
  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    Rock and Roll got its start in the early 1950’s. The roots of rock and roll began in African American Blues and Gospel music. One of the great innovators of rock music in the 1950’s, Little Richard, said “Rhythm and Blues had a baby and somebody named it rock and roll.” Many people thought he was 100% correct with this statement. This combination between Rhythm and Blues was completely new to the teenagers of the time that made them love it even more. They were fast paced, sexy, catchy, and were
  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    easy to dance to, this scared adults and terrified parents.
  • TV

    The picture of the TV shown here was one of the best qualities TVs that you could get back in the 1950’s. Now when you sit down and watch your TV at night it is big enough to see through the whole room, and has as many colors as the rainbow. TVs in the 1950s were very poor quality compared to today. They were static and had white lines that would go top to bottom of the screen when your show was on. They also didn’t have very many options of channels.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    another researcher named Albert Sabin made a vaccine that was easier and more effective than Salk’s. Now, cases of polio are extremely rare and most cases are very easily treated.
  • Polio Vaccine

    Polio Vaccine
    Polio was an awful disease that was very serious and sometimes caused paralysis (can’t move legs or arms) that spread around the body and eventually shut down vital organs and the victim would die. In 1952, Jonas Salk introduced a vaccine to cure the disease and the results were shockingly good. There was a 60-70 percent chance you were cured. But suddenly, after it had been working for so long, some 200 cases of polio emerged and 11 people died. Then, after all usage of the vaccine was halted,
  • Disneyland

    Walt Disney had a vision for his company where children and parents could have fun together. The original plans for the park were 8 acres next to the Burbank studios where his employees and families can go relax. But years later it turned into a magical park, and even though Walt Disney wasn’t there to see it, his legacy still lives on through his wonderful park.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    the police came and arrested her. After four days of being in jail, she got convicted for disorderly conduct. The day she got arrested, December 1st, 1955, a group of African Americans with a leader named Martin Luther King Jr. started a bus boycott. African Americans made up almost two thirds of public bus transportation, and the boycott would end up lasting a year and sixteen days. It ended when an U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the segregated bus service in Alabama was unconstitutional.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    Rosa Parks, the woman who wouldn’t move. Rosa was on the bus on the way back to her home after a long day at work when a white passenger got onto the bus. The driver of the bus told Rosa she had to move to the back, but unlike most of the other African Americans she didn’t jump up and run to the back for this other person to sit down. When she wouldn’t move the police came and arrested her. After four days of being in jail, she got convicted for disorderly conduct. The day she got arrested, Dece
  • JFK

    The JFK assassination is probably one of the most controversial cases in modern history. Crowds of excited people lined up on the streets to see the president and his wife turn off of Main Street. Just then a shot rang out and a bullet hit John F. Kennedy in the neck and the head. The car in which he was in sped off to the Hospital that was only a few minutes away, but not much could be done for the President. A Catholic priest was summoned and the 35th president of the United States was dead. A
  • JFK

    United States was dead. After the shock of the incident had gone down a bit the police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald for the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    gunmen rushed at him and shot him around 15 times at very close range. He was just 39 when he died, but he is still known as one of the most influential African Americans.
  • Malcolm X

    Malcolm X
    African American, Malcolm X, was a very influential person. He was a black rights activist, who had very many enemies. He also had a lot of fans. He would fight for what he believed. Many people thought that he was trying to teach people blacks were better than whites. He had many people trying to take his life because of this. Many people tried to kill Malcolm and his family, but most attempts failed. It wasn’t until February 21, 1965 while he was speaking onstage when three gunmen rushed at hi
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    The civil rights act was the 14th amendments that forbid discrimination on the basis of sex as well as race in hiring, promoting, or firing. This means that it made it unlawful for an employer to “fail or refuse to hire or to discharge and otherwise discriminate against any individual with respect to the individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or nationality. This act created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to implement the law.
  • Civil Rights Act

    Civil Rights Act
    to implement the law.
  • Vietnam

    The Vietnam War was a long and a costly conflict that was a result of the Cold War. It was a struggle between a nationalist force attempting to unify the country of Vietnam under a communist government and the United States attempting to prevent the spread of communism. In the end of the war no conflict had really been resolved and the loss of life was great. Today, the spread of communism has slowed and the different countries have come to somewhat of an agreement.
  • Vietnam

    countries have come to somewhat of an agreement.
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    Neil Armstrong was the first man to step foot on the moon on July 20th, 1969. Neil went into space on the Apollo 11 with 2 other people, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. In 1957 the USSR sent a satellite into space. This left America feeling like we were behind in the race to space. So in 1961 President John Kennedy gave an inspiring speech to Congress which said, “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and
  • First Man on the Moon

    First Man on the Moon
    a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.” Eight years later is when the United States completed this by sending Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin on the moon, and we were no longer behind on the race to space.
  • VCR

    The very first VCR was invented in 1956 and was the size of a piano, but the first VCR that were in homes were made and on the market in 1971. The company that made them was Sony. The VCR allowed families to record movies and watch them at their own time. So they didn’t always have to be in front of the TV when it came on. After this invention came out people feel in love. They loved how they could watch what they wanted when they wanted to watch it.
  • VCR

    wanted when they wanted to watch it.
  • Abortion

    Abortion laws in the 1970’s felt like a women’s rights breakthrough to some, but to others, it felt like the end of civilization. Abortion was criminalized between the late 1800s and 1973. Tens of thousands of women died from illegal abortions or complications from them. They took extreme measures to try and lose the baby, and suffered major complications. Afterward, they were so afraid to go to a doctor and often went off quietly and died without saying a word. So, finally in 1973, abortion wa
  • Abortion

    finally made legal, but did not decrease the number of deaths because of back alley abortions. (Professional abortion expense mixed with the “Parental Consent” policy)
  • Sears Tower

    Sears Tower
    The Sears Tower was the name of this building for 35 years, and then in 2009 is when the name got changed. They changed the name to The Willis Tower. No matter what the name is the 4.5 million ft. tall and 110 story building toke a total of 4 years to build. This building is the tallest building in Chicago no matter what the name of it is. The 110 floors are all office spaces that get rented out to people.
  • Sears Tower

    Sears Tower
    floors are all office spaces that get rented out to people.
  • Test Tube Baby

    In 1978, Louise Joy Brown, the world’s first “Test Tube Baby”, was born in Great Britain. This was such a breakthrough because this allowed couples who could not conceive a child naturally, could now have their own children. Lesley and John Brown could not conceive a child and were going everywhere for some way to have their own baby. They finally found doctor Steptoe who took an egg out from Lesley who then gave it to another doctor, doctor Edwards, who then fertilized the egg and then placed
  • Test Tube Baby

    it back into Lesley. Then, 9 months later, a healthy baby girl was born. The Browns’ story gave hope to many infertile (unable to have children) couples. Louise is now married and has children of her own and is 100% healthy.
  • Iran Hostage Situation

    Iran Hostage Situation
    60 American hostages were taken when a group of Iranian students invaded the U.S. Embassy located in Tehran. The Irany people would take the American people and blind fold them and put them on TV. This was killing President Carter. He tried to get the Americans home but nothing he did worked. 444 days later they released all 60 people safely right after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.
  • Iran Hostage

    Iran Hostage
    safely right after Ronald Reagan was sworn in as president.
  • Lennon killed

    Lennon killed
    John Lennon, a Beatles musician, was shot and killed outside of his apartment on December 8, 1980. John and his wife, Yoko Ono was returning from the recording studio when 25 year old crazed fan Mark David Chapman shot him at point blank range. Earlier that day, Chapman had been hanging around with other fans and had asked him for an autograph.
  • Attempt on Pope's life

    On May 14, 1981 Pope John Paul II was shot and seriously wounded. The Pope was shaking hands and lifting small children while being driven around in Rome when he was shot in the left hand, the right arm and also in the abdomen, narrowly missing vital organs. The Pope collapsed into his Polish secretary’s arms and was rushed two miles north to Gemelli Hospital for emergency surgery. The police later arrested a gunman who was identified as a Turkish murderer who had threated the Pope’s life in
  • Attempt on Pope's life

    honor of the Islamic religion. Pope John Paul II later visited the shooter in prison and forgave him for his ways.
  • AIDS

    Aids started tremendously growing in the early 1980’s. Aids were most common in white males. Doctors later thought that Aids would become most common in homosexual males. Which isn’t true, it can spread from any 2 people. It doesn’t matter if your straight, homosexual, white, or black. Anyone can get aids.
  • Ozone Layer

    Ozone Layer
    The first spotting of the ozone layer hole happened in May of 1985. There are many reasons why this hole may have appeared. Scientists believe it’s because of enhanced human production of ozone- depleting chemicals, (aerosol hairspray). All of the chemicals finally exceeded what the ozone-layer could handle. Scientists later found out that the layer was thinning since 1970 but in 1985 is when it gave way.
  • Black Monday

    Black Monday in 1987 is one of the most significant stock market crashes in United States history. The amount that the market declined from peak to bottom was 508.32 points, 22.6%, or 500 billion lost in one day. This particular drop is the largest one-day percentage in history. The causes of this drop are a lot of insider trade and lots of junk bonds.
  • Rap Music

    Rap Music
    Rap music started as a message to other people, way to help get there point across. Most of the famous rappers in the 70’s and 80’s hoped to use hip hop music to speak out against the gangs that started appearing in their towns. Then in the 90’s rappers started to try to develop something new. They call this music gangsta rap, which is the complete opposite of what the 70’s and 80’s rappers sang about. The 90’s rappers would glorify the violence, drugs, sex, and gangs. This music drew in many te
  • Rap Music

    Rap Music
    teenagers and young adults, but pushed away parents and authority figures. The rappers say that they were just talking about life in their neighbor hoods at this time and how these things happen.
  • Desert Storm

    Desert Storm
    On the 17th of January, 1991, Desert Storm began with a coordinated attack that included a Tomahawk land and attack missiles. Saddam Hussein, the dictator of Iraq, ordered his army across the border into tiny Kuwait. Kuwait was a major supplier of oil to the US. If Iraq took over the country it would pose a major threat to the next door neighbor, Saudi Arabia. If Saudi Arabia fell to Saddam, Iraq would control one fifth of the world’s oil. In the last months of 1990 the United states issues a
  • Desert Storm

    Desert Storm
    deployment known as Desert Shield(which later became Desert Storm) to attack and enter Kuwait to find Saddam.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    The Gulf War started when Iraq invaded Kuwait and started threating to invade Saudi Arabia as well. If the dictator, Saddam Hussein, were to get control of these other 2 countries he would have control over most of the oil production in the world. This was very unacceptable for the US who put together armed forces to get the Iraqi military to leave Kuwait and not enter Saudi Arabia.
  • Gulf War

    Gulf War
    to get the Iraqi military to leave Kuwait and not enter Saudi Arabia.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    On April 19, 1995, a truck bomb exploded in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma that left 168 people dead and hundreds more injured. The blast was set off by an anti-government militant, Timothy McVeigh (Who was later executed for his crimes in 2001). His co-conspirator, Terry Nichols received life in prison. Until September 11, the Oklahoma City bombings were the worst terrorist attack to ever take place on US soil.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    were the worst terrorist attack to ever take place on US soil.
  • Clone Sheep

    Clone Sheep
    In the 1990’s everything electronic and scientific was still very doubted by many people. So when scientist brought up this idea of cloning something many people thought that was just science fiction movies and such. But Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell were able to clone the very first mammal using adult cells, a sheep named Dolly, named after the singer Dolly Parton). Dolly lived for 6 years (July 1996- February 2003) she ultimately died because of lung disease. You couldn’t tell from looks or th
  • Clone Sheep

    Clone Sheep
    2003) she ultimately died because of lung disease. You couldn’t tell from looks or the way she acted that Dolly was cloned. She was a very healthy sheep, except she had arthritis which most sheep have when there 4 or 5, Dolly was 5 when she got hers. After living for 7 years and giving birth to 6 health offspring they had to euthanize her because of her lung disease, which most sheep that live in doors have, and because of severe arthritis that medicine no longer helped.
  • Gay Marriage

    Gay Marriage
    75% of Americas think homosexual sex is immoral and homosexual marriage should stay illegal. 29% of people believed that gays should be allowed to adopt a kid together. 10-15% are the only ones who supported gay marriage in the 1990’s. At this time period the world still didn’t agree and embrace marriage equality between non-homosexual people and homosexual people.
  • Gay Marriage

    Gay Marriage
    marriage equality between non-homosexual people and homosexual people.
  • 2000 Election

    conflicting opinions on who would have actually won if the recount had been allowed to proceed.
  • 2000 Election

    The presidential election in 2000 for the 54th presidency was between the Republican candidate, George W. Bush, son of a former president and the governor of Texas. Running against him was Al Gore, the democrat and former vice president. The election was noteworthy because of a controversy over the awarding of Florida’s 25 electoral votes and the unusual event of the winning candidate (George Bush) having received fewer popular votes than the runner-up. (Al Gore) Later studies have reached
  • 9/11

    Islamic extremist group named al-Qaeda stole 4 airliners, large airplanes, and completed suicide attacks against the United States. 2 of the airliners were flown into the World Trade Center, hitting their target. 1 of the other airliners hit the pentagon outside of Washington, D.C. hitting its target as well. The last airliner crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. September 11, 2001 was the date that this all happened. 3,000 Americans were killed in New York and Washigton, which includes over 400
  • 9/11

    . 3,000 Americans were killed in New York and Washigton, which includes over 400 police and firefighters trying to save lives of people.
  • Virgina Tech Massacre

    The Virginia Tech Massacre appeared to be the most deadly shooting rampage in American history after 33 people were killed. The killings occurred in two separate attacks on the campus. The first was around 7:15 when two people were shot and killed at a dormitory. More than two and a half hours later, 31 others, including the gunman, were shot and killed across campus in a classroom building. Victims were found all over campus.
  • Hudson Plane

    A US Airways jetliner with 155 people aboard lost power in both engines from hitting birds after taking off from La Guardia. The pilot landed in the Hudson River and all the passengers on board were rescued by ferries and emergency bats. What might have been an enormous tragedy in New York was averted by the smart pilot’s quick thinking and maneuvers. Witnesses and officials called it miraculous.
  • Gulf Oil Spill

    Gulf Oil Spill
    The Deep-water Horizon exploded over night while people were working on a well at the bottom of the sea in the Gulf of Mexico. Oil was leaking from this oil-drilling rig for over 3 months. The total amount of oil a day that was spilt was 4.9 million gallons. This is the biggest oil spill that has happened in history. The Oil Spill didn’t just leave oil missing it also left people missing. 11 people were never found (people assume that they died in the explosion) and 17 people were hurt. Bp, the
  • Gulf Oil Spill

    Gulf Oil Spill
    owner of the oil getting spilled, tried 6 different things to stop it from spilling but none of them worked. Until 86 days later when they finally figured out the right way to cap the well.
  • Bin Laden Killed

    On May 2, 2011, the founder and head of the Islamic terror group, al-Qaeda, was killed by Navy SEALs shortly after 1:00. Two days after the September 11 attacks (performed by al-Qaeda), President George W. Bush said: “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our No. 1 priority and we will not rest until we find him.” His attack and murder in 2011 was a very significant and emotional happening for many people.
  • Joplin Tornado

    Joplin Tornado
    tornado was also the seventh-deadliest in the world.
  • Joplin Tornado

    Joplin Tornado
    An EF5 tornado struck Joplin, Missouri in the evening of May 22; this was during the late-May tornado outbreak. 158 people were killed immediately, 4 people that later died from injuries, and 1,150 that were just injured. This tornado made 2.8 billion dollars in damage costs. The Joplin Tornado made the history books for multiple, very sad reasons. It was the deadliest tornado to ever strike the United States since 1947, and the priciest tornado to happen in the United States. This tornado was a
  • Massacre at Sandy Hook

    Massacre at Sandy Hook
    20 children and 6 adults were shot at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. Adam Lanza is the 20 year old who shot this 26 people at the school and his own mother before he went to the school. This massacre is now known as the second deadliest mass shooting by one person in American history. Adam Lanza ended his life after ending 27 others. December 14, 2012 is a day that many people will always remember. This was a day people lost Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, daughters,
  • Massacre at Sandy Hook

    Massacre at Sandy Hook
    sisters, brothers, daughters, and sons because of one person.
  • Girls held hostage for 10 years

    DeJesus was taken by Castro after he offered her a ride to his house to see his daughter whom she was very close with. After ten years, Amanda Berry did something very brave when Castro wasn’t home. She screamed for help and the neighbors came rushing to her. All four were saved. They were all taken for rehabilitation and the world waits for them to share their story.
  • Girls held hostage for 10 years

    Ariel Castro, a bus driver, was charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape after kidnapping and hiding three women in his attic. Michelle Knight was walking to go see her cousin when Castro pulled up beside her and offered a ride. 16 year old Amanda Berry was walking home from her shift at Burger King when Castro pulled up beside her and also offered her a ride. Lastly, 14 year old Georgina DeJesus was taken by Castro after he offered her a ride to his house to see his