1870-1879 Decade Project

By salkj
  • Donkey 1st Used as Symbol for Democrats

    Donkey 1st Used as Symbol for Democrats
    Andrew Jackson was the first president to be associated with this symbol. His opponents during the election of 1828 tried to label him a "jackass" for his populist beliefs and slogan, "Let the people rule." He thought this was funny and used it in his campaign's posters.
  • Enforcement Act is Passed

    Enforcement Act is Passed
    Congress enacts the "Ku Klux Klan Act of 1870" to stop southern white resistance to the power African Americans have gained during Reconstruction. At this point, the 15th Amendment had just been passed. The Ku Klux Klan was a white supremecy group who bullied and threatened African Americans.
  • Yellowstone becomes 1st National Park

    Yellowstone becomes 1st National Park
    Newly elected Ulysses Grant designated Yellowstone as a national park to be perserved for the "benefit and enjoyment of the people." Today over 3 million people visit this park every year.
  • Blue Jeans invented

     Blue Jeans invented
    Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis receive a US patent for blue jeans with copper rivets. The price was $13.50 per dozen. The reason they had copper rivets was because the ones they had on before would ruin the children's desks.
  • 1st Public Zoo in the US

    1st Public Zoo in the US
    The zoo opened in Philadelphia. It started with 1,000 animals and admission was only 25 cents. It sits on 42 acres of land and has about 1,500 animals in it today including snow leopards, elephants,and Red Pandas.
  • The Civil Rights Act was Introduced

    The Civil Rights Act was Introduced
    It was introduced to Congress by Charles Sumner and Benjamin Butler in 1870 but did not pass until 5 years later. It promised that all persons, regardless of race, color, or previous condition, was entitled to full and equal employment of accommodation and places of entertainment. In 1883 the Supreme Court declared the act as unconstitutional and asserted that Congress did not have the power to regulate what people did.
  • Custer's Last Stand

    Custer's Last Stand
    Ignoring warnings of a massed Sioux army of 2,000-4,000 men, Custer and 250 soldiers attack the forces of Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse at the Little Big Horn. Custer and all but 5 of his men die in the attack. Sitting Bull escapes to Canada, returning to the United States in 1881 as a participant in wild west shows.
  • Railroad workers go on strike

    Railroad workers go on strike
    Workerswent on strike about their low salary earlier this year in February. On this day the railroad came to a stand still. A week later, workers still on strike got into it with members of the Army. This left 9 railroad workers dead, and the strike was off. Two days later the first municipal railroad in CIncinatti began operations.
  • African Americans Migrate to Kansas

    African Americans Migrate to Kansas
    Between 7,000 and 15,000 African Americans move to Kansas after hearing a rumor that the state set apart a settlement for blacks. They are called "exodusters" after their exodus into the dusty lands of Kansas
  • Edison with Lightbulb in Progress

    Edison with Lightbulb in Progress
    Although he has not yet perfected the incandescent light bulb, Edison establishes Edison Electric Light Company in New York City. This invention would save people from having to use gas lights.