
By iosu
  • Civil Codes

    Civil Codes
    The BGB or Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (Civil law code) served as a template for the regulations of several other civil law jurisdictions, including Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, the Republic of China, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, People's Republic of China, Greece and Ukraine.
  • Arms Race

    Arms Race
    Between Germany and Britain.Germany built 40 battleships and cruisers, in order to have a bigger navy and become a major world power.
  • Conservatives are Re-elected

    Conservatives are Re-elected
    The Conservatives, benefiting from British success in the Boer War, and from splits in the Liberal Party, were returned to power. Lord Salisbury remained as prime minister and became the last premier to sit in the House of Lords.
  • Treaty of Vereeniging

    Treaty of Vereeniging
    The treaty of Vereeniging confirmed British victory over the Boer republics after three years of war, and laid the foundations for the Union of South Africa. Notably, it still ignored the rights of the black population. The cost and conduct of the war prompted concerns that Britain was no longer fit for its imperial role.
  • Entente Cordiale' is signed between Britain and France

    Entente Cordiale' is signed between Britain and France
    This agreement reconciled British and French imperial interests, particularly in Africa, but also marked the end of centuries of intermittent conflict and paved the way for future diplomatic and military cooperation. The two countries were united in their suspicion of Germany's ambitions. Germany, in turn, hoped to persuade Britain to abandon the alliance.
  • Schilieffen Plan

    Schilieffen Plan
    General Staff devises the Schlieffen Plan to win a future war against France by a quick sweep around Paris through Belgium before the Russians were ready, the turn back to fight the Russian Army. It took 9 years to devise this plan. It didn't work because Belgium refused, Britain declared war on Germany and Russia was ready for war more quickly than the Germans expected.Sch
  • Royal Navy launches the first 'Dreadnought' class battleship

    Royal Navy launches the first 'Dreadnought' class battleship
    HMS 'Dreadnought', the first of a new class of 'all big-gun' battleships, was launched at Portsmouth. It was by far the most powerful battleship afloat, and raised the stakes in the Anglo-German naval arms race.
  • Russia join to the Entente cordiale

    Russia join to the Entente cordiale
    The two countries agreed spheres of influence in Asia, so freeing Britain from its worries about a Russian invasion of India. But an agreement to resolve imperial disputes took on the appearance of a European pact. The 'Triple Alliance' of Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary (also known as the 'Central Powers') was faced by a 'Triple Entente' of Britain, France and Russia (also known as the 'Entente Powers').
  • The agadir crisis

    The agadir crisis
    also called the Second Moroccan Crisis, or the Panthersprung. It was the international tension sparked by French troops in the interior of Morocco. France thus broke both with the Act of Algeciras (that ended the first Moroccan crisis) and the Franco-German Accord of 1909. Germany reacted by sending the gunboat Panther to the Moroccan port of Agadir.
  • Road to war.

    Road to war.
    On 1914 Austria declared war on Serbia after the death of Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife in Saravejo hands of a Serbian nationalist student The Triple Entente: France, United Kingdom and Rusia.The Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.
  • Germany declares war on Russia

    Germany declares war on Russia
    Germany, an ally of Austria-Hungary, declares war on Russia and demands the neutrality of Russia's ally France; France refuses and mobilises.
  • Germany declares war in France.

    Germany declares war in France.
    Germany declares war on France; Britain sends ultimatum to Germany to respect Belgian neutrality.
  • Britain declares war on Germany

    Britain declares war on Germany
    No satisfactory response is received from Germany. Britain declares war.Germany invades Belgium this day too.
  • Battle of Mons

    Battle of Mons
    A British Expeditionary Force (BEF) of over 100,000 men was sent to repel the German invasion of France. It retreated after an initial engagement close to the Belgian border at Mons, then took part in a successful counter-attack on the river Marne in early September. This resistance by the BEF, Belgian and French forces frustrated Germany's 'Schlieffen Plan' for quickly neutralising France. Already fighting Russia, Germany now faced a trench-based war of attrition on two fronts.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    was one of the major battles during the First World War on the Western Front. It was fought between the German and French armies.It ended with a French tactical victory since, by December 1916, they had recaptured most of the lost ground including the centerpiece of Verdun's defensive system: Fort Douaumont.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    It took place during the First World War between 1 July and 18 November 1916 on either side of the river Somme in France. The battle saw the British Expeditionary Force and the French Army mount a joint offensive against the German Army, which had occupied a large part of the north of France since its invasion of the country in August 1914. The forces involved had suffered more than 1 million casualties, making it one of the bloodiest military operations ever recorded.
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The first in February involved the overthrow of Tsar overthrow of the Russian monarchy and the establishment of a bourgeois democratic republic represented by a government Provisional.Octubre process by which overthrew the provisional government by bolcheviks and born the world's first socialist state .
  • Treaty of Brest-litovsk

    Treaty of Brest-litovsk
    Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, 1918 was a peace treaty between the empires firmdo Bulgaria, Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Soviet Russia. Where Russia renounces Finland, Poland, Estonia, Livonia, Courland, Lithuania, Ukraine and Bessarabia and left hands of empires and other territories are central to the Ottoman Empire.
  • End of the First World War

    End of the First World War
    By September 1918, Germany was exhausted and saw no prospect of victory. The Allies' terms became progressively harsher as they pressed their advantage on the Western Front, both to ensure the removal of Kaiser Wilhelm II as head of state and to guard against the future renewal of hostilities by Germany. Despite onerous terms, Germany eventually capitulated and signed an armistice that brought the fighting on the Western Front to a halt at 11am on 11 November 1918.
  • Republic of Weimar

    Republic of Weimar
    It was the political regime and, by extension, the historical period that took place in Germany after its defeat at the end of the First World War and lasted between 1919 and 1933.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    Signing of the peace treaty in the castle of mirrors at Versailles between the Allies and Germany where Germany is considered as solely responsible for the war, was punished with the loss of land and colonial Europeans, demilitarized and forced to pay large indemnisaciones, this treaty would create great discomfort in the German town that would result after the second world war.
  • Treaty of Rapallo

    Treaty of Rapallo
    was an agreement signed at the Hotel Imperiale in the Italian town of Rapallo on 16 April, 1922 between Germany and Russia under which each renounced all territorial and financial claims against the other following the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and World War I.
  • Dawes paln

    Dawes paln
    A plan to ensure payments of reparations by Germany after World War I, devised by an international committee headed by Charles Gates Dawes and put into effect in 1924.
  • Russian civil war 1918-1920

    Russian civil war 1918-1920
    Russian Civil War between the newly formed communist government of the Soviet Union and anti-revolutionary forces backed by Western countries, ending in 1922 with the victory of the Bolsheviks and led to the founding of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • The URSS

    The URSS
    The True Story of the Soviet Union: Formed in the wake of the Bolshevik Revolution led by Lenin in 1917, who had control of the government sovietico.La USSR began with Russia and three republics: Belarus, Ukraine and the Republic Transcaucasian.Three organs formed the Soviet state :: State of the Soviets. 2. Central Committee. 3. Council of People's Commissars. Lenin died in 1924 and his replacement by Stalin. the USSR dissolved in 1991 with the withdrawal of Russia and two more participants.
  • SS is formed

    SS is formed
    It was formed as a personal force for Hitler and leading Nazis
  • League of Nations (Germany Joins)

    League of Nations (Germany Joins)
    It was created by the Paris Peace Conference in April, 1919. In 1926, Germany joined the League demonstrating its move out of economic depression and toward normal diplomatic status. Gustav Stresemann made the first speech by a German representative as Germany became a member of the League. Germany’s admission was a victory for Stresemann and the Republic, and a step on the road to overcoming defeat in World War I, and becoming once again a respected member of the world community.
  • Crash of 29

    Crash of 29
    The Wall Street Crash of 1929, also known as Black Tuesday and the Stock Market Crash of 1929, began on October 29, 1929 and was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, when taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout. The crash signaled the beginning of the 10-year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries and did not end in the United States until the onset of American mobilization for World War I
  • Hitler

    Adolf Hitler On 30 January 1933, after months of negotiations, the German President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor of Germany in a government seemingly dominated by conservatives.
  • Night of the long Knives

    Night of the long Knives
    The Nazi regimen carried out political murders. Hitler used the purge to attack or eliminate critics of his regime, especially against those who were loyal to Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, and to avenge his enemies. At least 85 people died that night.
  • Re-Armament

    The German rearmament was when Hitler 'rearmed' his men, and made 30,000 troops, and built some warships, and several thousand guns. The British did nothing to stop this, and the French would not act without the British.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    Military forces supported by the church defended their country from anarchy and revolution, against the popular front in that year had won the election
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich Conference between Britain's Neville Chamberlain, Germany's Adolf Hitler, Italy's Benito Mussolini and Edouard Daladier of France agreed that the Czechoslovakian territory of the Sudetenland and its three million ethnic Germans should be joined with Germany. Chamberlain returned to Britain claiming he had achieved 'peace in our time'. In fact, it would come to be a clear demonstration that appeasement did not work, as by March 1939 Hitler had seized the rest of Czechoslovakia.
  • End of the Spanish civil war

    End of the Spanish civil war
    Franco's troops conquered Catalonia in a whirlwind campaign during the first two months of 1939. Tarragona fell on 15 January, followed by Barcelona on 26 January and Gerona on 2 February. On 27 February, the United Kingdom and France recognized the Franco regime
  • Second world war

    Second world war
    Germany unleashed a second war with the invasion of Poland. there were two blocks: Axis Germany, Japan and Italy. The Alliance: France, Britain, Soviet Union and later joins USA.
  • Britain declares war on germany

    Britain declares war on germany
    On 1 September, German forces invaded Poland. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain still hoped to avoid declaring war on Germany, but a threatened revolt in the cabinet and strong public feeling that Hitler should be confronted forced him to honour the Anglo-Polish Treaty. Britain was at war with Germany for the second time in 25 years.