19 Century America

By jacobg
  • Louisiana Purchase

    America bought everything frowm the east of the mississippi river to the Rookie Mountains
  • Misssouri Compromise

    Allowed Missouri into the union and set a line at 36 30 which made north free and south slaves
  • Andrew Jackson elected

    He was elected during the election of 1824.
  • Indian Removal Act

    When Andrew Jackson forced indian out of there territory to the area now know as Oklahoma
  • Trail of Tears

    The removal of the cherokee nation to the indian reserveation 1838-1839
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    Mexican American War

    This was a war between the Mexican and American which they fought over the texas teriitory
  • COmpromise of 1850

    This aloowed califronia. This was the start of popualr soveringhty in the west with utah and new mexico
  • Uncle Tom Cabin

    A novel by Harriet Bleecherest Stone that told the life of slaves
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    A law passed by cngress that establish Kansas and Nebraska as territorires with popular soveringhty
  • Bleeding Kansas

    This was a name for the voilents that happen in Kansas since a bunch of people went to Kansas to make the state either slave or free state
  • Lincoln's Assasination

    This was the day that Mr. Lincoln was asssisinated. there was great depression throw out the country. Andrew Johnson became president.
  • Dred Scott Decision

    A case that Dred scott wanted to be a free elf and said that his owner moved to a free state so he thought
  • John Brown Raids

    In 1857 john brown lead a bunch of slaves to steal a aresenal
  • Bessner process of patents

    this was a quicker easier way to patent things by Henry Bessemer
  • Oil Found in Pennsyvania

    Tihs was whe noil was first found in Pennsyvania
  • Lincoln Elected

    This was part of the electio nof 1860 and Abraham Lincoln was elected president
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    Civil War

    The war between the south and the north over the right that slave should be free or slave
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    Transcontinetal Railroad

    This was a railroad that went across the UNited States
  • Sharmen's March to Sea

    A march from Atlanta to Savanah and doing a total war assaukt on everything in sight
  • Emanicipation Proclamation

    freed the slaves from the confederate states
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    Battle of Getteysburg

    One of many battles during the civil war this took plac e in Gettysburg, Pennsyvania. This battle had the worst casualties
  • 13th Amendment

    This amendment abolish slavery in the states
  • Loncolns Assissination

    The day Abraham Lincln was assisinated, there was alot of depression in the states. Andrew Johnson became President
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    The era in the United State that the American people were repairing the United States
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    Black Code

    this was laws passed by Andrew Johnson that punished the blacks
  • 14th Amendment

    This gave citizen equal rights. thiswas made because the black weren't being treated equaly
  • Johnson's Impeachment

    This was when president johnson was being impeachment Impeachment is when a president is being acused of doing something that will make him lose his position
  • 15th Amendment

    This gave citxen basci civil rights
  • Standard oil company made

    the company by John D Rocketfeller was made. This company would make a monoply and become one of the great oil company of the decade
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    Carnegie Steel Company

    This was the period of time that Mr. Carnegie was the leader of the steel industry
  • first elephoen call

    this was the first time that a telephone was used
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    The Gilded Age

    This was the age thst everything was not as good as they seemed
  • Light Bulb Invented

    this was ivented by thomas edison this brought light to the world
  • Sherman Anti Trust Act

    This was a law that made trust banded