840px theodore roosevelt laughing

5 Events of the Progressive Era

  • McKinley dies

    McKinley dies
    Mckinley's death is significant to the Progressive Era because it marks the beginning of Teddy Roosevelt's presidency and the beginning of the ProgressiveEra.
  • Teddy Roosevelt becomes president

    Teddy Roosevelt becomes president
    Roosevelt's presidency is significant within the Progressive Era for many reasons. Teddy handled the coal miners strike of 1902, fained the right to build the Panama Canal, won a Nobel Peace Prize, was the youngest president to ever gain office, was called the "trust buster," was a dedicated conservationist and was a good public speaker and all around an effecient and good person in office.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Upton Sinclair wrote the book "The Jungle" and caused quite a controversy. This book exposed the poor working conditions of the mear packing industry. This book was the cause of the passing of the Meat Inspection Act of 1906.
  • 1906

    1906 was a year that Teddy Roosevelt passed many laws and continued his work in improving society in America. He passed the Hepburn Act which gave the ICC economic power of the railroads, The Pure Food and Drug Act which was passed to help protect the public's health by making it illegal to distribute harmful food, medicine and liquor. Roosevelt also passed the Meat Inspection Act in 1906 which regulates the quality of the meat that is distributed to the public.
  • William Howard Taft becomes president.

    After Teddy Roosevelt steps down as president, he chooses Taft to take his place. Unlike Teddy, Taft is not well like by the people.Although not being liked by the people, he did accomplish a few things during his presidency. Such as: establishing a postal system that stimulated national trade and commerce, established the 16th amendment which created a federal income tax, passed the 17 amendment, and like Roosevelt, busted many trusts and monopolies.