6G's family migrations

  • Jemma's Family migration

    James William Quinn was Jemma's great, great, great grandpa and he migrated from Armargar, Ireland. He migrated because he was needed to be immprissioned in jail and there was nowhere for him to go so he was sent to Australia. He opened a livery stable on liverpool in Sydney
  • Abbey's Family migration

    He migrated as a convict. Abbey's great, great, great, great, great, great, great was a convict, so he was forced to move to Australia to England. Philip Gidley was Australia's 3rd governer. He was in office for 6 years.
  • Lucy.H's Family migration

    Sidney Guilliaume's Parent's. Was Lucy's great, great, great grandpa's familyand they moved from England. They moved because they saw an opportunity for farming land in Victoria and they wanted to have children in Australia.
  • Elyse's Family migration

    Elyse's great, great, great grandfather, Charles Landsberry. Convict on the 'susan' from England.
  • Lucy.K's Family migration

    Lucy's great great grandpa.Clara, Ireland. He came becausehe wanted to find his fortune in Ballarat. While in Australia he established 'W.Lowe and c.o'. Now a National Mens wear shop called Lowes
  • Luxe's Family migration

    Luxe's mum's grand mother immigrated in switzerland to escapt the world war 1. She came by ship and she was 18 years old.
  • Molly's Family migration

    Molly's Great Grandma migrated from England in 1920.
  • Laura's Family migration

    Laura's Grandfather, dad's side. He came from Italy to find a better life and he came on a boat for 1 month non stop.
  • Emma's Family migration

    Emma's Grandma, Nickey came from scotland because their were food rashinings there, and they knew that there were more opportunities in Australia. Emma;s Grandma didn't become a citizen for another 15 years.
  • Laura's Family migration

    Laura's Grandparents and mothers sister from Scotland. My Grandad got offerd a job in Australia. Laura's Aunty only became a citizen in 2012 and Laura's Grandparents aren't citizens and he spent 6 weeks non stop on a boat.
  • Alyssa's Family migration

    Alyssa's Grandma's family migrated from Wales. She migrated as part of the Ten Pound Pom Assisted migration Scene. This assistance was available to all citizens part of the commomwealth and was put into place, largely because Australia feared invasion from Japan and therefore decided they needed a tigger population. They were sponsered by a family friend who happened to be a journalist who worked for the Australian Woman's weekly magazine
  • Charlotte's Family migration

    Charlotte's Grandpa migrated from China because there were more opportunities. Charlotte's Grandpa got married in Hong Kong before moving to Australia.
  • Jasmine.V's Family migration

    Jasmine.V's Grandma moved from Spain to France. She immigrated because a good opportunity came up (coming to Australia) and she decided to take it. She diecided to take it. She went back to Spain, intending to live there after coming to Australia, but ended up coming back to Australia.
  • Chealsea's Family migration

    Chealsea' dad moved from South Africa because Australia is a safer place and there were more opportunities in Austalia. It only took 2 years before he decided to become a citizen.
  • Amy's Family migration

    Amy's Dad moved from Canada. he was going to marry Amy's mum. But he thought that amy's mum would not survive in Canada in winter. He organised a job 1 year before he came to Australia.
  • Toni's Family migration

    Toni's Family moved from South Africa. This was because it was way to dangerous in South Africa to raise a family. Toni's family still visit South Africa alot.
  • Kayla's Family migration

    Kayla's family moved from South Africa because the crime rate was rising. Kayla's citizenship tree is still growing today in my garden today.
  • Millie's Family migration

    Millie's family came from England because it was warmer in Australia and they wanted to have their children brought up in Australia.It was easy because their were planes around that time.
  • Francesca's Family migration

    Francesca's family moved from Hong Kong and Singapore.
  • Jasmine's Family migation

    Jasmine's Grandma moved from England to be with family.
  • Rachel's Family migration

    Hou, rachel's family friend moved to Indonesia to be married and still aren't citezens.
  • Amy.B's Family migration

    Amy's Family moved from Bermuda because they were more opportunity's. they also wanted to bring their children in a better country. They were lucky on our way to Australia because we got on the last plane in England (Since it had been snowing and the other planes had frozen) until 3 days later.