3-Anne Frank's Life

  • Anne Frank Is Born

    Anne Frank Is Born
    Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany. She is the youngest child of two. Her older sister's name is Margot. Their dad loved taking pictures and he immediatley took a picture of Anne and her mother after Anne was born. Anne's full name is Annelisse Frank.
  • Margot

    Margot, Anne's older sister, had a huge impact on Anne. Margot was the person who Anne really looked up to as she was growing up. They often went to eachother in times of need. They were also like best friends. They shared the same interests and talk to eachother about anything. They were by eachother's sides through everything. Anne would get jelous sometimes because Margot was quieter and more well behaved than Anne. But, they still loved eachother.
  • Dad

    Anne's dad was very loving towards Anne. He helped her with everything in life and was always there. He loved Anne very much. They had a close father-daughter relationship and they understood eachother. Her dad had a tough life being a dad through the Holocaust. He often took pictures of Anne and the rest of the family. Anne used alot of them to decorate her diary. He considered taking pictures his hobby.
  • Star Spangled Banner

    Star Spangled Banner
    In 1931, The Star Spangled Banner became the official national anthem. Francis Scott Key composed the lyrics to the song. Presient Herbert Hoover signed a congessional act to make the Star Spangled Banner the national anthem. The song is now very famous and part of alot of people's lives in America.
  • President Franklin

    President Franklin
    Franklin Roosevelt becomes the President of the United States of America in 1932. He won the election with a fight. He was married to Eleanor Roosevelt who liked being the 1st lady. She often helped Franklin with his presidential duties. Eleanor was also his cousin but they were in love anyway. President Franklin was a great president.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Adolf HItler starts his hatred for Jews in 1933. After his power grew larger and larger, the Holocaust began. He was very violent and changed many people's lives. He was considered a dictator, and a very harsh one too.
  • New Jew Laws

    New Jew Laws
    Anne, being Jewish, was forced to do new, different things than usual. New laws were passed for ONLY Jewish people. Some of the laws were that only Jewish people could use a Jewish barber, kids were forced to go to an all Jewish school; all Jews must wear a yellow star; Jews can't use any transportation and can't go shopping unless it's between 3 and 5 o'clock; and Jews must be indoors at 8:00P.M.-6:00A.M.
  • Miep And Bep

    Miep And Bep
    Miep and Bep kept the Franks in their home to hide and risked thier lived for them. They really cared about the Franks like they were all one family. Miep and Bep did anything to keep them safe from Hitler and the Nazi's. If Miep and Bep weren't there to provide a place for them to stay, bad things would have happened and changed everything. They took a huge risk to hide the Franks but they did it anyway because they were good people.
  • Stayed In Hiding

    Stayed In Hiding
    Anne and her family managed to stay in hiding for two whole years. They had to stay in a tight space for all that time. They stayed in a seceret annex in their friends Miep and Bep's house. After the two years they were in hiding, they were eventually found and had to be deported to a death camp.
  • Survival

    Anne survived the first death camp she went to. It was very hard to survive and Anne, Margot, an her dad all survived. The first camp, that she survived, was called Auschwitz. When she arrived there for the first time, it was a horrofying scene. Anne got through it and luckily survived.
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    Anne and the whole Frank family were deported to a concentration camp called Auschwitz. It was very harsh but somehow Anne, Margot and Otto survived. They were then sent to another camp called Bergen-Belsen. A few weeks before British soldiers liberated the camp, Anne and Margot died at Begen-Belsen.
  • The Harsh Death

    Anne Frank died in March, 1945. She died only a couple days after her older sister, Margot, died. They were both emaciated and starving from the brutal things they did to them at the death camp. Annelisse Frank will be greatly remembered.