AP US History

  • Aug 3, 1492

    American Discovery

    Christopher Columbus discovered America, but actually thought it was India.
  • Spanish Aramda

    The Spanish sailed against the English in hope to throw over Elizabeth 1, to stop English involvment in the Spanish Nehtelands.
  • Jamestown

    this was wehn it was settles and ended up being America's first permanent colony
  • Virginia House of Burgesses

    first example of representative government in America
  • Mayflower Compact

    America's first example of a social contract and written government
  • Harvard University

    this was the fisrt Iy League school in America and is still here today
  • Bacons Rebellion

    A rebellion against the governor William Berkley for being a selfish and unfair, un worthy ruler
  • Act of Toleration

    protestants werent following the chirch of enlgand so parliament became more strict
  • French and Indian War

    This was The beginning of a war between britain and france which was a spark to starting the american revolution becasue it put Britain in debt
  • Proclamation Act

    Britain forbid the colonies from moving west of the appalachains
  • Stamp Act

    this is when it went into affect. colonists had to put stamps on anything being delivered
  • Boston Massacre

    five colonists were killed by british soldiers and the colonists used that for people to side with them, and made it a bigger deal than it was
  • Boston Tea Party

    100 Boston men dressed and indians and dumped barrels of tea into the ocean as a rebellion on the tax of tea
  • Tea Act

    patliament passed the act and there were taxes on tea, which angered the colonists becuase it was a luxury that they drank daily
  • 1st Continental Congress

    our founding fathers met and voted who would become leglislatures representing each colony, except georgia, which brought colonial unity
  • Lexington and Concord

    this was the first battle of the american revolution
  • Second Continental Congress

    they met again but this time it was to prepare and get ready for the Revolutionary War
  • Olive Branch petition

    It was the Congress' last attempt to get King George III to reason with them over independence
  • Battle of Quebec

    part of the American invasion in canada during the American Revolution
  • Common Sense

    a book written by thomas paine about how it is normal for us to become independent from our mother country, and it was the most sold book in its time
  • Declaration of Independence

    It was a letter to the king written by T. Jefferson as to why they should become independent
  • Articles of Confederation

    this is when the articles came into effect and was the plan of our government until1789, where we learned that we needed more federal power
  • Shays Rebellion

    A large group of farmers and debtors marched their way to attack at Springfield because taxes were too high and the economy was terrible. this was a huge spark for the need on constitutional convention
  • Constitutional Convention

    some of our founding fathers met and decided we needed a new plan of government so they wrote the constution as it is today
  • French Revolution

    The American revolution and the tennis court oath with was the 3rd estate unhappy because they didnt want to stay an absolute government
  • Bill of Rights

    in order to get 9 out of 13 states to ratify the constitution, this was needed in order to establish that we still have indivual rights as citizens
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    The battle was a victory for the US and ended problems in the region until Tecumseh's War and the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    a group of men rebelled against the whiskey tax but by mid november over 150 were arrested and the tax wasnt repelled until 1802
  • Treaty og Greenville

    it ended the northwest indian war and the native americans ended up giving much of ohio to the amercians
  • Pinckney Treaty 1795

    It defined the boundaries of the United States with the Spanish colonies and guaranteed the United States navigation rights on the Mississippi River
  • Jay Treaty of 1796

    this is when it went into effect. this treaty settled a lot of problems between america and britain from the revolutionary war
  • Judicary Act of 1801

    the number of supreme court judges went from 6 to 5
  • Marbury vs. Madison

    this was when the case was scheduled to start and it ser up judicary review. it also held up the national governments power
  • 12th Amendment

    the president and vice president would be voted for together so there are not a president and vice pres that are of seperate parties working together
  • non- intercourse act

    this lifted all embargoes on American shipping except for those bound for British or French ports and ruined their economies
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    This ensured American control of the lake for the rest of the war, which in turn allowed the Americans to recover Detroit and win the Battle of the Thames
  • Hartford Convention

    a group of new england fedarlists that met to talk about states rights
  • Treaty of Ghent

    it ended the war of 1812 and Britain finally recognized America's independence
  • Battle of New Orleans

    last major battle of 1812 war. American forces, commanded by General Andrew Jackson, defeated an invading British Army intent on seizing New Orleans and the vast territory America revieved with the Louisiana Purchase
  • Anglo-American Treaty

    It resolved standing boundary issues between US and UK and allowed for joint occupation and settlement of the Oregon Country
  • Transcontinental Treaty

    settles land disputes bettween spain and US and we ended up giving the spanish govt 5 million. part of LA purchase
  • McChulloch v Maryland

    1816, Congress chartered The Second Bank of the United States. In 1818, the state of Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch, the cashier of the Baltimore branch of the bank, refused to pay the tax. the bank sided with mcculloch
  • Land Act of 1820

    it eliminated the purchase of public land in the United States on credit and it was located in the Northwest Territory and Missouri Territory
  • Gibbons v Ogden

    ruled that National governmant has power over interstate trade
  • Russo-American Treaty of 1824

    a treaty that russia signed in ordre to give up her claims to the Oregon Territory