1800-1876 timeline

  • Alien and Sedition Acts Expire

    The Alien and Sedition Acts were not successful in suppressing the withholding of opinions on government, and helped the American people decide what they did want to see from their government. These acts however expired at the start of the 19th century.
  • Election of 1800

    President at the time, John Adams, came to be greatly disliked by the American people. In the presidential election of 1800, it came down between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, both Republicans. In the end and on the final ballot, Thomas Jefferson was named president.
  • Atlantic SlaveTrade is Outlawed

    The Atlantic Slave Trade is outlawed in 1808 for several reasons. These included Britain being in the middle of outlawing the practice of slavery in their own country, and thus the United States felt the need to do the same. Another reason was the thought of slaves rising up and uniting over the Americans, as they often outnumbered them.
  • First Railroad in America is Built

    The first railroad of many to come was built in the United States in 1830 at only 13 miles long. Construction began on July 4, 1828 at Baltimore Harbor.
  • Disestablishment is Finalized

    Massachusetts becomes the final state to stop supporting a specific religious denomination. This process is called disestablishment and was the result of the separation of church and state of the 13 state over the course of several decades.
  • Millard Flimore Sworn in as President

    After US President Zachary Taylor's death on July 9, 1850, Millard Filmore took over his role. Today he is one of 8 presidents to have died in office, and one of four to die of natural causes.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act becomes final in 1854 and thus allows the issue of slavery to be decided by settlers and their opinions on the practice.
  • Abraham Lincoln is Elected as 16th President

    Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th US president in 1861 and served until 1865 when he was assassinated.
  • 15th Amendment Ratified

    The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution, giving African Americans the right to vote, is ratified. This was a milestone in the world of voting rights based on race.
  • Native Americans Reservation Order Date

    This was the date on which all Natives and Native tribes were ordered to move onto reservations by the United States government, however this date would later be changed.