
shattering glass/hall

By 2045977
  • omenis forshadowing

    omenis forshadowing
    "Simon Glass was easy to hate. I never knew exactly why, there was too much to pick from.i guess, really, we each hated him for a different reason but we didn't realize it until the day we killed him."
  • level two question

    level two question
    why does simon really care about his situation as a high school student. at the end of the day you are the only one that will be there for you
  • mental change in the physical room

    mental change in the physical room
    for simon the wieght room is a place of security. it may just be a place to work out but for simon it is the beginning to an easy life through high school
  • level three question

    level three question
    high school should be a place of self discovery why is there a status my goal is to do what i do and forget about any social rankings
  • shopping

    in this perticular chapter the guys shop with glass for somthing presentable for a popular kid
  • beach

    simon gets pushed in the sand by lance and rob makes lance leave
  • Friction between the riseing and the fallen

    Friction between the riseing and the fallen
    the next day after the beach simon embaressed lance in front of the whole senior class