1800 to 1809

By 12bwade
  • Library of congress

    1800 April 24th – Library of congress; The library of congress was built in memory of Thomas Jefferson. He enjoyed reading a lot so every book he had they put in the library.
  • Gallatin

    1801 May 14th - Albert Gallatin is secretary of treasury; Gallatin served at least 13 years and that was the longest term served by a secretary of treasury. He left his post or his term ended February 8th 1814.
  • Tripoli

    1801 October -war with Tripoli; this war all started because the U.S. didn’t want to put up with pirates anymore. These pirates were harassing American merchant ships and destroying them.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    1803 February - Marbury v. Madison; this case had to do with Marbury not giving madison his job. Marbury was appointed by Adams a midnight judge.
  • Louisiana purchase

    1803 April 30th – Louisiana Purchase; Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans so that they could control the Mississippi river. Jefferson was offered the whole territory though so he bought it.
  • Amendment 12

    1804 June - 12th amendment is ratified; this amendment has to do with ballots for voting. This ballot that they created helped citizens to vote.
  • Dual

    1804 July 11th - Burr wounded Hamilton; Burr and Jefferson had tie votes and Hamilton disliked Jefferson but hated Burr. After Hamilton picked Jefferson Burr wanted a dual with Hamilton, They did it and Burr shot and killed Hamilton.
  • Lewis and Clark

    1804 August 31st – Lewis and Clark expedition; Jefferson wanted to hand pick people to go and look over New Orleans. He hand-picked Lewis and Clark to go and observe the land.
  • 2nd term

    1805 March 4th – Jefferson takes oath for 2nd term; After Jefferson’s first term the people really liked him so they re-elected him. Jefferson then raised his right hand to an oath for his 2nd term.
  • Steamboat

    1807 September 3rd- first steamboat; Robert Fulton was the first man to create the steamboat. He made the American water ways a lot better for like trade and stuff.
  • Embargo act

    1807 December 22nd – The embargo act- The act was passed because of a conflict that happened with U.S ships and British ships. The Leopold (a British ship) fired at a U.S. ship and then this led to the war of 1812.
  • Slave importation

    1808 June - Slave importation outlawed-When the constitution was written the people who wrote it agreed that after 20 years slave importation was to be banned. After the year 1807 it was banned but yet people still smuggled them in to the U.S.