AP US Timeline

By poopoo
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus lands in America

    Chistopher Columbus landed in America by accident thinking he was going to India but instead landed in the West Indies.
  • Edict of Nantes

    King Henery IV transfered from an Huguenot to Roman Catholic. First long lasting document decree of religious toleration in modern Europe.
  • Jamestown

    An English joint stock company called the Virginia Company recieved a charter from King James 1 which then brought a group of men over to make a colony.
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    Salutory Neglect

    Britain left the colonies on their own. Britain had the colonies fend for themself and that gave them a taste of freedom.
  • Pligrams Land on Plymouth

    The pilgams sailed for 65 day and only 1 died but 1 was born so they started with 102 and ended with102. The pilgams landed on plymouth rock on
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    King Louis XIV reign

    Louis XIV started to rule when he was 5 years old and ruled until he was 72. He got France to control the Mississippi River area and more.
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    Bacon's Rebellion

    About 1000 farmers led by Nathaniel Bacon went around Virginia destroying everything in their path until Bacon died of a disease and then governor William Berkley put the rebellion down.
  • Sugar Act

    It increased the foreign sugar imported from the West Indies.
  • Stamp Act

    Atax on all printed goods.
  • Stamp Act Repealed

    The Stamp Act Congess brought together 27 delegates from 9 colonies wrote a statement about their rights and greivences. in 1766 Parliament repealed it.
  • Townshend Acts

    A tax on glass, white lead, paper, paint, and tea.
  • Boston Massacere

    A group of British soldiers fired int a crowd of 60 townspeople and wounded or killed 11 people.
  • Townshend Acts Repealed

    All the Townshend Acts are repealed except for the tea tax.
  • Boston Tea Party

    On December 16, 1773 the Sons of Liberty dressed up like Indians and went into the Boston Harbor and dumped 342 chest of tea into the harbor.
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    First Continental Congess

    John Adams did a wonderful job swaying his colleagues toward revolution. It helped set up a Declaration of Rights.
  • Intolerable Acts

    The Boston Port Act closed the harbor until damages for the Tea Party where paid.The Quatering Act made it mandatory that if a British soldier wanted to stay at your house then he could. There were other smaller acts to.
  • Shot Heard Round the World

    The first shot fired at Concord to start the Revolutionary War.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The colonies declared independence from Britian on this date. It was written mostly by Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Battle of Trenton

    In the dead of night, Washington crosses the Delaware River to surprise a group of Hessian soldiers in the middle of the night. Washington's troops captured 900 Hessians, and no colonial soldiers were killed.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Created a "firm league of friendship" had the states be independent but in foreign affairs they were a united force.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Key turning point for the colonist. Made France enter the war on the colonist side.
  • Battle of Kings Mountain

    Great coloniel victory.
  • Peace of Paris

    The Peace of Paris was signed and finalized on this date. This set up the colonies as a new country and set some terms and rules for them and Britain. 1. Boundries--British border of Canada to Spanish border of Florida, from the Atlantic coast to the Mississippi River. 2. Independence is recognized. 3. The British agreed to vacate their forts in the Northwest.
  • The Constitution

    The set of rules and regulations written at Independence Hall in Philadelphia Pennslyvania. This is the same constitution we have now just with more amendments.
  • Washington Elected

    Washington came back from the war a hero and was unanimously elected president and took office on this date.
  • Alexander Hamilton Elected Secertary of Treasury

    Alexander Hamilton was appointed the Seceratry of Treasury
  • Bill of Rights

    The Bill of Rights was the reason that the antifederalist supported the Constitution.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Treaty that let America and Britian butAmerica had dto pay war debts and Britain had to leave America.
  • Pickney's Treaty

    Treaty with Spain that gave the US the right to deposit at the Port of New Orleans. Gave Americans right to the Mississippi River. The reason Spain signed the treaty was because they thought that Britain ws secretly planing a ws with Spain so they wanted the US on there good side.
  • Election of 1800

    Jefferson=73 electoral votes, Burr=73, incumbent Adams=65, Pickney=64 because of the tie the vote went to House of Representatives . Alexander Hamlton campaigned for Jefferson in the House and helped him win.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    After being given the Right of Deposit at the port of New Orleans, the US felt they must secure the port after Spain gave the land to France. The port and a lot of other land was purchased for $15 million. This doubles the land of the US and it puts us back in debt.
  • Non Intercourse Act

    This was an embargo against England and France. Opened up trade a lot.
  • Start of the War 1812

    House voted 79-49 for Senate voted 19-13.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Oliver Hazzard Perry led the Americans into battle lost 80% of his men but we won. Most important naval battle in the war.
  • Battle of Hourseshoe Bend

    Fought between the US and Creek Indians. The Ameicans were victorious and led by Andrew Jackson.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Andrew Jackson leads troops into the Battle of New Orleans and they win the Battle, but after peace was declared.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Ended the War of 1812 . Niether side lost or gained land.
  • Florida Treaty Purchase

    The Spanish give us Florida but we have to pay them 5 million dollars and gave us Oregon. Set the boundary between Texas and Louisiana.