
  • Harley Davidson company was created

    Harley Davidson company was created
    This business being created helped create jobs (date is not right, couldn't find exact date)
  • Ford Motor Company formed

    Ford Motor Company formed
    Jobs were created - unemployment rate decreased
  • Big Stick Diplomacy

    Big Stick Diplomacy
    Keeping foreigners out of the western himosphere, mainly Norht America
  • The Wright Brothers make first powered flight in the Wright Flyer

    The Wright Brothers make first powered flight in the Wright Flyer
    New industry which leads to new jobs and the beginning of a change in transportation
  • Pure Food & Drug Act

    Pure Food & Drug Act
    This raised consumer spending and also effected businesses because if their food did not meet certain requirements they would be hel;d accountable (date is not correct, could not find exact date)
  • Ford Motel T appears on market

    Ford Motel T appears on market
    this created jobs, which decreased unemployment

    foundation of civil rights movements (date is not right)
  • *Supreme Court breaks up standard oil

    *Supreme Court breaks up standard oil
    Made monopolies illegal
  • Titanic sinks

    Titanic sinks
  • *16th amendment adopted

    *16th amendment adopted
    gives money to the government, people decrease in spending. (taxes)
  • Henry Ford develops modern assembly line

    Henry Ford develops modern assembly line
    this created jobs