East Asia Timeline

  • Period: 206 to 221

    Quin Dynasty

    There was an increase in trade, agricultue and military securtity. Even though they had military strength, the Qin Dynasty did not last long. When the first emperor died in 210 BC, his son was placed on the throne by two of the previous emperor's advisers, in an attempt to control the entire country through him. They fought among themselves, which resulted in both their deaths as well as that of the second Qin emperor.The empire soon fell to a Chu lieutenant, who founded the Han Dynasty.
  • 210

    Burial of the Terra Cotta Army

    The terra cotta army was discovered in 1974 by some farmers. According to a historian named Sima Qian, the construction began in 246 BC and took 700,000 workers. Qin Shi Huang was 13 when construction began. He stated that no two soldiers were to be made alike, which is most likely why he had construction started at that young age. Their purpose was to help rule another empire with Shi Huang Di in the afterlife. They are also sometimes referred to as "Qin's Armies."
  • 213

    Period of the Book Burning Policy

    Happened during the Qin Dynasty, between 213 and 206 BC. After Qin Shi Huang unified China in 221 BC, his chancellor Li Si suggested suppressing the freedom of speech, unifying all thoughts and political opinions. Beginning in 213 BC, all classic works of the Hundred Schools of Thought (except those from Li Ssu's own school of philosophy) were subject to book burning. Qin Shi Huang burned the other histories out of fear that they undermined his legitimacy, and wrote his own history books.
  • Period: 221 to 475

    Warring States period

    475 B.C to 221 B.C. The Warring States period is usually explained as "a time of endless brutal wars that came as a result of friction among the seven states and that this unfortunate state of affairs could end only with one state bringing all into one empire."
  • 246

    First Chinese Emperor (Shi Huangdi)

    His real name was Ying Zheng and he was king over the Chinese from 246 B.C. to 221 B.C.He became the first emporer of a unified China and ruled until he died at the age of 50.
  • Period: 256 to Jan 19, 1045

    Eastern Zhou Dynasty

    It followed the Shang Dynasty and was followed by the Qin Dynasty in China. The Zhou dynasty lasted longer than any other dynasty in Chinese history. During the dynasty the idea of the Mandate of Heaven was introduced and practiced. Farming was pretty much controlled by the nobles who owned all farm land. The first projects for hydraulic engineering took place during the Zhou Dynasty as well.
  • 300

    Completion of the Erya(Oldest Chinese Dictionary)

    the Erya(3rd century B.C.,) is the earliest surviving monolingual dictionary
  • 400

    First Use of the Crossbow

    Handheld crossbows with bronze trigger mechanisms have been found with the Terracotta Army in the tomb of Qin Shihuang (221–210 BC) that are similar to some from the Han Dynasty (202 BC–220 AD),
  • 551

    The Development of the Ouija Board

    The Ouija Board was developed in 551 BC. It is a flat board with letters, numbers, and symbols on it. It is also called the "spirit board" or "talking board." A Ouija Board is used to communicate with spirits.
  • 551

    Birth of Confucius

    He was born June 19, 551 B.C. in Shang-ping, in the country of Lu.His real name was Kong but his followers called him Kong-fu-tse which eventually led to Confucius.
  • Jan 15, 600

    The Shijing Book of Songs

    Shijing (The Book of Songs) is the earliest collection of Chinese poems including 305 poems of the Zhou Dynasty. They were written to be sung.
  • Jan 19, 770

    Spring and Autumn Period

    It's a period in Chinese history, which raligns to the first half of the Eastern Zhou dynasty (from the second half of the 8th century BC to the first half of the 5th century BC).
  • Period: Jan 19, 1122 to

    Shang Dynasty

    The Shang dynasty is said to have been founded by a rebel leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler.
  • Jan 15, 1200

    Death of Lady Hao

    Lady Fu Hao was the earliest woman general in China. Her tomb was found in 1976 and dated to 1200 BC. She was a queen and general when she was killed by another state officer.
  • Battle of Banquan

    It's the first recorded battle in Chinese history. It happened in the 26th century B.C. under the reign of the yellow emperor.
  • Date of the oldest Silk found in China

    The oldest silk found in China comes from the Chinese Neolithic period and is dated to about 3630 BC, It was found in Henan province. Silk items excavated from the Liangzhu culture site date to around 2570 BC, and include silk threads, a braided silk belt, and a piece of woven silk. A bronze fragment found at the Shang Dynasty site at Anyang contains the first known written reference to silk
  • Domestication of the Buffalo

    They were demesticated to be used to drag a plough through the flooded fields or hauling wagons. They also provide milke, which was beneficial to the people. They were used on farms that grew rice.