English Settlement of America

By ds707
  • Period: Jun 28, 1492 to

    Christopher Colombus discovering America to the end of British rule

  • Roanoke was Settled

    Roanoke was Settled
    England wanted the gold that Spain got from the Americas, so they sent colonists to go get some. They found, upon arrival that gold was not as abundant as the stories they had heard. Roanoke eventually disappeared off the map when John White left, returning 3 years later to find they were gone. The only clue was a rough carving of "CROATOAN", presumably referring to the Croatoan Native Americans. It is believed that they left with them because they were running out of food, shelter, or water.
  • Settling of Jamestown

    Settling of Jamestown
    Jamestown was settled as a second attempt to colonize America. At first, no one was willing to work because they wanted to be rich by finding gold, but when Captain John Smith became governer, he told everyone they had to work for their own food. That worked as a good motivation, and the settlement thrived.
  • The Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth

    The Pilgrims Landed at Plymouth
    The Pilgrims were mostly people seeking freedom of religion from the church of England. Some were indentured servants, people who were to poor to go to America, but became servants to a rich person to go with them. After a number of years, they were free to seek their own fortune.
  • The Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War
    The war for independence from England begins.
  • America Gains Independance

    America Gains Independance
    British rule ends when America declares independance.