2.7 Honors Timeline

  • Steam Engine Created

    Steam Engine Created
    Thomas Savery invents the first steam engine.
  • Isaac Newton & His Electric Generator

    Isaac Newton & His Electric Generator
    Sir Isaac Newton strategically builds an electric generator with rotating glass spheres
  • First Touch Of Electricity

    First Touch Of Electricity
    Benjamin Franklin discovers electricity by using a kite and a key during a thunderstorm.
  • Internal Combustion Engine

    Internal Combustion Engine
    French-Born, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot built what was known as the first automobile with an internal combustion engine.
  • Steamboat Invention

    Steamboat Invention
    William Symington, a British engineer invents the steamboat.
  • The 1st Water Turbine Power Plant in NY

    The 1st Water Turbine Power Plant in NY
    James Bicneno Francis invented first water turbine
  • First Electric Light Created

    First Electric Light Created
    Thomas Edison invent what is known as the first incandescent light bulb.
  • Nuclear Fission Discovered

    Nuclear Fission Discovered
  • 1st Silicon Solar Cell Invented

    1st Silicon Solar Cell Invented
    The development of solar cell technology would not have been possible without the research of French physicist Edmund Becquerel. In 1839
  • 1st Nuclear Reactor Operation in Windscale, England

    1st Nuclear Reactor Operation in Windscale, England
    Windscale, England encountered one of the worst nuclear accident in Great Britain's history