War horse story timeline

  • Joey is auctioned

    Joey is auctioned
    Albert’s drunk father went to an auction and managed to get a horse. He brought the horse to his farm house, much to Albert’s delight and suprise.
  • Alberts father makes the bet

    Alberts father makes the bet
    After getting kicked by Joey in the stomach he makes a bet that in only one week Joey will be able to mow and plow the farm land. Albert trains Joey perfectly and in just the right amount of time.
  • Joey goes to war

    Joey goes to war
    Due to money issues in the farm, Albert’s father sells Joey to the English army.
  • Captain Nichols is killed

    Joey’s very first rider is unfortunately killed during one of the battles
  • Joey is assigned to Tropper Warren

    Following Captains Nichols’ death Joey is assigned to kind, but not such a good horseman, Tropper Warren
  • Joey, Topthorn and Trooper Warren are captured by the Germans

    During a battle the German army take Joey and Topthorn. The German Captain orders that the Horses should be used as ambulances for the dead and wounded soldiers
  • Emily

    A little girl called Emily and her grandfather are able to keep Topthorn and Joey in their stables during the time they aren’t working as amubulences. This is during the nights and very short periods of time
  • Emily illness/recovery

    Very new Christmas Emily gets ill, but luckily she gets better on Christmas Day
  • Joey and Topthorn go back to war

    As the war moves further away, Joey and Topthorn start working the land, but one day soldiers come to take the horses back to the battle field
  • War ends-the auction

    All the horses in the hospital are auctioned off. Albert doesn’t have enough money to get Joey, and is convinced that someone else’s will auction him, luckily Emily’s grandfather buys Joey to honor her memory. He says that he has seen and been told about how much Albert loves Joey, and that Emily would agree with him that Joey should be with Albert.
  • Joey and Albert reunite

    After Topthorns death Joey manages to escape, but somehow ends up in no mans land, were the English and German flip a coin to see who keeps him. The English win, and send Joey to the hospital to get himself back in shape. Here he is reunited with Albert.
  • Topthorn and Freidich die

    Topthorn get ill and passes away, and Freidich tried to escape but is killed by a bomb
  • Albert and Joey are back in Britain

    Albert and Joey return to Britain after so many years. They live with Alberts wife, who doesn’t like Joey very much