• The English Settle in Jamestown, Virginia

    The English Settle in Jamestown, Virginia
    Many English settled into Jamestown from England on this day. One man named, John on one of the ships had gotten his hands on tobacco somehow. The Spanish had control of tobacco at this time. Eventually, tobacco became America's largest export.
  • The Mayflower Lands in Plymouth, Massachusetts

    The Mayflower Lands in Plymouth, Massachusetts
    The MayflowerSettlers known as the Pilgrims
  • The First Thanksgiving

    The First Thanksgiving
  • Pilgrims and Poconoco Fight

    Pilgrims and Poconoco Fight
  • John Hancock rebells against the king

    John Hancock rebells against the king
    John Hancock rebels against BritishJohn Hancock refused to pay taxes to a king that had nothing to do with the new land.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre100's of millions of men lost their jobs, blame it on the British and they start a riot outside. The British arny originally came to enfrce the British rule, but once the riot started, war broke out.
  • Crisspus Attucks is killed in Boston Massacre

    Crisspus Attucks is killed in Boston Massacre
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    The Boston Tea PartyRebels dump $1,000,000 worth of tea into the harbor waters. Some of them disguisd themselves as Indians.
  • Delegates of America

    Delegates of America
    Delegates from all over America come together to discuss the plan to fight the British
  • Boones crosses into Shawnee territory

    Boones crosses into Shawnee territory
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord
    Lexington and ConcordBritish start marching to fight the Americans at midnight. Paul Rever spreads the word that the British are coming,
  • Lextington and Concord Cont.

    Lextington and Concord Cont.
    At sunrise, many different kinds of Americans fought one of the strongest armies in the world. This battle left eight Americans dead and ten wounded.
  • The Postal Service was developed

    The Postal Service was developed
    This allowed soldiers to write to their loved ones.
  • Crisis meeting for Congress in Philadelphia

    Crisis meeting  for Congress in Philadelphia
    Stamp ActThis was mainly known as the Stamp Act crisis.
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed

    The Declaration of Independence is signed
    The Declaration of IndependenceThe Declaration Of Independence was first signed while the war was going on by several delegates from all over the 13 colonies.
  • British open fire on New York City

    British open fire on New York City
  • NYC is attacked by the British once again

    NYC is attacked by the British once again
    NYC is attacke by British in September, 1776New York City was attacked by over 400 ships from Britain.
  • Britain Surrenders

    Britain Surrenders
    British surrenderGeneral Burgoyne surrenders the war in Saratoga, N.Y. in 1777.
  • George Washington's Army survives the winter at Valley Forge

    George Washington's Army survives the winter at Valley Forge
  • Suprise attack from British and French

  • Battle at Yorktown, VA

    Battle at Yorktown, VA
  • British Surrender for Good

    British Surrender for Good
    The Brtish Surrender for Good2 days after the Battle of Yorktown, the British surrender.
  • The Cotton Gin

    The Cotton Gin
    All About the Cotton GinThe cotton gin got started in late 1793. The cotton gin allowed you produce more using less labor, It waa invented by Eli Whitney.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The U.S. purchased the Louisiana territory from the French. Thomas Jefferson was the president that was responsible for this big investment.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    Lewis and Clark sail the Missisippi on an expedition through the Louisiana Purchase.
  • The Steamboat Invention

    The Steamboat Invention
    Robert FultonRobert Fulton invented the steamboat for better and faster transportation.
  • Abe Lincoln comforts mother as she is dying

    Abe Lincoln comforts mother as she is dying
    Abraham Lincoln, just 9 years old at the time comforts his mother while she is on her death bed from milk sickness.
  • The Erie Canal

    The Erie Canal
    The Erie CanalThe Erie Canal was constructed for goods to be able to be transported through. $5,000,000 worth of goods were passed through here from the start of it. It was fully constructed on October 25, 1825.
  • President Jackson forms a new policy

    President Jackson forms a new policy
    The Removal of Indians? President Andrew Jackson formed a new policy for the removal of Indians in the United States.
  • The Telegraph

    The Telegraph
    The telegraph is invented by Samuel Morse for communication to one another in a distance.
  • The Alamo

    The Alamo
    The Mexicans let the Americans go to Texas. This was the Alamo.
  • Lowell Girls protest

    Lowell Girls protest
    Mill girls
    In October 1836, the women at the Lowell mill began to protest against low wages. They were almost being treated as slaves.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Indians are forced to migrate Cherokee Indians are forced to migrate. They called this the Trail of Tears because it caused them to get diseases and die.
  • Frederick Douglas is free

    Frederick Douglas is free
    Frederick Douglas successfully escapes from slavery once he reaches to New York on a train. He is one of the few African Americans that could read and write.
  • The word Millionaire is invented

    The word Millionaire is invented
    Currency HistoryNew York becomes very rich from the Erie Canal. The word millionaire was invented from that in America.
  • Slave Auction in New Orleans

    Slave Auction in New Orleans
    Over a million slaves are auctioned off in New Orleans including children which were being separated from their parents.
  • Migration to Oregon snd California

    Migration to Oregon snd California
    Thousands of men, women, and children migrate to Oregon and California in set for a better life.
  • The Sierra Nevada

    The Sierra Nevada
    A wagon train head west to the Sierra Nevada with George Donner in control of the wagon.
  • Cannabalism

    The Donner wagon train is stuck and stranded in the Sierra Nevada durung the harsh winter, since they took an extra long way. As they are starnded, they run out of all of their food in just 3 weeks. So they begin to eat twigs and dirt, but even worse yet, each other once one of them would die off from the cold and famine.
  • Lincoln's First Trip Down the Mississppi

    Lincoln's First Trip Down the Mississppi
    Abe as a TeenAt age 19, Lincoln makes his way down the Mississppi River to sell goods.
  • Harriet Tubman flees South

    Harriet Tubman flees South
    Harriet TubmanHarriet Tubman leaves the South to gain freedom in the North on the "Underground Railroad" among with other slaves wantiing to gain freedom also.
  • UncleTom's Cabin

    UncleTom's Cabin
    On June 5, 1851, Uncle Tom's Cabin was published and sold. It was strory about slavery.
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown the AbolitionistJohn Brown was from the North and he wanted to fight against slavery in the South. All five of his sons join him willing to die for this cause of fighting.
  • The Execution of John Brown

    The Execution of John Brown
    In Charles Town, Virginia, John Brown, the militant abolitionist was executed on charges of murder, treason, and insurrection.
  • Lincoln nominated for president

    Lincoln nominated for president
    At the Republican National Convention in Chicago, Lincoln is nominated for president.
  • The 16th President

    The 16th President
    Lincoln is elected president on this day.
  • Arlington National Cemetery

    Arlington National Cemetery
    This national cemetery was developed during the Civil War.This was probably because there were so many deathes. This was a pretty violent war.
  • The Second Battle of Bull Run

    The Second Battle of Bull Run
    Robert E. Lee and his army are set out to fight the North in the second battle of Bull Run.
  • Lincoln gives Ultimatum

    Lincoln gives Ultimatum
    President Lincoln gave the South an Ultimatum to rejoin the Union,
  • Formaldehyde

    Embalming fluid was first introduced to the U.S. in 1862 to preserve dead bodies from decaying so that you can view the body.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln writes the Emancipation Proclamation to free all slaves in the country, North and South.
  • Black Army

    Black Army
    Black American soldiers sign up for the Union army to fight for equal rights. This was able to be done after the Emancipation Proclamation was put out there.
  • Sherman's March

    Sherman's March
    Sherman's union army marched from Chatanooga, TN to Atlanta Georigia and then on to the Carolinas.
  • The Assassination of Lincoln

    The Assassination of Lincoln
    Shortly after 10 p.m. John Wilkes Booth entered Ford's Theatre and snuck up on Lincoln while he was sitting next to his wife in the box and shot him right in the back of the head. He was carried over to the Petersen House right across the street from the theatre. He died the next morning.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad
    Nitro glycerine was given to Chinese laborers by Irish immigrants as they were working on the transcontinental railroad. One Irish man knew how to make it and made it all himself. 15,000 Chinese ended up dying from rock explosion.
  • The Portable Camera

    The Portable Camera
    The portable camera is invented allowing there the Civil war to be the first war photographed.
  • The Transcontinental Railroad

    The Transcontinental Railroad
    The railroad is finally completed, allowinf for faster transportation of goods and people.
  • Pioneers settle to the West

    Pioneers settle to the West
    In 1870, 40,000 pioneers migrated to the West to seek land of their own.
  • Andrew Carnegie became the first person to mass produce steel

    Andrew Carnegie became the first person to mass produce steel
  • Locust Plague

    Locust Plague
    Starting on July 20, 1874 through July 30, 1874 a trillion locusts that take up the whole state of Colorado ruin crops all over in the West near the Rocky Mountains.
  • Joeseph Glidden invented barb wire

    Joeseph Glidden invented barb wire
  • Thomas Edison inveted the light bulb

    Thomas Edison inveted the light bulb
  • The American Redcross is founded

    The American Redcross is founded
    The American RedcrossAt age 60, Clara Barton founded the American Redcross, She had been a nurse in the Civil War and actually started off as a schoolteacher.
  • The First Skyscraper was Built

    The First Skyscraper was Built
  • Richard Sears begins selling watches

    Richard Sears begins selling watches
    This is how Sears.
  • The Statue of Liberty was put up in New York City

    The Statue of Liberty was put up in New York City
  • Locusts Go Extinct

    Locusts Go Extinct
    The very last specimens of locusts that were ever recorded were last seen in Southern Canada.
  • Henry Ford created the assembly line for mass production

    Henry Ford created the assembly line for mass production
  • The Triangle Fire

    The Triangle Fire
  • The L.A. Aqueduct is first completed

    The L.A. Aqueduct is first completed
  • World War begins

    World War begins
    The wconomy is booming from mass production of products for the war.
  • Blacks v. Whites

    Blacks v. Whites
    A few blacks skip school in Chicago to go swimming in Lake Michigan. White men begin to throw rocks at the black men also calling them names. A bad fight ended up breaking out.
  • Prohibtion

    The 18th amendment is ratified to prohibit people for using alcohol because became a problem.
  • Mount Rushmore began being built

    Mount Rushmore began being built
    it was built to attract tourists.
  • More money is spent on advertising than education

    More money is spent on advertising than education
  • Al Capone

  • The Stock Market Crashes

    The Stock Market Crashes
    This was only the beginning of the Depression.
  • The Goverenment gives permission for the Hoover Dam to be built

    The Goverenment gives permission for the Hoover Dam to be built
    The gov. makes this decision in order for the economy to hopefully get back on it's feet. 42,000 men from all over the country for this big construction project. This was the first dam built in concrete.
  • Al Capone is arrested for tax evasion

    Al Capone is arrested for tax evasion
    He is sentenced to 11 years.
  • 28 States do not have a single bank open

    28 States do not have a single bank open
  • The Dust Bowl

    The Dust Bowl
    This was a strong two day storm that ripped out massive amounts of topsoil frim the great plains. It was known as the Dust Bowl because it was just a bunch of dust blowing around evereywhere. It was harsh.
  • 180 more radio stations were created

    180 more radio stations were created
    i believe many more created. This was just a day a new broadcasting company decided to open up.
  • The Hoover Dam is completed

    The Hoover Dam is completed
  • The Hoover Dam is the biggest hydroelectic plant in the world

    The Hoover Dam is the biggest hydroelectic plant in the world
  • By 1936, farmers are losing 25 million dollara a day

    By 1936, farmers are losing 25 million dollara a day