• Jamestown'e'

    On this day, the colonists settled what would be the first American town. They called it Jamestowne with an e because that was the British spelling.
  • Mayflower Compact

    This compact was an agreement for the government at the time and it resulted in town meetings.
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    During this winter, only 44 of 102 people survived. There was no food to help them get by on, leaving most of them to die.
  • The Settlement of Maryland

    A royal charter was given to Lord Baltimore in 1632. It was a Catholic Haven. It was a proprietary colony created in 1634 for money. It had religious freedom and diversity. Toleration Act of 1649 was created to protect Catholics and those who “believe in the Trinity”
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    The Pequot Wars

    The Pequots were a very powerful tribe in the Connecticut river valley. In 1637 they wanted land and when the people ran they shot them.
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    English Civil War and Restoration

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    Massachusetts School Laws

    In 1642, If a community had 50 families they had to provide a teacher for that community. In 1647, If a community had 100 families they had to provide a teacher and a school for the community.
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    New England Confederation

    the United Colonies of New England, consisting of Connecticut, New Haven, Massachusetts, and Plymouth colonies, founded on 19 May 1643. Only "heretical" Rhode Island was excluded from this, the first attempt at major intercolonial cooperation.The confederation's main purpose was mutual defense.
  • War

    Though not quite sure of the date, England was at war with the Dutch at this time in history.
  • Trade and Navigation Acts

    This was a series of laws passed in1651, 1660, and 1696. 1.The only ships allowed on colonial ports are english ships with english crews
    2.any imports and exports had to go throughEngland
    3.Colonists were not allowed to manufacture certain goods- things that England made.
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    KIng Phillips War

    The purpose of this war was to unify the INdians.
  • Golorious Revolution

    Even though the date was not known for this even in history, this was a revolution where the parliamenters overthrew King James II of England.
  • Organizing Principle

    From 1763-1766, the British tried to re-exert control over the colonies. This resulted in organized, violent, successful resistance from the colonies.
  • Currency Act

    Restrictions: The colonies could not pront their own money and all taxes to England had to be pain in specie(gold or silver)
  • Sugar Act

    This was a tax on sugar and molasses
    Purpose: The purpose was to tax the colonists to pay off the debt they had created by moving to the new world
    Administrative Cost: about 7600 pounds per year, the profit was about 1900 pounds per year. But England was losing about 100,000 pounds per year towards sumggling
    1.tax on sugar and molasses
    2.Admirality court in Nova Scotia; the trials for smuggling were moved here.
    Colonists Protests:
    1.England had the power to regulate trade, but no
  • Stamp Act

    Taxes on printed goods and had to be stamped by the British. People were put on trial in Britain. The colonists thought it was usless and didn't like it. If no one sold printed goods then the act was void. The loyal nine led to the Sons of Liberty. They were led by people. The Loyal Nine harassed, beat, vandalized and persecuted to get their point across. They formed inBoston but their intention was not to kill. Non-importation agreements would hurt the merchants involved in trade.
  • Quartering Act

    Restrictions: had to let British soldiers in their houses while colonial assemblys paid for it; and the people paid for the soldier's general care
  • Townshend Act

    It was repealed in 1770. King George left the Tea Act in place as a mark to show he could.
    Purpose: to tax lead, paint, glass, and tea so that everyone was affected by it
    The reason for the act was so that Britain could put judges and colonial governors on their payroll.
    Colonial Leaders and Philosophical Questions: didn't like it and the protests were along the same as the Stamp Act.
    They had Non-Importation Agreements, except for the fact that you would get hurt if you didn' t agree to boycot
  • Boston Massacre

    John Adams defended the COlonists in this battle. It really wasnt a "massacre" because only 5 poeple got killed.
  • Gaspee Affair

    England was over zealous about enforcing Trade and Navigation Acts in Rhode Island. In June1772, 150 colonists invade the boat, beat up the crew, and burned the boat; and it crashes. Investigation; England was pissed off and wanted to know what happened. The trial took place in England and there was not a jury of peers. They never had a trial because there were no witnesses to send to trial, no one said that they saw what happened. This encouraged the formation of new Committees of Corresponden
  • Tea Act

    The purpose was the British East India Company was going broke and they could and were the only ones who could sell tea to the colonies. The effects were that this reduced the cost of tea but left a 3 pence tarriff on it. In Charleston they put tea into the warehouses before selling it to piss off the colonists. In NY they protested so much that the ships went back to England. In Boston, they were better at resloving what they do, then doing what they resolved. John Adams wanted to prove them wr
  • The Initial Fighting of the Revolution

    A man named Gage was sent to arrest John Hancock and Sam Adams. The Patriots were already fighting before the Declaration of Independence was signed. Word gets back to britian before Gage got to the people, causing Britain to pass a “concillatory proposition” by Parliament; purposed that colonies could tax themselves only by demand of Parliament.
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    Revolutionary War

    Fight between the Colonists and British. Solidified American Independence. American Colonists werensupported by France and lead by Genreal George Washinton
  • Colonists Rebellion

    The colonies are declared in Rebellion against Britain on this day,
  • Prohibitory Act

    Everyone in England is prohibited from trading anything with the colonies since they are so called in Rebellion,
  • Independence

    On this day in history, Richard Henry Lee convinved the Americans to make a resolution from outside New England,
  • Declaration of Independence

    Written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration of Independence declared independence from under British rule. The Declaration discussed ideas of natural law and the social contract inspired by Jhn Locke and it listed all the grivences against King George the 3rd.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    This was the turnign point of the war because it brings about the French alliance(waited until half-time to see what team they wanted to join) supplied money, troops, weapons, and navy for the colonists.
  • LAnd Ordinance

    set up a plan for dividing the old northwest. They were going to break it up into 3 or 5 states. Adoption of New England Township system of land survey, got a charter and created this 36 square mile plot for the land
  • Anapolis Convention

    Only 5 states out of 13 came to the convention and they revised the articles of confederation in Philly of 1787. they ended up restarting the articles of confederation from scrap.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    set up the requirements to have a territorial legislature. The territory had to have 500 adult male residents in order to have a legislature. In order to have a constitution they had to have 60000 members they send it to congress then congress approves it. But no new state is allowed to have slavery. All slavery is abolished in the northern states by the revolution, and are encouraged to have public education in every new state.
  • XYZ Affair

    The US wanted to stop all the naval war. We send delegates to France to try and talk with three not very important people (XYZ), and the leader demands that the delegates had to pay 250,000 dollars to meet with him. Bribary was not what we the US wanted, and it was standard practice of European Diplomacy. Lead to “Millions for Defense, but not one cent for tribute.”
  • Marbury vs Madison

    Adams leaves the office and appointed 16 new positions as judges as federalists and does this on his last day in office. Thomas Jefferson's Secretary of State, James Madison did not deliever the appointments because Jefferson told him not to do so. Eventually William Marbury sued James Madison because he did not deliever the Appointment. The ruling was Unconstitutional
  • Barbary Pirates and Tripoli

    continued to be an issue and declared war in 1801, but we do not return the favor. Congress gives Jefferson permission to send the military over there to protect our trade ships, but not to fight them. The USS Philedelphia was captured, this was set off of the coast of Tripoli and they use it for protection of themselves. The Pirates surrendered on this day. This was the first foreign Victory for America.
  • Chesapeake Incident

    The USS Chesapeake was told that they would be searched by British people. They said no and the British fired on them. They took 3 people off of the boat to serve on the British Navy, one was a british deserter, another and african american, and the other a man born in Maryland
  • Embargo of 1807

    bans all trade with all other countries. PERIOD!! no one can trade with no one. Everyone was hurting and it really hurt American economy. Didnt really afftect Europe. Smuggling was a big issue and people protested. It really hurt the US North, because their economy was based on shipping. The south only had one crop economy and if they didnt have anyone to trade with and they were screwed. We thought that we were way more important than we actually were. The one longterm positive thing is that it
  • The Non Intercourse Act

    This was adopted on March 1. 1809. This bans trade with England and France. Trade is opened back up with everyone but England and France and we now as a country have to find new partners, the ships did not always go to where they were supposed to go to.
  • The Erskin Agreement

    The Erskin Agreement was signed on June 9. 180; between the US and England. IT was an agreement to re-open trade. Erskin was the prime minister. Britain promised to revoke the Orders of Council, but they back out and this never happene
  • Election of 1810

    Half of the People in Congress had new jobs.
  • Declaration of War

    There was a 79/49(HOR) and 19/13 (Senate)decision to go to war with England. Why England and not France? We decided to go to War with England because they had control of all of the land, and there was something near by to attack. We thought that we kinda needed to show some muscle.
  • The Battle of Lake Erie

    The US was led by Oliver Hazzard Perry. HE lost 80% of his men, but it was a victory for the US. HE made the statement, “I have seen the enemy and he is ours” This is for the control for the NW. 1-4
  • War of 1813

    Preparations: William Hull was put in charge. He crossed into Canada. Michilimackinack:a fort in the Great Lakes that we lost to Britian; Fort Dearborn Massacre: Native Americans attack and killed 86 adults and 16 kids. After this William Left.
    Niagara Attack: The militia from NY retreated and we lost. At this point the US is 0-3. Wilkerson and Dearborn attempt to Caprture Montreal: There is a minor squirmish and Wilkerson retreats and Dearborn doesn't cross the line to attack... US lost again
  • Battle of Thames

    Tecumseh dies and breaks up the Indian Confederation. This means that the US can have more control in the NW so that the Indians will not be against us. 2-4
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    This is the only one that takes place outside of the north. It is in Alabama. This is against the Indians in Alabama, Andrew Jackson fought against the Creek Indians. Andrew Jackson is merciless, and broke up the Indians in the SW.
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    Christopher Colombus

    Christopher Colombus left on his voyage on August 3. He made landfall a few months later thinking he was in the West Indies, creating the name "Indians" for the native peoples that lived here already.