Emily Miller's AP US History Timeline

  • Jamestown

    Jamestown colony was settled by one hundred male colonists who were sent ahead to conquer and establish. The colonists had sailed from England in three ships, sent by the Virginia Company in late 1606, and landed first at the Chesapeake Bay area but were attacked by Indians and fled.
  • House of Burgesses

    House of Burgesses
    The House of Burgesses was the first bicameral legislature in the colonies.
  • The Mayflower and the Mayflower Compact

    The Mayflower and the Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower carried 102 people half of which were separatists.
    The Mayflower Compact was an agreement to submit to majority rule. Signed by the men on the Mayflower before they left the ship for land.
  • Massachusetts Bay Colony

    Massachusetts Bay Colony
    The Massachusetts Bay Company had gained a royal charter the year before and was settled by a group of one thousand Puritan immigrants in 1630 and were led by Governor John Winthrop. The colony was envisioned as being a haven from religious persecution.
  • Maryland

    MAryland was granteed a rolyal charter in 1632 and was a proprietary colony by 1634. It was founded by Lord Baltimore and was meant to make money and serve as a haven for Catholics.
  • Period: to

    Pequot Wars

    A vrey powerful tribe in the Connecticut river valley, the Pequot tribe was virtually wiped out by the end of the conflict. This war is known as the first serious conflict between British settlers and Native Amenricans.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson
    Anne Hutchinson was tried and convicted for heresy and she, and her family, were banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony. She was teaching Antinomialism, or diredct revelation, in her home. Her teachings threatened patriarchal control.
  • Delaware

    Named after Lorde De La Warr. Was closely associated with Pennsylvania.
  • Roger Williams

    Roger Williams
    Was a young, popular minister in Salem, Massachusetts and argued that Indians should be compensated for land. In 1635 he was found guilty of preaching "newe and dangerous opinions". He was subsequently exiled and fled to Rhode Island.
  • First Navigation Act

    First Navigation Act
    Passed while Cromwell was in office. No goods grown or manufactured could leave the colonies without being transported on British ships with a British crew. Thsese goods had to pass through England before being sent anywhere else. Imports also had to pass through England.
  • Second Navigation Act

    Second Navigation Act
    This act added to the first and forbade certain enumerated articles such as tobacco, sugar, dyes, and wool to be shipped anywhere except to England or some British plantations.
  • The Carolinas

    The Carolinas
    Named for King Charles II,the Carolinas were given to eight Lord Proprietors. The Carolinas were very agriculturally based, with a focus on rice, indigo, and tobacco. In 1712, the Carolinas spit into North and South Carolina.
  • New Jersey

    New Jersey
    Land was given to aristocratic proprietors were given land by the Duke of York. When advertising to potential colonists, a representative government and freedom of religion were promised.
  • Third Navigation Act

    Third Navigation Act
    The acts of 1651 and 1660 are expanded on at this point.
  • Pennsylvania and William Penn

    Pennsylvania and William Penn
    William Penn, an aristocratic Englishman, was given land by the crown to pay off debts to his father. The land would turn into Pennsylvania. Penn advertised a Quaker colony that was toloerant of other religoins as well and no slavery. Penn also purchased land from the Indians and created a treaty with the tribes.
  • Period: to

    King William's War

    War between Britain and France and theirt colonies in North America. The colonies were ravaged by Indians who had allied with the French. Britain gained land as a result of this war. The colonies were also noticed more.
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    Queen Anne's War

    Durring this war, Britain gained Canadian territories, including Nova Scotia. As a result, British naval forces were dominant.
  • Georgia

    Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe and was the last of the thirteen colonies. Georgia provided a buffer between the other British colonies and Spanish Florida. It had a diverse community and was a haven for debtors.
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    King Georges War

    The cause was the War of Austrian Succession. France allied with Spain. In the colonies, New Englanders invaded New France and took Louisburg. At the end of the war, Louisburg had to be returned. This enraged colonists
  • Period: to

    French and Indian War or Seven Years War

    Conflict between the British and the French. The defeat of the French in this war greatly decreased their influence in the colonies.
  • Proclamation Acts

    Proclamation Acts
    This act prohibited settlement west of the Appalachian mountains. The purpose was to maintain control over the fur trade, to redirect the population, and to mantain colonial control. The act was easy to flaunt and the colonists perceived it as temporary.
  • Sugar/Revenue Act

    Sugar/Revenue Act
    The purpose of this act was to defray British debt. Set a tariff on sugar and trials for smugglers were moved to Nova Scotia where there were no juries. The colonists protested through non-importation agreements, petitions and grievances to the King, and revolutionary pamphlets.This was the origin of colonial unity.
  • Currency Act

    Currency Act
    Clonial assemblies could not print their own money and colonists could only pay taxes in specie (gold or silver)
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Stamps were required for all parchment, including playing cards. Violators would be tried in admiralty courts. Durring this time, the colonists were unified by their disagreements and they harrassed distributors. At this time, the Bodton Loyal Nine became the Sons of Liberty. Property dammage was mainly done as retaliation while non-importation agreements were continued.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    This act forced colonists to allow soldiers into colonial establishments. The Colonial Assemblies would pay for all goods necessary for troops. The colonists were taxed by the Colonial Assemblies to pay for this.
  • Townshend Acts

    Townshend Acts
    Was a tax on tea, glass, lead, paint, paper and other frequently used items. The act was mainly passed because Parliament wanted to add judges and officials to the British payroll. As a result the circular letters, a petition, started. Non-importation agreements were continued.
  • Townshend Acts Repealed

    Townshend Acts Repealed
    All the Townshend duties were repealed except for tea tariffs.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    A conflict between British soldiers and Boston civilians. THe British soldiers fired on the civilians killing five colonists and wounding six more.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Was meant to save the British east India Company from bankruptcy. The company was given a monopoly on the colonies. A three pence tax was levied but the price lessened. The act put other tea companies and smugglers out of business.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston radicals, disguised as Native Americans, threw 350 chests of tea into Boston harbor in response to British taxes on tea. This protest was organized by a radical group known as the Sons of Liberty.
  • Intolerable Acts

    Intolerable Acts
    The purpose of these acts was to punish the colonists until they paid back all the money lost from the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Port Act had British ships block Boston harbor. Mass. Government Act shut down the original assembly and set up an Appointed Assembly. The Administration of Justice Act allowed the governor to send trials to Nova Scotia or England. The Quartering Act regulated and enforced the existing act. Quebec Act extended Quebec's jurisdiction into the Ohio river valley.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    A meeting in Philadelphia which 56 delegates from every colony, except Georgia, attended. The congress sent a petition to George III requesting the repeal of all regulatory acts since 1763 and informing him of the continued boycott of British goods.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    British General Thomas Gage sent British troops to Concord to seize colonial arms stored there and to arrest any rebel leaders found. While on their way to Concord, the troops were stopped on the town green in Lexington. Shots rang out and 8 colonists were killed while 10 were wounded. The British troops marched on to Concord where they destroyed military stores and food supplies before colonists opened fire . The troops retreated to Lexington where they met reinforcements.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    Met in Philadelphia and authorized the printing of paper money to buy supplies for war, established a commitee to supervise relations with foreign countries, and created a Continental Army. The congress also approved of and sent the "Olive Branch Petition" to George III. This was a final gesture for peace which failed when the king would not even receive the document.
  • Bunker/Breed's Hill

    Bunker/Breed's Hill
    Was a colonial victory and the final act causing Gage and his troops to leave Boston.
  • Peace of Paris

    Peace of Paris
    the official ending to the Revolutionary War and recognized the colonies' independence. Gave US a western boundary stretching all the way to the Mississippi River. The British said they would evacuate Nirthwestern Troops.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was the first president of the United States. He is the only president to be voted in unanimously by the Electoral College. He also set the precedent of the president serving only two terms in office.
  • Period: to

    French Revolution

    A revolution that America looked at as being similar to its own. It would later become very violent.
  • France Declares War on England

    France Declares War on England
    The US gave a proclamation of neutrality instead of sideing with France. This ended up helping France even more because trade was still allowed and had not been blocked. This neutrality was not particularly respected even though Washington proclaimed the rights of neutrals which were fair trade and fair actions.
  • Citizen Genet Affair

    Citizen Genet Affair
    Genet was a frenchmantrying to recruit US citizens for the French army. Once Washington found out he was quickly kicked out of the country.
  • Barbary Pirates

    Barbary Pirates
    Pirates off the North African coast that were ransacking US ships. A bribe of 1 million dollars was given to the pirates so as to stop the attacks. These encounters led to the formation of the US Navy. Six ships were commissioned for the navy but only three were completed.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    A war is about to break out . Britain agrees to leave northwest forts. It also gauranteed that the US would pay all debts owed to Britain from before the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Fallen Timbers

    Battle of Fallen Timbers
    Battle against Miami Confederation. The US was successful and was led by Mad Anthony Wayne.
  • Treaty of Greenville

    Treaty of Greenville
    Indians gave up and the treaty gave immense amounts of land to the US. It promised peace but this aspect of it was greatly overlooked. Signed at Fort Greenville.
  • Pinckney"s Treaty

    Pinckney"s Treaty
    Gave the US right of deposit at port of New Orleans and also gave US control of some land in northern Florida. Treaty with Spain.
  • John Adams Administration

    John Adams Administration
    John Adams is elected. He was unpopular as a person and believed in a strong executive branch. His Vice President was Jefferson.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    US delegates were sent to France to settle disputes. There were to meet with the head of the French government, Talleyrand. The delegates were met by three men who offered a monetary bribe for them to speak with Talleyrand. The US officials refused to pay.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    Alien and Sedition Acts
    The Naturilization Act changed the years living in the US before you could become a citizen from five to fourteen. Alien Enemies Act claimed that residents of the US could be deported if seen as a threat. Sedition Act stated that it was illegal to criticize the government, it was heavily protested in Republican circles for its violation of the first amendment. Protests to the act came in the form of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions which claimed that states should be able to nullify acts.
  • Convention of 1800

    Convention of 1800
    Settled the undeclared war between France and US. It also declared the French alliance void and established a commercial treaty instead.
  • Louisianna to Spainish

    Louisianna to Spainish
    France retrocedes Louisianna to Spain.
  • Marbury v Madison

    Marbury v Madison
    This Supreme Court case dealt with the constitutionality of the Midnight Judges who were appointed by John Adams on his last day in office. The Jefferson Administration did not deliver the appoints and William Marbury sued in response. This court case established judicial review and made the Judicial Branch equal to the other two branches.
  • Non-Intercourse Act

    Non-Intercourse Act
    This act was just an embargo against Britain and France. It openeed trade significantly since citizens were allowed to train with other countries.
  • Madison Precidency

    Madison Precidency
    Madison is elected president. He was known as a great statesman but a poor politician; he was not personal and was called "stubborn to the point of stupidity. Madison had previously served as secretary of state.
  • Erskine Agreement

    Erskine Agreement
    Erskine, England's foreign minister, says England will drop their orders of council if the US will drop the embargo. England goes back on this promise.
  • Macon's Bill #2

    This bill replaced the nonintercourse act and stated that if England or France dropped their trade restrictions first, then the US would trade with that country and maintain the embargo against the other country. This was the first bill to favor the British. Previously, the Embargo of 1807 and the Non-Intercourse Acts favored France.
  • Madison Gives an Ultimatum

    Madison gives Britain an ultimatum. A six month chance to drop the Orders of Council. Britian does not do so.
  • New Restrictions on British Trade

    Madison imposes new restrictions on British trade.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    The US declared war on Britain in 1812. The reasons stated in the formal declaration of war were that Americans were tired of the Impressment of sailors on US ships that were seized by the British. The declaration also stated the violation of neutrality and the Orders of Council. The war would produce many heroes including former president Andrew Jackson. The war was fought on many fronts including the western border of the US, the border between the US and Cananda, the Great Lakes, and the sea.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treaty of Ghent ended the war of 1812. Both England and the US made astronomical demands which were especially high seeing as neither side had clearly won. The treaty did not really serve any purpose other than to declare an end to the war and establish a convention system between the US and Britian.