
  • The First Women to Drive A Cross-Country

    Alica Huyler Ramsey was a 22 year old who drove across country in a Maxwell automobile.
  • China ends slavery

    China overrules slavery and abolishes it completely.
  • Mona Lisa gets stolen

    fThe Mona Lisa was stolen rom the Louvre. The theif was Vincenzo Perugia.
  • Titanic sank

    The Titanic ship was on its way to New York City, when an iceberg hit the side of the ship and caused it to flood with water and sink.
  • Mona Lisa is recovered

    The Mona Lisa was stolen for over two years until police searched Vincenzo Peruggia’ s hotel room and found the famous painting.
  • France declared war on Germany

    A German submarine shot a British ship that Germany believed was armed.
  • The Battle of Gallipoli begins

    The Battle of Gallipoli was the bloodiest battle of world war 1 and was fought between Germany, and Russia along with France.
  • Battle of Verdun started

    The Battle of Verdun was fought between Germany and France armies.
  • The USA declares war on Germany

    The United States of America’s president, Woodrow Wilson, asked Congress to declare war on Germany on April 2nd, and the Congress allowed it on April 6th.
  • Sunday baseball is legal in Washington

    Sunday baseball is legal and many people gathered in their city fields just to play a game or two.
  • 18th Admendment is ratified

    For medical and religious purposes, the Congress ratified the 18th amendment to disallow drinking and alcohols.
  • Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti robbery

    These two robbed a paymaster and killed a security guard, then were executed.
  • Adolf Hitler is the head of the Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler became the head of the Nazi Party because in Germany he was such a great speaker, and caused many people to believe and listen to him.
  • Danbury, Wisconsin reached its state record of -54 degrees.

    Wisconsin has reached the coldest temperature ever at -54 degrees on January 24th.
  • Harry Houdini escapes straight jacket while dangling 40 feet in the air

    In NYC Harry Houdini escapes a straight Jacket 40 feet above the ground on June 12th.