3rd timeline

By vxr
  • Shay's Rebellion

    it helped pave the path to the constitution because it showed how at first the people weren't being heard and then after Shays rebellion the government ended up giving tax relief.
  • Constitutional Convention

    It was when alll the delgates who wanted to started anew and fresh. A like the New Jersey plan was that they had control the fedral governent to the states. The great compromise was lead to the creation of the senate and the house of representatives. The 3/5 compromise was that the southern slaves were citizens so the state is more populated and they get more power in the governent.
  • Judiciary Act 1789

    it was created to in charge of controling the fedral courts.
  • Second Great Awakening

    the second great awakening was a protestant revival movement. This was a time of multiple things like religous and geographics.
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Rebellion in 1794 by farmers in western Pennsylvania against the tax on whiskey. It shows for a new standing military and the new fedral government to enforce law.
  • Chisholm v. Georgia

    Chisholm v. Georgia is mitigated by the Eleventh Amendment, specifically passed to "overrule". They overruled cause it was 1 to 4.
  • XYZ Affair

    Controversy in 1798 over French demands for bribes from American negotiators.
  • Alien and Sedition Acts

    A series of laws that sought to restrict the activities of people who opposed Federalist policies. The Kentucky and virginia plan was took place saying the the Alien and sedition act is unconstitutional.
  • Revolution of 1800

    it wa sthe shift of power from the federalists to the democrats.
  • Marbury v. Madison

    It was when mabury was not given the seat when the other did and chanllenged the constitution. Judical review It implies the power of federal courts to consider or overturn any congressional and state legislation or other official governmental action. Midnight judges were the 42 or so judges who were oppointed before jefferson to over the presidency. the judiciary act of 1789 is were mainly organizing offices and appointing a certain numbers of judges.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    jefferson bought the land after Napoleon was in hug dept and so sold the land.
  • Embargo Act 1807

    was a general embargo enacted by the United States Congress against Great Britain and France during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • Nonintercourse Act 1809

    the act lifted on all embargoes of amercican shiping except that bound to france and New england.
  • Fletcher v. Peck

    the case was about how the legislature was bribied of sell in land of the native indians. When the new legislature was made mr. flecher whao was one of the buyers demanded his contract m=null and void and wanted his money back. The decision was the first to declare a state legislative act unconstitutional.
  • Macon’s Bill No. 2 1810

    it was made to motivated the britain and the france to stop seixing the american ships during the war.
  • War of 1812

    It was the war where us want to show they were their own independent country and they were strong. They also could not lose the battle because of they did britain would more like to take over and colonize there again and have power even if its little.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Ended the War of 1812 with Britain cofirming the sovereignty of the new nation. the battle of new orleans was the last battle of the war.
  • Election of 1816

    It was the beginning of the good feeling era. The election was won by james monroe.
  • Second Bank of United States

    It was a 20 year charter. It expired on 1836. It was a nation federally authorized central bank
  • Dartmouth College v. Woodward

    It started off with the college where the trustees took off the president of the college. The significance of this was that state has limited amount to go into their privacy.
  • McColluch v. Maryland

    Maryland violated congresses implied power. the case strengthened the implied power's clause.
  • Johnson v. McIntosh

    This was the case where the supreme put that private citizens can not buy land from the native american. John marshall was at that very popular and his word counted for it. He was also interested in buying private land.
  • Gibbons v. Ogden

    There was a violation of congress towards the ..... of using the waters as much with steamboats. Now the state can not regulate the waters when ever they want to.
  • Election of 1828

    It was a sea change in American politics, ending the national control of the old families of Virginia and Massachusetts.
  • Indian Removal Act 1830

    This was an act put to place for jackson to negociate with the indians in making them move to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for their land.
  • Nullification Crisis 1832

    When there was a high tariff the south coralina refused to sign. They passed a law saying that it was unconstituational and troops to protect them. President jackson did act angrily by sending the troops down there and force the agreement.
  • New Deal

    New deal was a number of associations to try and create jobs by FDR. Many were just lets try this and that to get back everyone back to work.
  • Election of 1824

    This was the curopt bargain election. This is where jachson talked a person who played a big part in congress to make him prsude them to elect for him. He told the person if he became president he will give the job he wanted.
  • Dawes Act

    This act was adopted by the congress in 1887 allowing the president to able to survey indian tribual land and divide it into allotments for individual Indians
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    the wounded massacre was about when the town people came to indian camps and top all weapons away from them. There was a deaf man who did not want to give the weapons up because he didn't know. That point the gun was shot and everyone were killed, children, women and men.
  • Founding of the NAACP

    the long name is National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. This to support and help the colored people at the time.
  • First Red Scare

    It was time there was fear of communism was going to take over.
  • Red Summer

    This was the time of race roits against blacks and any other raceo ther then them selves.
  • Harlem Renaissance

    This was the time there was a huge immigration of the black population in new york. This was the birth of jazz. Unable to perform because of the times they would do it in the their own places in restaurant and everyone one would come to see them.
  • Election of 1932

    FDR wont he election with 472 electoral votes. The time he got elected was during the great depression and the wall street crash.
  • Attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    After the bombing of the paerl harbor the americans bombed the Hiroshima and Nagasaki parts of japan killing innocent number of people.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman made this doctrine to help greece and turkey with economic and military aid to make them not fall to the soviet.
  • Creation of NATO 1949

    this is an contract that is made between america and europe that if any external attacks are made they will help each other to block them off. This was made during the time soviet union was spreading and the fear it is.
  • Fall of China to Communism

    That is the day the communist took over china later called republic of china. That stopped few organizations from there fights. it also lead United States to suspend diplomatic ties with the PRC for decades.
  • Korean War

    the korean war was about the soviet who is ready to take over the whole korea but when fighting the war they were only able to save the south from being taken over but ny that time north is already taken over.
  • Election of 1952

    Dwight D eisenhower was the winner of the election. Many events happen on the period of the time like the bloody korean war, Mcarthy era and so.