1960s montage


By MrHit
  • Atomic bomb

    Atomic bomb
    France tests its first atomic bomb in the Sahara desert.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    Civil rights worker shot and killed by KKK in Alabama.
  • u-2 spu plane

    u-2 spu plane
    Soviet Union shoot down U.S. U-2 spy plane.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous speech "I have a dream"

    Martin Luther King Jr. made his famous speech "I have a dream"
    n the speech he wanted to dissolved the solve the differences between black and white.
  • Kennedy vs Nixon

    Kennedy vs Nixon
    Both candadites concidered the 60s as an era of oppurtunity for both economic and technological advancement.
  • Firts Roman Catholic in office

    Firts Roman Catholic in office
    John F Kennedy was the first Roman Catholic President. He won by a slim margin of 100,000 votes.
  • Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    Mon Lisa is showed at The National Gallery in Washington, D.C.
  • John F. Keneddy was assassinated

    John F. Keneddy was assassinated
    President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,
  • HMAS Voyager sinks

     HMAS Voyager sinks
    82 sailors died from this incident in Melbourne.
  • Beatles Reach Australia

    Beatles Reach Australia
    When we arrived in Sydney it was pissing down with rain. We got off the plane and they put The Beatles on the back of a flat-back truck so the crowd could see them. They were carrying umbrellas and wearing the capes made in Hong Kong. The driver was doing one mile an hour, and John kept leaning over and saying, 'Faster, faster!' but he wouldn't go any faster. I was saying, 'Go faster - it's pouring down,' and he said, 'These kids have been waiting here for twenty-four hours to see these guys.'
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights
    Civil Rights Act of 1964 is approved.
  • Artificial birth

    Artificial birth
    Protestant Episcopal Church allowed the artificial birth.
  • Robert Menzies

    Robert Menzies
    Retire as Australia's longest-serving Prime Minister and is succeeded by Harold Holt.
  • Australian currency is changed to dollars and cents

    Australian currency is changed to dollars and cents
    Australian Currency is changed from Pounds, Shilling and penns into Dollars and Cents
  • Ronald Ryan

    Ronald Ryan
    Ronald Ryan becomes the last person legally executed in Australia.
  • Black Tuesday bushfires

    Black Tuesday bushfires
    This devasted large areas of Hobart and south-eastern Tasmania; 62 people were killed.
  • France

    French Somaliland votes to continue association with France.
  • Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt

    Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt
    Prime MInister Harold Holt disappeard while swimming at Cheviot Beach.
  • John Gorton

    John Gorton
    John Gorton replaces John McEwen as Prime Minister
  • Martin Luther King is assassinated

    Martin Luther King is assassinated
    Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Tax

    A bill adding a 10 percent surcharge to income taxes and reducing government spending is signed by President Johnson.
  • Shirley Chisholm

    Shirley Chisholm
    Shirley Chisholm was elected America's first black woman to Congress.
  • Apollo 11 landed on the moon

    Apollo 11 landed on the moon
    July 20, 1969, 4:18 p.m. Apollo 11 landed on the moon, astronauts aboard. Neil Armstrong's famous speech for the historical steps "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
  • Australian federal election

    Australian federal election
    1969 John Gorton reelected as Prime Minister.