History Time line

  • House of Burgesses first meeting

    House of Burgesses first meeting
    The House of Burgesses first meeting was in Jamestown on July 30, 1619. It was a legeslative body with elected members that resembled British Parliment. It was the first assembly of its kind in America.
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    salutary neglect

    The colonist experianced freedom from their homecountry.
  • First Africans arrive in Virginia

    First Africans arrive in Virginia
    A Dutch ship arrives at Jamestown with 20 Africans, robbed off of a Spanish ship. The Dutch traded them for supplies and left. Its unkown if they were slaves or not until 1640.
  • Pilgrims sail on the Mayflower

    Pilgrims sail on the Mayflower
    The pilgrims arrive at Plymouth Bay.
  • Harvard University was founded

    Harvard University was founded
    Massauchsetts legeslature founded it in 1636 and built it in Cambridge, Massauchusetts. It was named after John Harvard, the man who helped establish it.
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    Pequot War

    The colonist and the Pequots began to have problems when the colonist decided to expand their land. When a trader was killed, Governer Endicott called up a milita. The Colonist allied themselves with the Mohegan and Narragansett Indian Tribes, and weaked the entire Pequot tribe.
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    English Cival War

    Problems between Parliamentarians and Royalist. The Cival War led the the commonwealth of England.
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    Navigation Laws

    Laws established by Great Britian that were used to control colonial commerce.
  • New Amesterdam gained freedom of religion

    New Amesterdam gained freedom of religion
    New Amersterdam, which is now New York City, officially gained its freedom through Parliment.
  • Half-Way Covenant established

    Half-Way Covenant established
    The Half Way Covenant was a form of membership that was created to attract more people to the church. It didnt express such harsh views that made others leave.
  • Carolina colony created

    Carolina colony created
    The King granded eight noblemen land after they helped him regain his power. This would later be divided and form the Carolinas.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    Bacons Rebellion
    Unhappy with Governer Berkleys view toward the Indians, 1,000 colonist gathered to rebel, led by Nathaniel Bacon. They accomplished nothing and 20 ended up being hung.
  • Pennsylvania colony founded

    Pennsylvania colony founded
    William Penn found the Pennsylavania colony as a safe haven for Quackers who were heavily prosecuted at the time.
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    King Williams War

    King Williams War was the first part of the French and Indian War. It refered to the English, French, And Indians.
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    Leislers Rebellion

    A mob over took Fort James an established Jacob Leisler as their leader. Not long after, William the third had a new goverment created, and Leisler was caught and executed.
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    Salem Witch Trials

    Over 150 people were accused of witchery, while ninteen were hung. One man was even crushed with heavy stones for not attending a trial based on witchcraft charges.
  • College of William and Mary founded

    College of William and Mary founded
    Was established in Williamsburg, Virginia by a royal charter from King William the third the Queen Mary the second.
  • Yale College founded

    Yale College founded
    In 1700, ten ministers met in New Haven to form a college. It was first led by Reverend James Peirpont. When Elihu Yale donated riches that would enable the college to succed, they named it Yale.
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    Queen Annes War

    Second series of the French and Indian War.
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    The Great Awakening

    The Great Awakening was one of the largest religious revivals in American history. Certain denominations such as Puritans converted. Many new denominations we created during the Great Awakening.
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    Benjamen Franklins Poor Richards Almanack

    Benjamen Franklin annually wrote pamphlets that were very popular in the colonys, they were even best sellers. People liked it not because it was full of political or scientifical information, but because it was fun to read.
  • Georgia colony founded

    Georgia colony founded
    James Oglethorpe was granted a charter by King George the second. It was to serve two purposes, serve as a barriar agianst the Spanish, and be a new start for debtors or criminals.
  • South Carolina slave revolt

    South Carolina slave revolt
    Slaves marched down the road, gaining more supporters as they went. The slaves stole guns and killed between 20 to 30 people. The next morning, the slaves were either killed or they escaped by a mob of 100 people from the nearby town.
  • Princeton College founded

    Princeton College founded
    Princeton was originally built in Elizabeth, New Jersey in 1746. It was created by new light presbyterians hoping to train ministers that would teach and reflect their views.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War (French and Indian War)

    The Seven Years War was the worse war of the 18th century, claiming more lifes than the American Revolution. It was faught between the English and the French over power and resources. The French eventually lost their Indian allies and ran out of supplies, costing them the war.
  • Braddocks defeat

    Braddocks defeat
    There was a battle in the French and Indian were near Pittsburgh were General Braddock was defeated. It was known as the Battle of Monongahela, were the British were attempting to capture the French Fort Duquesne.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The Battle of Quebec was the British campaign in the French and Indian War. It is important in that it was a decisive battle, much like Saratoga.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    The Stamp Act was a direct tax established by Parliment. It taxed paper goods such as legal documents, magazines, newspapers, and other products. It was created to fund the British soldiers stationed in the colonys.
  • The Gaspee Affair

    The Gaspee Affair
    A boat ran aground in Gaspee Point in Rhode Island. Angry colonist boarded the ship and burnt it to the water. Britian angrly decided to launch its own investigation. This was another cause of the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion held by the colonist to fight the tea act enforced by British Parliment. Colonist boarded three ships and dumped 342 packages of tea into the Boston Harbor. This was one of the causes of the American Revolution.
  • The Battle of Brandywine

    George Washington found the British and Hessians at Brandywine Creek, were they attacked and won the battle.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    The Battle of Saratoga was between the British and the Americans in New York along the Hudson River. Although the Americans suffered heavy loses, they forced the British to surrended.
  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary War between Great Britan and America. Other countries that were in the war had seperate agreements.
  • Land Ordinance of 1785

    The ordinance was written by Thomas Jefferson to generate profit for the states. At the time congress did not have the power to tax, so they divided up western land and sold it.
  • The Northwest Ordinance

    The Northwest Ordinance claimed area northwest of the Ohio River for America. Before 1787 this area was off limits.
  • First Census

    Congress took a census on august 2, 1790. Laws were established that stated every house must be vistited and polled. The results were then exposed in public places.
  • Washington Reelected

    George Washington was reelected in 1792. During this 4 years, he would have to make hard desicions, such as the subject of neutrality. He was also known for making peace with Great Britain.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    General "Mad" Anthony Wayne led around 1500 regulators and 1500 militia men to built forts in an area between the Ohio and Maumee Rivers. Indians were waiting for them and attacked, but the legion won. The name fallen timbers came from trees knocked over by a tornado that swept through the are before the battle.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Farmers in western Pennsylvania were angry about excise taxes on whiskey, so they grouped together and rioted. George Washington saw heard, and personally marched 13,000 men to Pennsylvania. Men were arrested, but eventually pardoned by Washington.
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    XYZ Affair

    3 American officials were asked to pay a quarter of a million dollars just to talk to the French goverment. Led to an unofficial naval war between America and France.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    To strengthen the power of goverment during the undeclared war with France, congress passed four bills. These bills became known as the alien and sedition acts. They were later taken out because they were unconstitutional.
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    Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

    The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were written to protest the Alien and Sedition acts. They were written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in 1798.
  • Embargo Act

    The Embargo Act made it illegal to trade with any other country.
    The law was signed by Thomas Jefferson in 1807 with the idea that other countries would be forced to trade with America. It didnt work and Americans ended up suffering.
  • Madison elected presidant

    James Madison was elected in 1808 and served as the nations fourth presidant. He won the election agianst Charles Pinckey.
  • United States declares war on Britain

    The United States declare war on Britain in 1812. Amercia went to war for a number of reasons, mostly due to blockades, trade restritions, impressment, and the supply of weopons to Indians.