19th Century America

  • Louissiana Purchase

    While Thomas Jefferson was in office he purchased it from France for $15 million. It was all the land from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains; it doubled the size of the United States.
  • Lowell's first cotton mill

    Lowell's factory used many machines thats turned waw cotton into cloth. He hired women because all they did was sit at home, he called them "mill girls."
  • Missouri Compromise

    It banned slavery from much of the Louisiana territory. It still maintained a balance of free states and slave states in the Senate by entering Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state.
  • Andrew Jackson elected

    He created the democratic party, this made many people vote for him. He lost to John Quincy Adams and then won the next election.
  • Indian Removal Act

    The Indian Removal Act cleared Indian's from the lands east of the Mississippi River. This was passed by congress during Andrew Jackson's preidency.
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    Trail of Tear's

    When the U.S. found Gold where the Cherokee lived, they were forced to move. When the Cherokee resisted the U.S. made them walk 800 miles on the Trail of tears. On this walk, 4000 Cherokee died.
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    Mexican American War

    When Texas seceded from Mexico it couldn’t stand on its own, so it decided to join the U.S. Mexico got mad at us for taking land that used to be theirs.

    The Compromise of 1850 stopped everyone from Popular Sovereignty. It pleased the North because it let California come in as a free state, but it also pleased the south because it divided all of the southwest territories into 2 states and made them both slave states.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Harriet Beecher Stowe created a book about slavery called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The author hoped that this novel would bring slavery to a quick and peaceful end, but when the Northerners read this they got very angry, they didn’t know slavery was like that in the south. They wanted to end it immideately.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    In 1854 Senator Steven Douglass devised a plan called the Kansas Nebraska act. This organized a way to organize the Great Plains for settlement. Since the bill had nothing to do with slavery, The south said they would vote for it if it allowed Kansas and Nebraska to have popular sovereignty.
  • Bessemer process patented

    In 1855 Henry Bessemer patents a new methof of making steel. The bessemer process was the first inexpensive process for mass production of steel from molten pig iron.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    John Brown fought to keep Kansas free soil. Supporters and opponents of slavery fought and it was so gory that they called it bleeding kansas.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    In 1856, Dred Scott went to court because his slave owner traveled to Wisconsin, which was a free state, he wanted to know if that would make him free. The court said that if you are not a citizen of that state, you are not free. They also said that slaves cannot bring cases to court.
  • Oil discovered in Pennsylvania

    Edwin Drake discovers oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania. The oil industry exploded in west P.A., oil becomes a cheap source of fuel for lamps, lubricant for machinery, and more.
  • John Brown's Raid

    In 1859 John Brown went on a march with several free slaves and seized the arsenal in Harpers Ferry.
  • Lincoln elected

    Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860, he did not like the idea of slavery. The south didnt like him at all and decided to secede from the union.
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    The Civil War

    The civil war happened because the south seceded from the union after lincoln was elected. Lincoln was a democrat so he didnt want slavery in the union. His main thoughts about the civil war were to preserve the Union, the south thought that he wanted to end slavery.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    After the battle of Antietam, Lincoln sent out a message to all of the states that they had to come back into the union or else he would free their slaves. The states thought he was joking, but when they got the message they were shocked.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    This was the bloodiest battle of the war, it lasted for 3 terrible days. More than 50,000 soldiers were killed or wounded.
  • Sherman's march to the sea

    Sherman captured Atlanta and burned much of it to the ground. He continued toward the coast, his troops destroyed everything of value. After taking the port city of Savannah, Georgia, he swept through the Carolina's.
  • 13th amendment

    This ammendment was passed by congress, it was one of three Reconstruction-era ammendments. It abolished slavery, congress said that he must grant free men the right to voth, he said, "White men alone must manage the south."
  • Lincoln Assasinated

    A little more then a month after his inaugaration, he was assasinated while attending a play at Ford's Theatre. Lincoln's assasin was an actor named John Wilkes Booth. He believed he was saving the confederacy by murdering the president.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    Generals Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee met at the village of the Appomattox Court House. Grant was the North's general Lee was the sounth's. The north had won the war and the South had surrendered.
  • Black codes

    Black codes were made by state legislatures and stated that African American's could own property, work for wages, marry, and file lawssuit's. They could not vote or serve on juries,
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    With Lincoln assasinated, he could not put his plan for Reconstruction of the Union to act. It was up to the vice president, Andrew Johnson, he had to put the North and South back together,
  • 14th amendment

    This ammendment was passed by congress and said that all people born or naturalized in the U.S as a citizen has the equal protection of laws.
  • Johnson's Impeachment

    President Johnson fired secratary of war Edwin Stanton, a radical abolitionist appointed to office by Lincoln. He violated the terms of the Tenure of Office Act, congress impeached him and he was 1 vote off from the 2/3 majority override.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Completed

    Congress chartered two companies to build this railroad. Uinion Pacific started in Omaha Nebraska and had Irish laborers and Central Pacific started in Sacramento California and had chinese laborers. They met up in the middle.
  • Standard Oil Formed

    John D. Rockefeller had great success in the oil industry. His corporation was called Standard Oil. By 1822 Standard Oil had become a monopoly and owned 90% of the nations oil production.
  • 15th Ammendment

    The fifteenth amendment states that the right for citizens to vote should not be denied or limited. Not by colorm race, or previous condition of servitude.
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    The Gilded Age

    The writer Mark Twain referred to this time period as the GIlded Age. He said it was the gilded age because something that is gilded looks gold but only on the outside, he said that beneath the glitter it was just a time period pf political corruption and social unrest.
  • Carnegie forms his steel company

    In 1873 Andrew Carnegie began to form the Carnegie Steel Company, which later built the largest and most modern steel mill of its time near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Steel was later used for railroads, bridges, and skyscrapers.
  • First Telephone Call

    The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, the first call was by him to his assistant Thomas Watson saying, "Come here I need to see you."
  • Light Bulb Invented

    Thomas Edison invented the lightbulb and by 1890 generating stations are providing electric power all over the U.S. The lightbulb allows buisnesses to stay open longer and people to have modern appliances in their homes.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    In 1890 congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act which outlawed monopolies, trusts, and other forms of buisness that restricted trade. There was many loopholes in this law so people found their way around it.