532 to Jan 1, 1533

    Pizarro crushes Incas

    Pizarro invades and conquers the Incan Empire.
  • Oct 10, 1558

    Elizabeth the I becomes queen of England

    Queen Elizabeth's reign is often known as the Golden Age because it was an age of achievement and prosperity.
  • Colony of Jamestown Founded

    This was the first permanent English colony originally set up by King James of England as a charter.
  • First Africans Arrive in Virginia

    This marks the beginning of slavery in a place that would soon rely very heavily on it.
  • Harvard College Founded

    Private schools for boys, such as Harvard began to come about, although they were mainly for the wealthy.
  • Harsh Puritans

    Anne Hutchinson and other "loud" members of the Puritan society were banished from the Massachusetts colony to Rhode Island.
  • European Leadership

    Louise XIV became King of France.
  • Barbados slave code was adopted

    A harsh slave code which goverened African slaves. This same code was later adopted by South Carolina.
  • William Penn founds Pennsylvania Colony

    The King owed Penn's father a good deal of money and so since William's father was dead, he payed the debt to William by giving him the charter to found Pennsylvania.
  • Salem Wich Trials in Massachusets

    Crazed scheming Puritans tried to blame wich craft on each other to benefit themselves, this resulted in several hangings.
  • Yale College Founded

    Private Education was springing up.
  • First Edition of Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanac

    This was a coomon house hold book of the time.
  • War of Jenkins Ear

    This war was surprisingly not fought over Jenkin's ear but a series of authority misshaps, which Jenkins ear was the excuse and trigger for.
  • Princeton College founded

    More Colleges were springing up, mainly for the rich and priveleged.
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War

    Also called the Seven Years war, this war was fought in both America and Europe.
  • Quartering Act

    Colonists were forced to allow British soldeirs to live in their houses.
  • Repealed Taxes

    All Towsend Acts except the tea tax were repealed, partially as an apology from thr British for their actions at the Boston Massacre.
  • Boston Massacre

    Colonists were protesting against harsh British taxing and "accidently" a British soldier fired upon a colonists triggering more firing from his comrades at the group of colonists.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress call for the abolition of the slave trade but it is decided to wait to inforce this for about twenty years.
  • European Leadership

    King George the Third foremally proclaims colonies on rebellion.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Amercan's officially dlared their freedom from Britain in the document named the Declaration of Independence.
  • Pain's Common Sense

    Thomas Pain wrote a pamphlet of how which became wide spread, It claimed that it was only commen sense that it was necssary to seperate from Britain.
  • A New Government

    The Articles of Confederacy are put into effect.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    This was a system to allow for the more effective addition of new startes into the country.
  • Necessary Reform

    The Constitution was formerly put into action, after the ineffective Articles of Confederation were dismantled
  • First Executive

    George Washington is elected President of the United.
  • Jesus and Mary

    First official census of the United States.
  • A Necessary Reform

    The Bill of Right were adopted onto the Constitution as Ammendments.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin.
  • Education

    The University of North Carolina was founded, the oldest pubplic university in the United States.
  • Treaty of Tordesillas

    This treaty divided the lands of the New World between Spain and Portugal.
  • Election of 1800

    Jefferson defeats Adams for presidency.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Supreme Court case that established the power of judicial review.
  • Slavery

    In 1808 Congress outlaws the slave trade (barely if at all effective).
  • War of 1812

    The United States declares war on Britian which begins the War of 1812.
  • Period: to

    Hartford Convention

    This was an event during the War of 1812 in which secession for the United States was being discussed.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    This was the final battle of the War of 1812. The U.S.defeated a British invasion intent on taking New Orleans.
  • Second Bank of the United States

    This Bank was charterd partially to assist reduce inflation and becuase the First Bank's charter had expired.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The Missouri Compromise was basically a slave aggreement regarding slavery in the unsettled western territories.
  • Indian Removal Act

    This was a pretty self explanitory act, signed by Pesident Jackson. Originally it was supposed to be voluntery. Indians were supposed to chose if they wanted to leave, but Removal Treaties were being forced.
  • Mormon Church founded

    Joseph Smith founded the Mornon Church, one of the most succesful cults ever.
  • "Bank War"

    President Jackson vetoes the bill to recharter the Bank of the United States.
  • Period: to

    Potato Famine

    This was a time of extreme starvation in which the main staple was reduced to potatos. Ireland's population was reduced from somehere between 20 and 25%.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Elias Howe invents the sewing machine. This, Like the cotton gin was imperitive to the progression of the Industrial Revolution.
  • Period: to

    Morman migration to Utah

    The Morman cult decided to migrate to Utah, to the Salt Lake City area to escape persecution.