United States events

  • Louisiana purchase

    Thomas Jefferson doubled us territory by the Louisiana purchase. The land was purchased from France by Napoleon Bonaparte. The land extended from the Mississippi river to the rocky mountains. The land costs was $15 million $11,250,00 was paid directly and the rest covered debts that France owned to the US.
  • Battle of New orleans

    The battle of new Orleans was the major battle of the war or 1812.It was the final battle. It was commanded by the General Andrew Jackson. They defeated a invading British army. It was an great land victory of a war. It somewhat settled peace and caused the treaty of Ghent.
  • Texas revolution

  • Gols rush

    There was gold found in California in 1848 by 1849 there was thousand of people. The gold was discovered by James Wilson in Coloma, California. About 3000,000 Half arrived by sea and the rest by land. These people where called the forty-niners .People migrated for more money better jobs and a future. San Francisco grew from a small settlement to a boom town. Laws were created and government leading California to a free state.
  • South Carolina seceded

    South Carolina seceded from the union it had grown different cultures and believes than the other states int the north and they wanted to keep slavery. This also had an led to the other states Mississippi,Florida, Alabama, Georgia,Louisiana and Texas. There was a lot of tension between south Carolina and other north states and was incompatible to them.
  • New president

    Abraham Lincoln was selected president in 1860. Abraham Lincoln caused many changes in the country. One of the things that he did was to free the slaves he was considered a very good man. He was an important president he made a lot of changes and had a very controversial death he was shoot while watching a play.
  • The civil war starts

    Then civil war started. The tariffs that he south and to pay was one of the reasons that caused this war another reason was that the did not agree about put slavery. The north didn't allow it while the south wanted it and wanted to keep slavery legal. Most everybody thought that the war wasn't going to last very long just a few months even a year but not mare than that after a year or two they changed their months this war was extremely serious and it split the country in two which was not good
  • Blockade

    President Lincoln issues a Proclamation of Blockade against Southern ports. For the duration of the war the blockade limits the ability of the rural South to stay well supplied in its war against the industrialized North. This caused the south to have a disadvantage against the north because they didn't have supplies and other needed things so they had a hard time during the war. This was a cause of the south loosing the war.
  • The 13th amendment

    The thirteenth amendment was passed to free the slaves it formally abolished slavery. It was ratified in December 6,1865 it stated that “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude,except for punishment for crime shall exist. This gave freedom but that didn't mean that everything was okay. There was still unfairness and racism house passed it in January 1865 and met success.
  • The surrender of Lee

    Robert E lee surrenders his army to Ulysses Grant. After four years of fighting Lee surrendered this took place in the Appomattox court house. Grant allows the rebel soldiers to keep their horses and mules. The south had great courage to go against the big army of the north they were out numbered but still put up a good battle .
  • The president is killed

    President Lincoln was shoot and killed. He was shoot while watching a play the play was in the third act. He was sitting with with his wife I the falcon. John Wilkes Booth went behind Abraham Lincoln and shoot hi while he was watching the play. Abraham never recover conscious and he traveled all over the united states so people could say good bye to him. He was a very loved president. The news caused a lot of grief in the entire nation.
  • Andrew Johnson took presidency

    Andrew Johnson assumed presidency when Abraham Lincoln died. He was a us senator from Greenville in east Tennessee. He was the first president to be impeached.