Unit 1 & 2

  • Jan 1, 1497

    John Cabot Claims Newfoundland

    John Cabot Claims Newfoundland
    In 1497 John Cabot claimed Newfoundland for England. The population remained small and it was long before Engalnd to follow up because Spain had control of the seas and because they saw no financial benefit in the investment.
  • Defeat of the Spanish Armada

    This was a significant turn in England's interests and priorities, opening up the seas and therefore the riches of the New World to them.
  • Jamestown

    With a charter from the Virginia Company, 100 men founded Jamestown, naming it after the king.
  • House of Burgesses

    July 30th was the first meeting of the House of Burgesses. It was the first representative assembly, and was modeled after parliment.
  • Mayflower Compact

    On this date 41 men signed a document spelling out how things would be decided in the new colony they were about to found.
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    Massachussetts Bay Colony

    In 1629 the non separatists received a charter to settle in Massachissetts Bay and thrived, being better prepared than their separatist neighbors.
  • Toleration Act

    "All may worship who worship the trinity."
  • New York

    In 1664 English soldiers claimed New york from the dutch aristocrats.
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    King Phillip's War

    Chief Metacom, King Phillip, and his son led the natives to unite against the settlers. metacom was eventually beheaded while his wife and son were sold into slavery.
  • Bacon's Rebellion

    Bacon's Rebellion
    In 1676 Nathaniel Bacon led 1000 Virginians (poor white men)to attack the Indians and burn the capitol, claiming that everything favored the rich.
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    Slave Codes

    In the 1680s the percent of African American outnumbered the whites. Africans were classified as property for life, were forbade from education, and were slave no matter thier religion.
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    In 1681 William Penn received land in America to settled a debt owed his deceased father by the king, He went further to buy the land from the Indians. He encouraged artisans and laborers to settle, giving all free white men. It offered religious freedom, abolition of slavery, and a representative government.
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    The Great Awakening

    In the mid 1700s the colonies (primarily in New England) experienced a revolution in religion. Pastors began to play more on the emotiong of the people rather than challenging them with logic. Many new denominations, including the methodist and lutherens, were created. Not to mention the many schools formed to educate ministers.
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    In 1733 Georgia was founded by James Olglthorp as a haven for debtors and as a buffer between the Spanish colonies to the south and the English colonies to the north.
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    King George's War

    British limited the trading rights in Spanish America which led to the friction between the English and Spanish. The Spanish allied with the French but eventually proposed a peace treaty.
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    Seven Years War (French & Indian)

    After the defeat of the allied French and Indians, the French governmental control was eliminated in North America. As a result of the war England had developed a large debt and as they saw it, the colonists should have to help to pay it off, therein ending the colonists bliss know to us as salutory neglect.
  • Proclamation Act

    Prohibited the colonists from migrating west of Appalachia. Kept colonists out of the fur trade and redirected settlement North and South.
  • Sugar Act

    King Georges tax on sugar and molasses. The administrative costs far outweighed the profit causing England to lose roughly 100,000 pounds per year. Also stated that any trial for violators could be held in Nova Scotia or even England, therein depriving the colonists of their right to a jury of their peers. --- "Parliment has the right to control trade but not taxes"
  • The Stamp Act

    Put a tax on playing cards, newspapers, marriage licenses, and other legal documents. Effected everyone and therefore everyone was upset. (again violations were tried in english courts) Non-Importation Agreements ensued --- "No taxation without representation!"
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A group of protestors were harrassing a group of british troops when the troops shot into the crowd and killed 5 civillians.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Passed in direct response to the Boston Tea Party. England sent soldiers to blockade the harbor and enforce the ban on town meetings and the Committee of Correspondence.
  • Tea Act

    Granted the British East India Tea Company the monopoly of the tea market in the colonies in order to keep them out of bankruptcy. Each state blockaded the tea from their towns in its own way but over all the colonists were opposed.
  • BostonTea Party

    BostonTea Party
    Boston citizens, dressed as Mohawk Indians, dumped 342 chests of tea into the habor in protest of the Tea Act.
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    Committees of Correspondence

    Samuel Adams called the colonies to each adopt one such committee so that the colonies could easily unity in times of trouble, a forshadowing of the looming government.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Dear England, Let's be friends. Love,
    [the king refused to evenopen it]
  • Philadelphia

    British Commander Howe overtook Philadelphia after congress had already fled and unwittingly refused to leave the city.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Named George Washington the General of the Continental Army and drew up a treaty with the Indians.
  • Decalration of Independence

    Decalration of Independence
    The Declaration was officially approved by congress on the fourth explaining the misdeeds of the king and the rights expected by the people.
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    Jefferson is president

    Jefferson's election was a close call, being one of the few elections that the house had to vote on. Jefferson brought many unique qualities with him in his presidency.
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    Marbury vs. Madison
    A supreme court case that led to the strengthening of the Supreme Court's jurisdiction.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Thomas Jefferson signed a treaty with France and purchased the Louisiana Territory for a total of 15 million dollars, coming out to be 3 cents per acre.
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    James Madison

    Was the fourth president of the United States dispite his unpopularity due to his course personality.
  • War Declared on Enlgand

    The seedling of a country went to war with the greatest military power in the world ill prepared and with a congress divided.
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    War of 1812

  • Dearborn Massacre

    86 adults and 12 children were killed by the Native Americans.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Even though the Americans lost 80% of their men they were still victorious.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    The victory resulted in a dissolved Indian power in the Southwest.
  • Chesapeake Battles

    Marked the beggining of Englands focus being turned to America after the defeat of Napoleon and was one of the many defeats to follow.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Restored realations between America and England and opening the door to peace.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    Andrew Jackson led the American troops to a great victory, but by that time a treaty had already been signeed and word had only yet to reach him.