George Washington
1st president of USA -
Second Great Awakening
It is a religious revival reform in North America, and this awakening was taking in hands by people. -
The crazy cult which was for gender equality, but they looked like creepers who shook a lot. -
Creating heaven on Earth, but ended up making money for leaders or person in the lead of this. -
Manifest Destiny
It was a belief that Americans are destined to expand further west. And it longed since Thomas Jefferson -
Temperance Movement
It was a movement against alcohol beverages. -
Thomas Jefferson
The third president of the USA -
Embargo Act
Law by Thomas Jefferson that prohibited American ships from trading in all foreign ports -
James Madison
The fourth president of the US, he reduced government size and power -
An Indian which was on British site in the War of 1812 -
War of 1812
A war between British Canadians and Americans -
Battle of Detroit
Also known as the Surrender of Detroit, where British with Indians won -
The Era of Good Feelings
A period after the war, where people gain good feeling from the victory. -
Pride of your area or territory, which is like South, North, etc. -
Francis Scott Key
A composer of the national anthem of USA -
Treaty of Ghent
A treaty where the British signed a peace and had to give back to Americans, and a beginning of boundaries between the US and Canada -
Battle of New Orleans
A battle was British were defeated, and where many Americans thought they won because of it. -
Pride of your country, it united all part of USA -
Rush - Bagot Treaty
Officially defining the border to Canada -
Adams - Onis Treaty
A treaty taking Florida from Spanish -
Missouri Compromise of 1820
A law which admitted Missouri as slave state, and Maine as a free state -
A believer that you have to go to the world to discover and learn. Supporters were Ralph Emerson and Henry Thoreau. -
Monroe Doctrine
It was an agreement, 1 - no wars with Europe matters, 2 - spared with any issues with European colonies, 3 - countries in western Hemisphere could not be turned in to new colonies -
Andrew Jackson
Seventh president of the US, new political party (Democrats) -
Indian Removal Act
Andrew Jackson dealt with native tribes -
Trail of Tears
A walk from natives’ territories. 4,000 natives died -
Education Reform
A reform which developed the education system, a first public high school in Boston and students doubled. -
Opposition of immigration -
Keep economic power out of the emigration hands -
Abolition Movement
It was an anti-slavery movement. -
Nat Turner
He led a revolt against its owners/masters. They killed a lot of white people. The revolt was unsuccessful and it made slaves work in even worse conditions. -
William Lloyd Garrison
He published abolitionist papers, and he was in American anti-slavery society. -
Horace Mann
Started Education reform, he wanted free education and that teachers should be trained. -
Worcester vs Georgia
A supreme court case, where non--natives were forbidden at native territories. -
Ralph Waldo Emerson
He was an American poet, essayist and lecturer. He is one of those who supported the Transcendentalism. -
Frederick Douglass
An escaped slave who was very intelligent influential at the north. -
Prison Reforms
The reform which wanted end inhuman treatment with prisoners. -
Dorothea Dix
Stood besides prison reforms, she wanted to separate prisons by crimes and also a place where mentally ill would get take care of. -
Cult of Domesticity
It was an idea that supported the idea of femininity and the importance of a woman’s role in society. -
Oregon Trail
2,000 miles rail route which took settlers west in great numbers -
Donner Party
It was a group of Americans who migrated to California. -
Early Women's rights movement
Women wanted to be considered as US citizens, allowed to vote, financial freedom and equality to men. -
Gold Rush
The discovery of gold in California caused a massive migration to California. -
Harriet Tubman
She successfully escaped via Underground Railroad. -
Elizabeth Stanton Cady
She stood for human rights, she hoped to get the same rights as men -
Seneca Falls Convention
A convention about women rights, where also many women and men were involved. -
Catharine Beecher
She publicly supported women’s education. -
Underground Railroad
Informal escape network among anti-slavery, abolitionist and free blacks to save slaves. -
Mary Lyon
Started first official women college -
Henry David Thoreau
He was an American naturalist, essays writer. He also supported the Transcednetailsm