1st Hour - Events Shaping America 1783 - 1865

By dbrix
  • Revolution Ends

    Americal Reolution End Britain and United States sign the Peace of Paris Treaty
  • 1783 parachute

    The first parachute was demonstrated by Louis-Sébastien Lenormand in 1783 of France. - this helps a ton with the military when soldiers are forced to jump out of planes and skydive down, they have to have something to slow their fall.
  • Britain cedes (gives up) all lands west to Mississippi River

  • William Pitt II

    became English Prime Minister at 24
  • Peace Treaty

    *Peace Treaty ends Revolutionary War * Britain cedes all lands west to Mississippi River Many *80,000 Loyalist emigrate north to Canada *William Pitt (II) becomes English Prime Minister at the age of 24
  • Proposal to Ban Slavery

    Thomas Jefferson's proposal to ban slavery in new territories
  • Bifocal glasses

    Ben Franklin invented the bifocalglasses they were helpful for people that can't see very well or can't see when thay cant read
  • Loyalists Move to Canada

    80,000 loyalists emigrate north to Canada
  • New Republic

    *United States becomes a new Republic *
  • Indain War

    *North West Indian war *
  • Ice Cream

    Many people love ice cream and enjoy it, but it doesn’t really help with anything health wise, but it is a good way to make money.
  • Frist ice cream

    First Ice cream commercially made in NYC
  • Printers strilke

    Philadelphia printers strike.
  • Northwest Ordinance: congress providing for government of Northwest Territory

  • Pennsylvania admitted

    The political seat of America (for awhile)
  • New Jersey admitted

    agriculture for food
    numerous trade centers
  • *Constitutional Convention *

    *Constitutional Convention *
  • Young Ladies Academy opens

    Young Ladies Academy opens in Philadelphia.(A school for only women.)
  • constitutional convention

    constitutional convention
  • Delaware admitted

    lakes for harbor
  • Virginia admitted-tomatoes

  • New York admitted-Canals for transportation

  • Georgia admitted

  • Connecticut admitted

    flour (doesn't grow the crop)
    shoe buckles
    candlestick holders
  • Massachusetts admitted

    major fishing industry (lobster, crab)
  • Maryland admitted

  • Constitution ratified

    Constitution ratified
  • South Carolina admitted

  • New Hampshire admitted

  • Period: to

    President George Washington

    He actually owned a slave.
  • North Carolina admitted-Port cities

  • French Revolution

    *French Revolution begins *Bill of Rights adopted *George Washington becomes Federalist *Under the Constitution , the U.S. President has the power to make treaties. *
  • bill of rights adopted.

    bill of rights adopted.
  • Census

    First United States Census. Nearly 700,00 slaves lived during this time
  • Interchangeable

    1790- Interchangeable parts. (Honoré Blanc)- these are sometimes useful when people go hunting, it makes loading guns easier, and cleaning them easier, and if a part breaks they can just add a new one.
  • Metric System

    Most people use this in everyday math, and it is helpful for measuring.
  • Seat of government Moves to NYC from Philadelphia

  • Rhode Island admitted-cotton mills

  • The first textile mill

    The first textile mill staffed by kids under 12.1
  • census was first taken

    census was first taken
  • Seat of goverment

    Seat of government moves from New York City to Philadelphia,
  • Judith Sargent Murray

    Judith Sargent Murray protest for equality of the sexes.
  • Vermont admitted-Partial ban on slavery

  • *Vermont admitted *

    *Vermont admitted *
  • Guillotine

    Dr.joseph Guillotin was the first to make guillotine
    This didn't really help anybody except for the king but it was for The people who were getting beheaded
  • First U.S. trade

  • Mary Wollstonecraft the rights of women. Persuade women to endeavour to acquire strength, both of mind and body.

  • First U.S. Trade Union of shoemakers for better wages and working conditions.

  • Kentucky admitted- High calcium content of soil: Bluegrass region- major horse breeding area

  • First U.S

    First U.S. Trade Union of shoemakers *Kentucky was admitted *
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act, the United States outlaws any efforts to impede the capture of any runaway slaves, federal laws that allowed for the capture and return of runaway slaves
  • Eli whitney invents cotton gin; reives dying slave economy of south.

  • French King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette executed.

  • fugitive slave act-The fugitive slave laws were laws passed by the United States Congress in 1793 and 1850 to provide for the return of slaves who escaped from one state into another state or territory.

  • French King Louis

    French King Louis XVI(16) and Queen Marie Antoinette executed. Revives dying slave economy of South. * Fugitive Slave Act *
  • Cotton Gin Eli

    Cotton Gin Eli Whitney patents his device for pulling sees from cotton. The invention turns cotton into the cash crop
  • French Directory

    French Directory -was a body of five directors that held executive power in France following the National Convention And preceding the Consulate. North West Indian War Ends.
  • Tennessee admitted- Major industry: Tourism: Tennessee Aquarium

  • Period: to

    President John Adams

    Unpopular president.
  • Period: to

    President Thomas Jefferson

    Approved the Louisiana Purchase.
  • Alien and sedition act four bills were passed.

  • Quasi-War

    Alien and Sedition Act- These laws included new powers to deport foreigners as well as making it harder for new immigrants to vote.
    The Quasi-War was an undeclared war fought mostly at sea between the United States of America And the French Republic in 1798.
  • Napoleon

    Napoleon becomes Consul-During this period, Napoleon Bonaparte, as First Consul, had established himself as the head of a more conservative and centralized republican government in France while not declaring himself head of state
  • Jefferson’s election begins virginia dynasty.

  • Battery

    1800- Volta invented the chemical battery- this is helpful because they power many of todays things, including cars, flashlights, and toys
  • Light Bulb

    Help people see in the night and work during the night so they can get more money for working later.
  • Women Teaching

    Women barred from higher education, women monopolies primary school teaching.
  • Seat moves from Philadelphia to Washington D.C

  • Volta invents electric battery.

  • The U.S capital

    The U.S. capital is moved from Philadelphia to Washington, DC (June 15)
  • Married Women

    Married women could not own property in their own right or make contracts.
  • table elements

    it gaves us a better undersarnding for many different things in science such as gases adn solid matters
  • Louisiana Purchase: U.S. purchased land from Mississippi River to Rocky Mountains and from Canada to Gulf of Mexico

  • Louisiana Purchase Treaty

    Is when Untied Sates Purchased a large amount of land from France.
  • Napoleonic Wars Start.

    Was series wars bewteen the French Empire and oppsoing European Crountries.
  • Ohio admitted- Employment largest area: trade/transportation/utilities

  • Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleonic Wars Ends
  • Britian declares war on France

    Because Napoleon continues interfering in Italy & Switzerland.
  • Lewis & Clark expedition: Explore America Northwest

  • Napoleon

    Becomes Emperor
  • Lewis & Clark

    Expedition Starts.
  • Barbary Wars

    Two wars fought at different times bewtween United States & Barbary States.
  • Nelson Wins at Trafalgar

    A naval battle fought bewtten the French and the British.
  • Society Founded

    African female Benevolent society founded in Newport, RI
  • Labor Groups to Court

    Employers start to taking labor groups to court.(They have to settle for not being the best teacher so they work with primary children.
  • Lewis & Clark

    Their expedition ends
  • Potassium and Sodium

    Sir Humphry Davy discovers the elements potassium and sodium. - This is helpful to people so they know how much sodium they are getting in each serving of packaged food that way they can maintain their weight.
  • Act Prohibiting Importation of slaves.

    Did not allow the importaion of slaves in the United Sates.
  • Battle of Eylau.

    Napoleon defeats Russians.
  • American bans slavery

    America ban slavery trade but some American still sneak slaves over to America.
  • Congress Phrohibits Slavery

    Congress prohibits importing of african slaves.
  • Period: to

    President James Madison

    Considered the father of the Bill of Rights.
  • Supreme Court/ fedral power

    Supreme Court rules federal government power greater than any state.
  • can opener

    1810- Can opener Peter Durand- You can open cans more easily.
  • Mexican War of Independence.

    Ends Spain Rule of New Spain.
  • First steamboat

    First steamboat to sail down the Mississippi River to New Orleans. This was helpful to prove that steamboats do work.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe in Indian Territory.

    Native Americans defeated in the Battle of Tippecanoe in Indian Territory.
  • Louisiana land recognized as Missouri land

  • Declaring War

    U.S. declares war on Britain over British (March 4, 1813). British capture Washington, DC, and set fire to White House and Capitol.
  • Louisiana admitted- Biggest producer of crawfish in the U.S.

  • Napoleon defeated in Russia

    The defeat of Nepoleon invasion Russia
  • War of 1812.

    War of 1812 begins.
  • Steam powered boat

    henry bell inbents the first steam powered boat made transportation a lot easier to get across oceans and rivers
  • U.S. Captures Ft George, Canada

    Americans beat British at Ft. George,
  • Battle of Dresden

    Battle of Dresden- Napoleon defeats Austrians.
  • The Power Loom

    Power loom makes weaving a factory occupation.
  • Creek War

    Creek War ends.
  • Battle of Champaubert

    Battle of Champaubert- The French beat the Russians.
  • French Monarchy

    French Monarchy Restablish.
  • War 1812

    War of 1812 Ends.
  • Indiana admitted

    construction of roads, canals railroads
  • Period: to

    President James Monroe

    Made a document the made America off limits to European tampering.
  • Mississippi admitted

    Catfish aquaculture farms
  • Erie Canal Construction

    Construction begins on Erie Canal in New York- make Transportation for boats easier, shortcut for boats.
  • Jackson Purchase in Kentucky: Southwest part of Kentucky

  • Spain

    Spain agrees to cede Florida to the U.S.
  • Alabama admitted

    Cotton Plantations
  • Spain Agrees

    Spain agrees to cede Florida to the United States
  • State declare which sides are they

    Missouri declare they are slave state. Maine is slave free state. Slavery is against the law in the north territory.
  • Alabama and Maine

    Alabama and Maine are admitted into the U.S.
  • Maine admitted

    The center of Privateers
  • Fed Offers Land

    Fed offers land at $1.25 an acre
  • Treaty with Spain sets boundaries

  • Missouri admitted

    Farming in the west
  • Mexico

    Mexico gained Independence
  • Missouri Compromise: Agreement between proslavery and antislavery factions

  • Missouri Comprimise

    missouri compromise missouri was admitted as a slave state.
  • Emma Ward

    Emma Ward opens Troy Female Seminary in NY.
  • Black people rebell

    Slave rebelle: South Carolina is a free slave union Denmark Vesey had try to rebelle at Charleston. 35 people who help the up rises had been hanged.
  • Missouri

    Missouri gets admitted.
  • Stephen Austin founds colony in Texas

  • Monroe Doctrine

    a statement of United States foreign policy expressing opposition to extension of European control or influence in the western hemisphere
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Address to the congress, James Monroe expressed the U.S.’ policy on political order in the rest of the Americas and the role of Europe.
  • Revolutions in Latin America

    Revolutions in Latin America lead to independent nations.
  • Period: to

    President John Quincy Adams

    Got into office through corruption.
  • U.S. Congress

    U.S. Congress approves Indian Territory, clearing the way for forced relocation of the Eastern Indians on the Trail of Tears.
  • First Public

    high school opened in NY and Boston.
  • Winnebago

    Winnebago War
  • Chocolate

    1828 - Dutch Chocolate is invented by Coenraad Johannes Van Houten - so people could eat it.
  • First Public

    railroad was made
  • Greeks Win

    Greeks win War of Independence from Ottoman Empire . Zulu Wars Ends.
  • Period: to

    President Andrew Jackson

    He expanded the president's office and power.
  • Levi Struass Jeans

    You can wear them for style or for work
  • Indian Removal Act moves eastern Indians west of Mississippi

  • Women become dynamic

    activist in Abolition and Temperance movements.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act moves eastern Indians west of Mississippi.
    Oregon Trail opens.
  • slave rovolt

    South Carolina freed slavery preacher Nat Tuner leads a two-day uprising against whites,killing about 60.Militiamen cruch the revot then spend two months serching for turner,who is even caught and hung.Enraged southerners impose harsher resteriction on the slaves.
  • enslaved african american

    Nat Turner,an enslaved african american preacher,leads the most significant slave uprising in american history.He and his band of about 80 followers launch a bloody,day-long rebellion in southampton county,Virginia. the militia quells the rebellion.
  • Mechanical Reaper

    First mechanical reaper by Cyrus Mccormick - it helped people cut down wheat and corn, and the combine developed from this.
  • telegraph

    1832- Samuel F.b morse design improved electromagnetic telegraph - it made getting messages from one person to another a lot easier. The telephone evolved from this.
  • Black Hawk War

    war between the Sac and Fox and the United States in 1832.
  • Santa Anna elected president of mexico

  • Oberlin College

    in Ohio is the first co-educational college in the world.
  • Electric motor

    You could put them on things to make it move. This also made transportation a lot easier
  • Indian Territory founded

  • slavery aboolished in brittish empire

  • Kindergarten

    invented by friedrich wilhelm august forble
    kids to learn and get a head startin learning
  • Anti Slavery Propaganda

    Censorship southern states expel abolitionists and forbid the mailing of anti slavery propaganda.
  • General strike

    for 10-hour day.
  • second seminole war in florida

  • Arkansas admitted

    Cotton farms
  • Texas Revolution: U.S. settlers declared their independence from Mexico and established the republic of Texas

  • texas revalution ends

  • arkansas gets admitted

    truly becomes part of the united states
  • Period: to

    President Martin Van Buren

    There was an economic depression that led to band failures and food riots during his presidency.
  • Michigan admitted

    Crop shipping
  • Battle of the alamo

    a mexican battle during the texas revalution
  • Iowa territory organized

  • Trail of trears

    The trail of tears was when the whites pushed the cherokee out of their land because of gold and expanion and the indian removal act.
  • Photography

    Daguerre invented first form of photography- this gives good economic opportunities and it is a hobby to many people.
  • Daguerre invented

    first form of photography
  • trail of tears ends

  • Oregon Trail: Route starting in Missouri and ending in Oregon

  • origon trail starts

  • upper and lower canada unite

  • Period: to

    President William Henry Harrison

    He was the first wig to enter the house and had the shortest term of all presidents.
  • Period: to

    President John Tyler

    Was the first president to be threatened with impeachment.
  • 10 hour day

    for children under 12 in Massachusetts
  • rubber band

    1845- Rubber Band invented by Stephen Perry - you can hold things together (Newspapers) with them and use them for your braces, and they are also useful for office use.
  • Period: to

    President James K. Polk

    First president to serve as speaker of the house.
  • Texas admitted. Oil and gas industry.

  • Florida admitted

    Logging, mining, fishing, sponge diving, farming, citrus growing,Cattle ranching
  • Florida and Texas

    Florida and Texas gets admitted.
  • America wins war with Mexico

    America wins the war with Mexico and they have to figure out if they will permit slaves in the newly won land.
  • Iowa admitted- Manufacturing: food processing, heavy machinery, and agricultural chemicals.

  • Oregon boundary with Canada established at 49th parallel

  • Mormon Trek

    Mormon trek from Nauvoo to Salt Lake City
  • Fredrick Douglass escapes

    Frederick Douglass' escapes slavery and starts publishing The North Star in Rochester, New York.
  • Mormon trek

    from Nauvoo to salt lake city
  • New Hampshire

    enacts first state 10-hour day law.
  • Treaty of Cauhenga, Iowa

    Treaty of Cahuenga ends Mexican-American War.
    Iowa gets admitted.
  • Wisconsin admitted- Produces a quarter of America’s cheese; cheese production

  • Women's rights

    First Woman's right held in Seneca Falls, NY
  • Property Act

    Married Woman’s Property Act enacted in NY State.
    (Property Act- The women protested that they could make their own rights and contracts and own land.)
  • Gold Dicovered

    Gold discovered in California
  • Feb. Revolution

    February Revolution by french workers makes Louis Napoleon III President of 2nd Republic
  • Mexican Cession: Historical name for present day southwestern U.S. that Mexico ceded to the U.S.

  • Gold discovered in California

  • Revolution by French

    Revolution by French workers makes Louis Napoleon III President of 2nd Republic.
    Gold dicovered in California
  • Period: to

    President Zachary Taylor

    Taylor was a career officer in the United States Army, rising to the rank of major general.
  • Harriet Tubman Escapes

    Harriet Tubman escapes from slavery and returns back to the south at least times to free hundreds of slaves.
  • Saftey Pin

    Helpful so we don't hurt are fingers when we pin stuff.
  • Period: to

    President Millard Fillmore

    Fillmore approved the Compromise of 1850, allowed slavery in the South.
  • California enters the Union

    The compromise of 1850: in order for California to enter the Union as a free state northern congressmen accept a harsher fugitive slave act.
  • California admitted- 1900-1965: population grew from fewer than 1 million to most populous state in the Union

  • dishwasher

    joel houghton mad the first dishwasher
    helpful so we dont have to yous the sink to wash aour dishes and it makes it makes it muck more faster
  • Utah Territory

  • New Mexico Territory

  • California gets admitted.

    California gets admitted.
  • Sewing Machine

    Singer patents sewing machine. it helps people make new products and help people sew new clothes out of old and worn down fabric, this is known as upcycling, so it keeps old fabric out of our landfills.
  • Harriet Tubman's book

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin Publishes a book about Harriet Tubman's life as a slave, and it sells 300 copies in the first year.
  • 1852

    1852- Louis Braille invented braille. - Braille is very helpful to many people who are blind so they can learn to read as well.
  • Period: to

    Presdent Franklin Pierce

    Pierce supported the Kansas- Nebraska Act, opening new land for settlement.
  • Gadsden Purchase: Region of present day southern Arizona and and southwestern New Mexico purchase by U.S.

  • U.S acquires

    U.S. acquires border from Mexico for $10 million dollars.
  • Nebraska and Kansas Act

    Nebraska-Kansas Act setting aside the Missouri Compromise of 1820, the 2 states are given the option by Congress to choose whether they will allow slavery.
  • Smith and Wesson revolver

    This is a weapon that cops can carry, and you can use it for hunting.
  • Slavery

    Republican party formed for abolition of slavery
  • Nebraska and Kansas territories

  • Upper half of Indian Territory becomes part of Kansas Territory

  • Republican Party

    Republican Party formed for abolition of slavery
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War between Turkey,France & Britain against Russia.
  • Period: to

    President James Buchanan

    Buchanan tried in vain to find a compromise to keep the South from seceding Union, but failed.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision: The Supreme Court of the United States votes , seven to two, that African American blacks can not be citizens and that Congress has no authority to outlaw slavery in any territory.
  • Kansas ratifies anti-slavery constitution

  • Minnesota admitted- 72 state parks and 58 state forests

  • Minnesota gets admitted.

    Minnesota gets admitted.
  • Oregon admitted- One of largest salmon-fishing industries in the world

  • Oregon gets admitted.

    Oregon gets admitted.
  • Linclon becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln of Illinois becomes the Republican President of The United States of America.
  • South Carolina sperates

    Southern State South Carolina separates from the Union, many states follow.
  • Shoemakers strike

    Great shoemakers strike. Finishing, machine stitching, was being done elsewhere for shoes. Workers were paid only $1 to $3 per week for wages.
  • Pony Express

    Pony Express begins.
  • Period: to

    President Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln led the Union into the Civil War to preserve the nation and end slavery.
  • Period: to

    Start of Civil War

    The United states engages in a Civil War for 4 years were over 600,000 American lives are claimed.
  • Kansas admitted- Agricultural outputs: cattle, sheep, wheat, soybeans, cotton, hogs, corn, and salt.

  • Western territories recognized by Republican Congress

  • Unification of Italy

    Unification of Italy.
    Civil War begins.
  • Linlcon signs the Emancipation Proclomation

    President Abraham Lincoln signs the Emancipation Proclamation that declares all slaves in the south are freed on January 1st, 1863
  • West Virginia admitted- Salt mines: major producer of salt

  • Freeing Slaves

    Lincoln issues emancipation proclamation, freeing slaves
    emancipation proclamation-the proclamation issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1863, freeing the slaves.
  • French Troops

    French troops occupy Mexico City Maximilian of Austria proclaimed Emperor of Mexico.
    Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation, freeing slaves.
  • Nevada admitted- 1 of 2 states to significantly expand borders with acceptance of the Union

  • Sand Creek Massacre.

    Sand Creek Massacre.
  • Slavery Ends

    Slavery is put to an end by the 13th amendment of the United States of America which outlaws slavery.
  • Vassar College opened

    Vassar College opened
  • Lincoln assassinate

    Lincoln assassinate
  • Civil War ending

    Civil War Ends. Lincoln assassinated
  • Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin. - This helped the slaves because they didn’t have to pick the seeds out of the cotton, and it helped slaveowners because it allowed them to harvest faster.
  • Lawn mower

    edwin beard budding made the first lawn mower
    made it a lot easer to cut down grass and make it look it nicer
  • Fench troop occupy Mexico

    French troops occupy Mexico city maximilian of austria proclaimed emperor of Mexico