
  • Period: Oct 4, 1488 to Oct 4, 1489

    Diaz sails around Cape of Good hope

    Searching for new trade routes, beginning of age of exploration.
  • Period: Oct 4, 1519 to Oct 4, 1522

    Cortez conqurs Aztecs

    Cortez lands in south america and conqurs the native indians known as Aztecs.
  • Period: to

    Mayflower on voyage

    40 people die on voyage, but ship makes it to new world with 80 people.
  • Jamestown settled

    Didnt last very long.
    First permanent colony.
    Still in existance.
  • Period: to

    Starving winter

    A lot of colonists died due to coml winter and no resources to survive
  • Mayflower compact

    First form of government in new world is created.
    Established direct democrac in colonies in the form of town hall meetings.
    Lasted a very long time.
  • Powhattan uprising

    Native americans attempt to gather up large forces using allies, but ends unseccessfully for Natives.
  • Period: to

    Enclish civil war/ Restoration

    Colonies were in a state of salutary neglect, but became accustoned to the lack of supervision. This mindest becomes spark for Revolutionary war,
  • Period: to

    Trade and navigation acts

    Importsa must come through England
    Colonists cant moke own goods
    Only English ships can go into colonial ports
  • Period: to

    King Phillips war

    Metacom unifies Native americans
  • Period: to

    Netherlands rebel from spain

    England supports netherlands
  • Glorious Revolution

    Return of theocracy to England.
  • Period: to

    Dominion of New England

    England reasserts control after years of salutary neglect. Irritates colonies because of years of salutary neglect suddenly end and England tries to regain control of colonies.
  • Deleware Granted Assembly

  • N.C. and S.C. Split

  • Currency act

    Colonies cannot print money
    Taxes to england paid in Specie (gold or silver)
  • Pontiacs Rebellion

    Pontiac indians attack colonists in modern day Ohio.
    One of the most infamous attacks of Native americans, very high death toll.
  • Proclamation act

    Prohibited settlement west of Apalchians.
    England contorl fur trade, settlement, and redirect population in Americas.
  • Stamp act

    Tax from england on all printed goods: stamps, paper, etc.
    Violators tried in England.
  • Quartering Act

    Colonists must house british soldiers
  • Stamp act repealed

    The Stamp act was Repealed
  • Period: to

    Organizing principle

    Colonists resist british control by organized violence, sets idea that organization can be successful against England.
  • Period: to

    Townsend acts

    Taxes on lead, tea, paint, and glass
  • Regulator movement

    Heavy taxation in NC to build governors palace.
    Outraged the colonists in N.C.
    Set up context for rebellion.
  • Georgia

    Founded by James Oglethorpe
    Refuge for debt dodgers
    protestant tolerant
    Export silk and wine
  • Tea act

    British East India Co. established as only tea provider in colonies
    Ended up reducing tea prices
    Tea was put into warehouses so it wouldnt be destroyed in protests
  • Period: to

    Common Sense pamphlet

    Written by Thomas Payne; Sold over 15000 copies.
  • Lexington and Concord

    First battle of rev. war.
    "shot heard round the world"
  • Period: to

    Revolutionary War

    Victory a la Colonists via support from French Fries and The Spaniard. Led by my home boy G. Wizzle.
  • Period: to

    2nd Continental Congress

    Propose treaty with Native Americans
    Appoint G.W. as leader of colonial army
    authorises Montgomery and Benedict to invade Canada
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Low ammunition for conlnists forces craetivity to "win."
    Shows colonists victory is possible againts British.
  • Declaration of Taking up Arms

    "Tyrrany or fighting and we choose fighting"
    Colonies declare they will fight the English for freedom.
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Appeal to return to salutary neglect in the colonies
    Rejected by king George.
    Sent to England weeks after Declaraion of arms.. Silly move.
  • Attack on Canada

    Colonists take Montreal.
    led by Montgoemry and Bennedict.
  • Prohabitionary act

    England prohibits trading with colonies to punish and force into submission.
  • Resolution between English and colonists complete

    Declaration of Independence put into effect in the colonies.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was passed on this dayyyyyyy!
    Discussed ideas of natural laws and social contract
    Stated Grievances against George the III of Britain.
  • Declaration of Independence Accepted by congress

    The modern day government was ratified by congress.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Brings about french alliance to colonies
    French were waiting till colonies were serious, this battle proved colonial intentions.
  • Newe York ratifies new Constitution

    1 month after Virginia.
    New York acceps national constitution,
  • Charelston taken from British by Colonists

  • Treaty of Paris signed

    Recognises America as own country
    Mississippi as western boundary for U.S.
    Claims brtish will vacate N.W forts
  • annapolis convntion

    proposal to revise articles in Philedelphia
    This lead so 2nd continental congress where the Declaration was formed.
  • Northwest ordinance

    Sets up methods for territories to become states.
    Must have 5000 adult white men.
    Congress approves statehood,
    Must have schools and other such establishments as well.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    War details
    declared war in 6/4/1812
    House and Senate pretty split in votes for/against
    House 79/49
    Senate 19/13
    Fought English and not French because we could gain more from England
    Opportunity to interfere with shipping between Canada and England
    Republicans – in power and dont like British
    US wanted 50,000 troops
    had 10,000 troops
    Navy sucked, Army sucked, no money/ no trade
    First two years
    fort lost to british
    fort dearborne massacre
    Chicago, Native americans