20-1 project

  • Acadians are exiled from their homes

    Acadians are exiled from their homes
    Who: The Acadians
    What: Were exiled from their homes
    Where: Port Royal
    When: 1755
    Why: British thought they were a threat to land
  • The Conquest (Battle on the Plains of Abraham)

    The Conquest (Battle on the Plains of Abraham)
    Who: British, French
    What: British Invasion to take Quebec
    When: 1759
    Where: Quebec
    Why: British wanted to regain land
  • The Royal Proclamation determines that First Nations are sovereign

    The Royal Proclamation determines that First Nations are sovereign
    Who: King George III and the First Nations
    What: First Nations treaty
    When: 1763
    Where: Canada
    Why: First Nations laws state they don’t have to purchase the land there given in Canada
  • Lord Durham’s report encourages the assimilation of the Francophone colonists

    Lord Durham’s report encourages the assimilation of the Francophone colonists
    Who: Lord Durham
    What: The union of 2 Canada’s
    When: 1838
    Where: Canada
    Why: Wanted to turn upper and lower Canada into 1 whole
  • Confederation - 1867

    Confederation - 1867
    Who: Edward Caldwell
    What: Making Canada
    When: 1867
    Where: Canada
    Why: The fear of cost defending British colonies from the USA
  • The Indian Act is first created

    The Indian Act is first created
    Who: First Nations
    What: Act to make sure reserve land is maintained
    When: 1876
    Where: Canada
    Why: Protects there culture
  • Chinese Head Tax discriminates against Chinese immigration

    Chinese Head Tax discriminates against Chinese immigration
    Who: Canadian government and Chinese immagrints
    What: Chinese had to pay head tax
    When: 1885-1923
    Where: Canada
    Why: The government wanted to limit the number of Chinese immagrints
  • Riel Rebellion

    Riel Rebellion
    Who: Canadian government and the metis
    What: Battle against the government
    When: 1885
    Where: What’s now known as Alberta and Saskatchewan
    Why: Fear of the changes in the west
  • Conscription crisis during World War One

    Conscription crisis during World War One
    Who: Canadians
    What: Thousands of Canadians fought for Britain
    When: 1917
    Where: Belgium
    Why: If men should have been conscripted to go to war
  • Chinese Immigration Act

    Chinese Immigration Act
    Who: Canadian government
    What: Chinese had to pay a tax
    When: 1923
    Where: Canada
    Why: Limit Chinese immagrints
  • The referendum is held to decide if Newfoundland should join Canada

    The referendum is held to decide if Newfoundland should join Canada
    Who: Newfoundlanders and some Canadians
    What: Newfoundland joining Canada
    When: 1948
    Where: Newfoundland
    Why: It was forced to join Canada due to issues
  • Quiet Revolution

    Quiet Revolution
    Who: Rene Levesque
    What: Change the role of Francophones
    When: 1960
    Where: Quebec
    Why: Nationalizing of private electricity company’s
  • The White Paper on Aboriginal Rights

    The White Paper on Aboriginal Rights
    Who: Canadian government
    What: Wanted to abolish the old treaty
    When: 1969
    Where: Canada
    Why: Want to understand the First Nations
  • The Red Paper

    The Red Paper
    Who: Aboriginals
    What: First Nations response to the white paper
    When: 1969
    Where: Canada
    Why: Supports aboriginals treaty’s
  • FLQ Crisis

    FLQ Crisis
    Who: FLQ activists
    What: Firs Canadian crisis were Canadians dident have freedom
    When: 1970
    Where: Canada
    Why: The changes Quebec was making
  • The Calder Case

    The Calder Case
    Who: Frank Calder
    What: Recent land claim in BC
    When: 1973
    Where: BC
    Why: Aboriginals dident have and option to stay on traditional land
  • Election of the Parti Quebecois

    Election of the Parti Quebecois
    Who: Rene Lesvesque and Claude Morin
    What: Parti Québécois elected
    When: 1976
    Where: Quebec
    Why: Was credited to Claude Morin
  • Bill 101 is passed into law in Quebec

    Bill 101 is passed into law in Quebec
    Who: Supreme court of Canada
    What: English language schooling in Quebec.
    When: 1984
    Where: Quebec
    Why: Bill 101- the charter of the French language. "Children should have the right to learn that language in the province".
  • The NEP (National Energy Program) is implemented

    The NEP (National Energy Program) is implemented
    Who: Federal government.
    What: wanted to gain more control over the Canadian petroleum industry.
    When: 1981
    Where: Canada/ Alberta
    Why: Canadians federal government wanted to obtain greater control over petroleum
  • Referendum 1980

    Referendum 1980
    Who: Parti Québécois
    What:PQ's sovereignty plans with Quebec.
    Where: Quebec
    Why: PQ's party wanted Quebec to associate with them.
  • Canada adopts official multiculturalism

    Canada adopts official multiculturalism
    Who: Canadians and immigrants.
    What: Canada adopted multiculturalism to create a country that people from other ethnic cultures can come.
    When:1960s to 1988
    Where: Canada
    Why: Canadians wanted to create a policy where immigrants of other ethnic groups could come and not be discriminated against
  • Meech Lake Accord

    Meech Lake Accord
    Who: Prime minister Brian Mulroney
    What:Attempt to win Quebec's consent to the revised Canadian constitution.
    When: 1987
    Where: Quebec
    Why: Strengthen provincial powers to declare Quebec a distinct society
  • Supreme Court Determines that Turbans Can be Worn By RCMP

    Supreme Court Determines that Turbans Can be Worn By RCMP
    Who: Baltej Singh Dillon.
    What: Fighting for the right to wear a turban with the RCMP uniform.
    When: 1988-1990
    Where: Canada
    Why: Mounties uniform is traditional and should be changed
  • The Oka Crisis

    The Oka Crisis
    Who: Army/police and Mohawk protesters.
    What: 78 day stand off from July to September 1990.
    When: 990
    Where: Montreal
    Why: The construction of a golf course on land that had a Mohawk burial ground
  • Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

    Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples
    Who:Aboriginal people and Canadian government/society.
    What:Historical survey to do with aboriginal and non aboriginal people in Canada.
    When:1991(followed the Oka Crisis).
    Why:Research done to identify the relationships between Aboriginal people and Canadian society
  • Charlottetown Accord

    Charlottetown Accord
    Who: Prime minister Brian Mulroney.
    What: Amending Canada's constitution.
    When: 1992
    Where: Charlottetown
    Why: The accord would've transferred many federal powers to the provinces, it was rejected
  • Referendum 1995

    Referendum 1995
    Who: Canadian government
    What: Referendum,Quebec sovereignty.
    When: October 30,1995
    Where: Quebec
    Why: Failure of both the Meech Lake Accord and the Charolette Town Accord left doubt and about the constitutional failure of Canada
  • Recognition of Quebecois nation 2006

    Recognition of Quebecois nation 2006
    Who: Stephen Harper
    What: House of Commons passes Quebecois as a nation within a united Canada.
    When: 2006
    Where: House of commons.
    Why: Canada should be united as one, Quebecois as a nation involved more Canadians in Canadian nationalism
  • Canada apologizes for Residential Schools

    Canada apologizes for Residential Schools
    Who: Prime minister Stephen Harper
    What: Harper apologized for pain caused to the family of the residential school victims.
    When: 2008
    Where: Took place at the House of Commons.
    Why: Canadian Government caused a tremendous amount of pain to many Aboriginal people
  • The Publication of The TRC 94 Calls to Actionp

    The Publication of The TRC 94 Calls to Actionp
    Who: Indigenous children effected by the government boarding schools.
    What: Indigenous Children were abused in government boarding schools.
    When: 2015
    Why: Canadian government wants to try and fix what happened in the past