World map 1820


  • Period: to


  • James Monroe 1817-1825

    James Monroe 1817-1825
    James Monroe was the fifth president of the United States of America (1817-1825).
    He helped make the Constitution
    He acquired Florida from Spain
    -Adams-Onis Tready of 1819
    Resolved border disputes with Britain from The War of 1812
  • Spain sells part of Florida to US for $5 million

    Spain sells part of Florida to US for $5 million
    Spain was in great needs of funds after the war of 1812. The Adams-Onís Treaty solved two problems. Citizens of Georgia wanted the United States to purchase eastern Florida from Spain because Seminole natives raided the state often and then retreated to the Spanish lands. Spain wanted to establish the boundary between Mexico and new American land before too many American settlers moved into the area. John Q. Adams, secretary of state at the time negotiated the treaty with Luís de Onís of Spain.
  • The Invention of Portland Cement

    The Invention of Portland Cement
    Oct. 9 1824-
    The Roman Empire used concrete extensively, but the 'secret' was lost for many centuries. The composition was very similar to modern Portland cement: limestone, volcanic deposits, and water, mixed with an aggregate (like sand). It was looked for extensively because look at all the building the made that are still standing today, including the Pantheon in Rome. Portland cement was made to replace this mixture and was designed to be easier to make and use.
  • Invention of Braille

    Invention of Braille
    1825- Braille printing invented by Louis Braille
    At age three an accident deprived him of his sight, he desperately wanted to read. Braille is a system of raised dots that is read with the fingers, it has always been on paper. The system was invented by Louis Braille of France, to help the blind read. The Braille Institute was founded in 1919 as the Universal Braille Press to provide services to the blind, which now includes production of more than 5 million Braille pages yearly.
  • John Quincy Adams 1825-1829

    John Quincy Adams 1825-1829
    John Quincy Adams was the 6th president of the United States of America and was the first president to be chosen by the House of Representives after there was no winner in electoral college.
  • October 26, 1825 The Erie Canal

    October 26, 1825 The Erie Canal
    October 26, 1825 –The first boat left Buffalo New York on the Erie Canal, starting the use of what allowed New York City to become a chief Atlantic Ocean port. This allowed them to be one of the largest cities in the world as they continue to be today. Without the Erie Canal there would might not be a New York Yankee’s baseball team or a Empire State building. Without the Erie Canal the Statue of Liberty might be somewhere else or nowhere at all.
  • Asian Tea comes to Europe

    Asian Tea comes to Europe
    1825-Tea from China introduced in Europe
    Until tea got to Europe from Asia, Europeans drank beer and alcoholic drinks. There is some good economic history research out there that shows the switch from beer to tea in the late 18th century. In the UK the simple reason that workers had something safe to drink that wasn’t alcoholic. There are brewed drinks made from grains in Asia. But since tea is the primary beverage, these drinks are fermented to higher alcohol content.
  • First US Railroad

    First US Railroad
    February 28, 1827-The construction of the first US railroad
    was finished in the 1820’s but did not open until 1830. This railroad enabled the eastern people to travel to the west. During this time the gold rush in California started in the 1850’s, but really started to thrive in the 1860’s. This was the main reason that they opened up the railroads. Also this helped with the problem of all the immigrants coming to the US because they had to make room for a rising population.
  • Andrew Jackson President from 1829 to 1837

    Andrew Jackson President from 1829 to 1837
    While Jackson was president the US debt was completely absolved. This was the only time in history for this to happen in America.