50's and 60's

  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime
  • 14th amendment

    granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the US"
  • 15th amendment

    prohibits the federal government and each state from denying a citizen the right to vote based on the citizen's race or color
  • Plessy v Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson
    it upheld the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities as long as the segregated facilities were equal in equality. it allowed separate but equal, also known as segregation, to become law in the US.
  • Mendez v Westminster School district of Orange Country

    Mendez v Westminster School district of Orange Country
    the court case decided that segregation of Mexican-American children without the specific state law is unconstitutional. this case led to the end of segregation in schools.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    state and local laws that enforced racial segregation
  • Brown v Board of education

    a landmark US Supreme Court case in which the court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for back and white students to be unconstitutional
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    Montgomery bus boycott
    a political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the public transit system of Montgomery, Alabama
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    she refused to give up her seat to a white man. she was arrested and her arrest led to the Montgomery bus boycott
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    first group of black students who were able to attend an all white school because president Eisenhower used the military to enforce the Brown v Board of education decision
  • Sit in movement

    led by NAACP youth council, a wave of anti-segregation sit-ins across the South were launched and opened a national awareness on the depth of segregation in the South
  • Martin Luther King I have a Dream speech

    Martin Luther King I have a Dream speech
    a speech delivered by American Civil rights activist MLK during the march on Washington for jobs and freedom. he calls for an end to racism in the US and calls for civil and economic rights
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    this act made racial, religious, and sex discrimination by employers illegal and gave the government the power to enforce all laws governing civil rights, including desegregation of schools and public places
  • Voting Rights Act

    invalidated the use of any test or device to deny the vote and authorized federal examiners to register voters in states that blacks. it brought many things for the black people
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    a group of violent disturbances in a largely black selection of Los Angeles in 1965. Over thirty people died. The first of several serious clashes between black and police in the late 1960's
  • Freedom Summer

    a campaign in the US that launched in June 1964 to attempt to register as many African-American voters as possible.