World wide web2

History of the Internet

  • ARPA is formed, for the Department of defence.

    Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish US lead in science and technology applicable to the military.
  • RAND is formed by Paul Baran

    A government agency, was commissioned by the U.S. Air Force to do a study on how it could maintain its command and control over its missiles and bombers, after a nuclear attack.
  • ARPANET contact to BBN

    A physical network was constructed in 1969, linking four node's University of California at Los Angeles
  • First email was sent by Ray Tomlinson.

    The first e-mail program was created by Ray Tomlinson of BBN. the message IN the email was only "QWERTYUIOP"
  • TCP/IP is invented.

    This new protocol was to allow diverse computer networks to interconnect and communicate with each other.
  • The Queen sends her first email

    1976 - The Queen sends an email from the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern.
  • First ever Smiley was used in a email :-)

    Scott Fahlman kick-starts smiley-culture by suggesting using the :-) and :-( smileys to convey emotions in emails. :D
  • The word Internet is used for the first time.

    The word Internet is used for the first time.
  • First virus invented,6000 computers get infected.

    The first internet worm is unleashed by Robert Morris. It infects about 6000 computers. Although it causes no physical damage, it clogs up the internet and loses hundreds of thousands of dollars in computer time.
  • Internet goes public.

  • First Cyber Bank opens

  • Hundreds of Thousands of new hosts.

  • 19.5 Million Hosts, 1 Million WWW sites, 71,618 Newsgroups.

    19.5 Million Hosts, 1 Million WWW sites, 71,618 Newsgroups.
  • Wireless Internet goes public