Historic events

  • Reconstruction in South

    Reconstruction in South
    Economic, It was the rise from the civil war
  • National leauge founded

    National leauge founded
    Social, was the first baseball team
  • Maxim invents machine gun

    Maxim invents machine gun
    Economic, improved combat
  • X-rays discovered

    X-rays discovered
    Economic, helped in medical operations
  • Wright Bros first airplane

    Wright Bros first airplane
    Economic, started a new way of transportation
  • First toaster

    First toaster
    Economic, started new foods
  • Woodrow Wilson becomes president

    Woodrow Wilson becomes president
    Political, a new president came into power
  • World War one

    World War one
    Social, many lives werre lost
  • Blacks migrate North and West

    Blacks migrate North and West
    Social, blacks were granted full citizenship
  • Stock market crashes

    Stock market crashes
    Economic, ecnonomies began to crash
  • Moved to Deleware

    Moved to Deleware
    Social, was a new change of scenery
  • Moved to California

    Moved to California
    Social, New school
  • Moved to minnesota

    Moved to minnesota
    Social, new place to live
  • Moved to winsconsin

    Moved to winsconsin
    Social, more land
  • Moved to Maryland

    Moved to Maryland
    Social, closer to work