

  • Oct 9, 1002

    Lief Ericson

    Lief Ericson
    Lief Ericson sails from Norway, discovers Greenland and Eastern Canada.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sails from Spain

    Christopher Columbus sails from Spain
    Christopher Columbus departs Spain seeking an easier route to India and China.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus lands in America

    Christopher Columbus lands in America
    Christopher Columbus discovers land in America. He stopped at an island in the Bahamas that he named San Salvador.
  • Jun 24, 1497

    John Cabot lands in Canada

    John Cabot lands in Canada
    John Cabot lands in Canada and makes first Canadian claim for England.
  • Mar 1, 1519

    Hernan Cortez discovers Mexico.

    Hernan Cortez discovers Mexico.
    Hernan Cortez discovers Mexico. The Aztecs believed he was a God returning. Later in the year Cortez conquers the Aztecs and claims Mexico for Spain.
  • Oct 2, 1535

    Jacques Cartier discovers St. Lawrence

    Jacques Cartier discovers St. Lawrence
    Jacques Cartier discovers St. Lawrence, sails as far as present-day Montreal. Makes Canadian claims for France.
  • Henry Hudson discovers New York

    Henry Hudson discovers New York
    Henry Hudson discovers New York and sails up the river that now bears his name. He sailed as far north as present-day Albany.