Costa del sol beach

19th Century, (1800's) America

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    In 1803 Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Territory from France for $15,000,000 and more then doubled the size of the United States.
  • Lowell's First Cotton Mill

    The factory he opened used a series of machines. They were all housed in one building and they turned raw cotton into finished cloth.
  • Missouri Comprimise

    missouri would enter the union as a slave state and maine as a free state, saving the balance of power in the senate. they wanted equal balance of free and slave states.
  • Andrew Jacksons Election

    Andrew Jacksons Election
    Andrew Jackson first loses the election to John Quincy Adams even though Jackson had more votes. Both Jackson and Adams ran as democratic republicans. Because of them it caused the 2 seperate parties, democrats and republicans. In a later election Jackson won because he was seen as a people person.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    When the Gold was discovered on the Cherokee Land, the Indians were forced to move. When the Indians resisted moving off their land the Georgia Militia attacked their towns. The Cherokee sued the state and the Supreme court was on their side. Andrew Jackson(president at the time) took no consideration or action in enforcing the courts decision to leave the Cherokee alone. Most people supported Jacksons decision.
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    Trail of Tears (only need to know year)

    The Trail of Tears was the force migration of the Indians Cherokee tribe to leave their land and go to Oklahoma.
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    Mexican American War

    The American forces invaded New Mexico. They believed the Nueces River was a border between the 2. The Mexicans were trying to stop us from claiming the land we believed was ours. The Mexicans had a really weak government and also attacked US first on our own territory.
  • Comprimise of 1850

    The comprimise had something for everyone. It allowed california to enter the union as a free state, Divided the rest of the southwest into 2 territories(New Mexico & Utah) and opened both territories to slavery, and it ended the slave trade in washington dc but allowed the exsisting slave holders to keep their slaves.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    A novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe that talked about the cruelties of slavery through the story of a dignified slave named Uncle Tom. It talks about his experiences with 3 slaveholders, how 2 of them treated tom kindly and one of them abused him and beat him to death for not telling him where 2 escaped slaves were.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    allowed the people to choose over slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories. By 1854 the people had enough with the government deciding everything for them so they wanted the opportunity to decide, which meant they were granted popular sovereighty
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas refers to the time between 1854-58 when the Kansas territory was the site of much violence over whether the territory would be free or slave.
    One of the most publicized events that occurred in Bleeding Kansas was when on May 21, 1856 Border Ruffians ransacked Lawrence, Kansas which was known to be a staunch free-state area.
  • bessemer process patented

    bessemer recieves a US patent for his new way of a steel making process that revolutionizes the industry
  • Dred Scott Decison

    Slaves didnt have the right to bring a case to court or be free if their master or slaveholder moved to a state where there was no slaves. The supreme court decided that the Missouri Comprimise, which had to do with the Dred Scott Decision was unconstitiutional because it outlawed property in certain states. Meaning if slaves were considered property then it would be unconstitutional to tell some states that they couldnt have this property but then allow it in some states.
  • oil discovered in pennsylvania

    the oil was first drilled in titusville pennsylvania
  • John Browns Raid

    it was after the dred scott decision. john brown was angry that the government wasnt doing anything to help the slaves so he wanted to do something himself. He organized a raid at Harpers Ferry Virginia, where he and his army were going to keep all the guns and arm the slaves nearby so they can fight there owners.
  • Lincoln Elected

    Abraham was elected president with the smallest number of popular votes. When he was elected, because he was an abolitionsit the slave states feared he would immediately abolish slavery so this cause them to secede from the union.
  • The Civil War

    the civil war was between the union and the confederacy. a big cause of the war was abrahams election in 1860 and slavery.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    emancipation means to set free. this was the act of freeing slave in the confederate states. this gave the North a moral cause for winning the war but it was ignored by the confederacy. Lincoln had no power over the south anyways.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    the batle of gettysburg was the deadliest conflict of the civil war.
  • 13th ammendment

    the ammendment states that officially ablolishes slavery
  • Shermans March to the Sea

    it was conducted around georgia and sherman and his troops would burn farms and towns leaving 60 miles path of destruction.
  • Surrender at Appomattox Court House

    the place where robert e lee surrendered and the civil war came to an official end
  • Reconstruction

    The putting back together and fixing of our nation after the civil war.
  • LIncolns Assasination

    Lincoln was assasinated a little after his innauguration. He was assasinated while attending a play at fords theater in washington dc.
  • black codes

    laws intended to restrict freedom and opportunities of african americans
  • Johnsons Impeachment

    the house of representatives voted to impeached johnson for violating the tenure of office act.
  • 14th ammendment

    the 14th ammendment grants citizenships and confirms citizenships for freed slaves
  • transcontinental rialroad completed

    was a big step in techonolgy and
  • standard oil formed

    formed by john rockefeller
  • 15th amendment

    right of citizens to vote
  • carnegie forms his steel company

    carnegie organized his steel company and became a generous philanthropist
  • first telephone called

    Alexander graham bell invented the telephone
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    the gilded age

    the wealthy stage.
  • light bulb invented

    Thomas Edison invetned the lightbulb and it developed over time into something else
  • sherman antitrust act

    first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to approve of trusts =