AP US History

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus began his voyage to the new world

    Christopher Columbus began his voyage to the new world
    Christopher Columbus attempted to sail west in order to get east. He did not estimate the size of the earth well and did not realize that there was a major roadblock: the Americas
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Columbus's landfall in the americas

    Columbus's landfall in the americas
    Columbus landed in the americas believing that he had landed in the west indies.
  • virginia company lands in james town

    virginia company lands in james town
    the virginia company recieved a royal charter to begin a colony: jamestown
  • mayflower compact

    mayflower compact
    the mayflower compact was the begining of the idea of majority rule in the new world. it set up a government for the plymouth colony
  • trade and navigation act 1651

    trade and navigation act 1651
    stated that all goods exported fromthe british colonies could only be transpoted by english vessles, this basically limited the colonists to only trading with britan ps. the first of october is not the actual date this was passed it was passed in the month of october, although the actual day is not recorded
  • Trade and navigation act of 1660

    Trade and navigation act of 1660
    This stated that the crews on ships trading with the colonists must be 3/4ths english, and that all goods that were not produced by the mother country must be traded only with them, such as tabacco, cotton, etc.
  • proclamation act of 1763

    proclamation act of 1763
    prohibited setelment beyond the apalachia mountains so that britan could have better contorl of colonies, controled the fur trade, and to increase mercantilisim
  • Sugar/Revenue act of 1764

    Sugar/Revenue act of 1764
    its purpose was to defray the cost of "taking car of the colonies" but in reality it cost almost as much to enforce the tax as they made. this act put tariffs on molasis and sugar and declared that trials could be mover to england or novia scotia, so people would no longer be tried by a jury of peers
  • Currency act of 1764

    Currency act of 1764
    this act prohibited colonial currencies and said that all taxes must be paid in specie (silver or gold)
  • Stamp act of 1765

    Stamp act of 1765
    This act put a tariff on stamps, which was required for any kind of legal document, even playing cards were texed due to this act, this act also stated that any people who violated this act would have to be tried in admirality courts that were set up by the british government.
  • quartering act of 1765

    quartering act of 1765
    stated that people had to house british soldiers and that the colonial assemblies must pay for their housing, this lead to local taxes on top of all of the tariffs the british were putting on the colonists
  • Townshend acts

    Townshend acts
    these acts put taxes on tea, glass, lead, paint and many other goods, it also moved custom headquarters to boston. the money collected by these taxes was used to pay colonial judges and governers in order to get them on the british side.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    British sodiers opened fire on colonists rebelling against the townshend acts. these soldiers were tried and found not guilty, but as punishhment they had to have their hands branded
  • Gaspee affair

    Gaspee affair
    British began trying to enforce the trade and navigation acts after all of the years of salutary neglect, leading to colonists rebellion, when the ship ran aground, colonists beat up the crew and burnt the ship to the waterline
  • Tea act

    Tea act
    this was put into affect in order to save the british east india tea company from bankruptcy, this lead to great rebellion, such as the boston tea party
  • Boston tea party

    Boston tea party
    Boston citizens dressed up like native americans and dumped 10,000 pounds of tea off a british ship into the boston harbor
  • the Boston port act

    the Boston port act
    this shut off thre boston harbor to specifically punish the boston citizens for the boston tea party, this is part of the coercive or intollerable acts
  • administrations of justice/ murder act

    administrations of justice/ murder act
    this act allowed the governers of the states to move any trials to nova scotia or england, these were also part of the coercive or intolerable acts
  • quartering act (intollerable acts)

    quartering act (intollerable acts)
    said that soldiers could be housed in peoples homes with their families, part of the intollerable or coercive acts
  • qubec act

    qubec act
    gave property into the colorado vally to qubec's jurisdiction. also part of the intolerable/coercive acts
  • first continental congress

    first continental congress
    the committees of correspondence called forth a meeting. the wrote a declaration of rights and had the sons of liberty enforce non-importation agreements
  • suffolk resolves

    suffolk resolves
    massachusetts wrote the suffolk resoves setting themselves up in opposition against britian. it claimed mass. a free state, it was kind of like a mini declaration of independence.
  • Lexington "battle" shot heard round the world

    Lexington "battle" shot heard round the world
    The british were lead by Gage, who was ordered to sieze the colonial arsenal and capture john hancock and samuel adams.
  • second continental congress

    second continental congress
    they proposed to make an allience with the indians and have them become a 14th state, they appointed washington as general, and athorized an attack on canada
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    the colonists were low on artillery and were ordered to not shoot until they could see the whites of the enimies eyes in order to not waste any amunition, the colonists were victorious, causing the british to flea from boston
  • olive branch petition

    olive branch petition
    a laast attempt at peace between the british colonies and britan, the king rejected it and declared the colonies in a state of full blown rebellion
  • declaration of causes for taking up arms

    declaration of causes for taking up arms
    this was a document justifying why we are taking up arms and attacking the british
  • declaration of independence

    declaration of independence
    the declaration had 3 parts:
    1) the philosophical reasoning behind wanting independence and listing of natural rights
    2) a list of grievences against the king
    3) dtated that the colonies were independent form britian
  • crossing the delaware

    crossing the delaware
    general george washington and his men crossed the delaware christmas nightr and captured a groop of hessian soldiers while they were sleeping, they had zero american casualties and were extreamely successful
  • peace of paris

    peace of paris
    this finally ended the revolutionary war. it declared that the us owned all the land east of the mississippi, it recognized the states as independent, and said that the british would evacuate all western forts
  • pickney's treaty

    a treaty with spain, gave the us the right of deposit to new orleans
  • treaty of greenvile

    the native americans gave the us a lot of land in hopes that they would leave them alone
  • jays treaty

    jays treaty was ratified