Images (21)


  • Al Capone

    Al Capone
    Avericastest known gangster Al had a leading role in the illegal activities that lent Chicago its reputaion as a lowless city.
  • KKK (Ku Klux Klan)

    KKK (Ku Klux Klan)
    Founder Confederale Civil War veterans Caption John C. Lester, major James R. Cowe, John D. Kennedy Calvin Jones, Richard R. Reed, Frank O. MeCard founded:1866
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    High School science teacher accused of vidating Tennessee's Butler Act. Scopes was found quality, but the verdict was over turned on a techncality anclhe went free.
  • Sacco and Van zetti

    Sacco and Van zetti
    They killed two men during an armed robbery in 1920 in South Braintree, Masachusetts. On August 23,1927 Sacco and Vanzetti were excuted. They were Italian immigrants.
  • St. Valentines Day Massacre

    St. Valentines Day Massacre
    In Chicago seven men were found shot inside the S.M.C. Cartage Company garage. They were shot in the back. These seven men were gansters and boutleggers.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    It started on December 7, 1941. It was when Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 3,500 Americans were killed, 350 Aircrafts were destroyed, and all 8 battleships were skunked or damaged.
  • Dropping the Atomic Bomb

    Dropping the Atomic Bomb
    July 16, 1945. The US drops Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to shorten World War 2. Truman used a bomb they called little boy on Hiroshima, Japan. It killed 200,000 thousand people.
  • Israel Founded

    Israel Founded
    May 14, 1948, founded by founded by David Ben Gurion.
  • Rock and Roll

    Rock and Roll
    The first use of rock and roll was in 1951 by Alan freed. Rock and roll was a mix of between rhythm and blues, with electric guitars and a strong rhythm. It became popular during 1954-1963.
  • NASA

    The first Polio vaccine was developed and tested by Jonas Salk in 1952. To created the vaccine was for to stop the polio virus. You had to use a dose of dead poliovirus.
  • Color T.V.

    Color T.V.
    January 1, 1954 NBC first telecast the proto type of the first colored TV.
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks
    It was in December, 1955 Rosa Parks were in the time period the blacks had not much freedom. She was ask to move for a white on the bus and she refused and got arrested. Which led into the bus boycott which then ended 1956.
  • Berlin Wall

    Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was built in Germany on the 1960s. People kept on moving from West Germany to East Germany. East Germany was cheaper than the West side. When people would move to the East side the DDR would lose money. The Berlin Wall was going up on the 15th of August. This wall would keep the people from moving.
  • I have a dream

    I have a dream
    This speech was given by Martin Luther King on August 28,1963 in Washington at the Lincoln Memorial. He gave his speech to the massive “march on Washington for jobs and freedoms.
  • First Man to walk in space

    First Man to walk in space
    Alan Sheppard was launched into space aboard Mercury 3 on May 5, 1961 to become the first American in space. His spacecraft rose a height of 116 miles and traveled 303 miles. When the space man reached his location he floated 17.5 feet when he got out of the spacecraft.
  • Roe vs. Wade

    Roe vs. Wade
    The Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court case began because Norma McCorvey, who found out she was pregnant with her third child, didn’t want it, and went to get an abortion. At the time, abortion was illegal, so she came up with a fake name “Jane Roe” and she went to court going against Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade. After the court session Warren E. Burger decided the last vote, and abortions were legalized.
  • Abortion Legalized

    Abortion Legalized
    In 1978 Leslie Brown delivered the first successful test tube baby. Since 1966, Dr. Patrick Steptoe, a gynecologist at Oldham General Hospital, and Dr. Robert Edwards, a physiologist at Cambridge University, had been actively working on finding an alternative solution for conception for women with blocked Fallopian tubes. On November 10, 1977, Lesley Brown underwent the very experimental in glass fertilization procedure.
  • 3 mile Island

    3 mile Island
    The 3 mile island was a partial nuclear meltdown which occurred at the Three Mile Island power plant in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, United States on March 28, 1979. It was known as the worst incident in the U.S. commercial nuclear power plant.
  • Iron Hostages

    Iron Hostages
    November 4th, 1979 a mob of 300 to 500 “students” who call themselves “Imam’s Disciples,” went to the American Embassy in Teheran, Iran to hold hostage 66 U.S citizens Shortly after all the women and African Americans were let go a few days later, another citizen was released because he fell ill during the ordeal. That left 51 hostages left being imprisoned for 444 days.
  • Blacl Panther

    Blacl Panther
    This cat is a fictional creature in comic books by Marvel Comics Universe. This cat as the first black super hero in American Comics.
  • Assassination Attempt on Pope

    Assassination Attempt on Pope
    On Wednesday May 13, 1981 the first attempted assasination of John Paul II happened in St. Peter's Square at Vatican City. Mehmet Ali Ağca shot and wounded the pope as he was entering the square, leaving him in critical condition. The pope was struck four times, and he had suffered severe blood loss. Ağca was taken into custody immediately and later was sentenced to life in prison.
  • O.J. Simpson

    O.J. Simpson
    O.J Simpson murder trial- The O.J. Simpson trial of the trail of the century was a trial for the murder the formers basketballs stars ex- wife Nicole Brown- Simpson and his friend Ronald Goldman. His trial lasted 9 months to fight for his freedom, with the help of his lawyer Robert Kardashian. This case was an upraising of not just court rooms but everybody with a TV.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing

    Oklahoma City Bombing
    This teriost attack was agiast Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995. The bomb killed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6, and injured more than 680 people. The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 close by buildings. Within 90 minutes of the explosion the bomber was captured.
  • Dolly Sheep

    Dolly Sheep
    Dolly was a domestic sheep that had been cloned by an adult somatic cell, using the process of nuclear transfer. She had been cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and with help from Roslin Institute and the biotechnology company PPL Therapeutics in Scotland. She is the world’s most famous sheep and was born July 5, 1996 from three female sheep. One to provide the egg, another to provide the DNA, and another female to provide to carried the cloned embryo to when she was born.
  • Columbine

    Columbine is the high school shooting in Colorado on April 20, 1999. Two seniors Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, started a shooting spree in the school. Shooting killing 12 students and 1 teacher and 21 injured, and three further people being injured while attempting to escape the school. The two senior boys then committed suicide after. This is the most deadly school massacre in history.
  • Hale Bopp comet

    Hale Bopp comet
    This comet was the most observed comet of the 20th century because it is one of the brightest comets of the centuries. This beautiful comet was found in 1995 by two independent observers, Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp. The next morning of the comets founding’s it was confirmed it was a new comet.
  • 9/11

    The September 11th attacks against America were a series o f four attacks in 2001. The areas aimed for attack was Washington D.C and New York City. In the morning of American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, into the Twin Towers and brought them to the ground within two hours of the towers getting hit by the flights. The other hijackers also potentially crashed American Airlines Flight 77 into the Pentagon in Virginia. United Airlines Flight 93, into a target in Washington, D
  • Facebook

    This social networking website was put into action in February 2004. As of May of this year there are over 900 million users on the social network and over half of them are using their cell phones. This is a multi pursuable uses for Facebook. It can help business get customers, There are games like Farmville, Cityville, and so many more, you can connect with people from high school or college. You can share pictures and Music.
  • Katrina

    This is category 5 hurricane that hit the Atlantic coast in 2005. It was the most deadly and most destructive hurricane. It had hit Louisiana the hardest especially in the city of New Orleans. At least 1,836 people died in the actual hurricane. There is $81 billion dollars in damage fees from the hurricane.
  • I-Phone

    A line of smart phones that can do virtually everything. From playing games, to texting, to face timing, to going on the internet, to business meetings and is used like a computer that can fit in your hand. This smart phone was released in 2007 and more people are buying them every single day and with new I-phones coming out which are called generations.
  • Plane in Hudson

    Plane in Hudson
    US Airways Flight 1549 was a flight from New York’s LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte , North Carolina’s Charlotte/Douglas International Airport. The flight had taken off January 15, 2009. They had taken off only six minutes after a flock of birds had hit the plane. Then successfully landed the flight into the Hudson River, Everyone had survived the Captions heroic actions all the crew members all 150 passenger and only walked out of the river with 2 serious injuries and 3 minor ones.